Chapter 1233: Test

"There are five tests. I'm sure you can finish them if you give it your all. The first test will be the test of knowledge. You'll be asked some questions about the Empire. Each person will be asked some questions that were in the historical books of the Empire! So if you read them, you should be able to answer," the Second Prince said. 

"Mi Gu, you start the test," the Second Prince asked his subordinate to start the trial since he wasn't personally going to do it. 

Even though the Second Prince kept a smile on his face, inside, he was frustrated. 

' Was it really necessary for us to be here to waste time like this? Our subordinates could've easily handled it alone, but father just doesn't understand. Just for this sham, we were forced here,' he thought, upset. 

Despite being so upset on the inside, he didn't let it show on his face.  He needed to maintain the kind and generous image of the Royal Family.