Chapter 1232: I came for you

The Royal City of Western Empire... It was a vast city that was so big that it could be compared to a small kingdom in size. 

In the Western Empire, this place was known to be the most advanced. It was said that a person could find any item in the world that wasn't available in any other part of the Empire. 

That's why people came here to buy items that they couldn't find in any other place. Even people from some other Empires came here to shop.

The Royal City was also known to be the Power Center of the Western Empire. The strongest clans in the Western Empire were situated here. Moreover, there were also a lot of powerful cultivators that resided here. 

Moreover, the highest grade artificer of the Immortal World was also living there. 

The Sun was shining brightly above the Royal City of the Western Empire when a person stepped foot in the Royal City. 

The dark-haired man was followed by a Small Snake-like creature that was flying beside him.