Chapter 1234: Small Inconvenience

There was also another question in her head. Why was Long Chen able to answer correctly? Didn't he say he lived in the mountains and didn't explore outside? Was it that he had the books in the mountains too? His education was really so good?

There were many questions in her head, and she wanted to ask him directly. But she didn't interfere. She wanted to see what Long Chen was trying to do. 

"Alright. That's good. The first two rounds are over. Depending on the performance in such rounds, we will select fifty from you who will go ahead to the next rounds. Mi Gu, tell the names of selected ones," the Second Prince told his subordinate, who was basically handling everything. 

The Prince and the Princess were here only for the show.

Mi Gu arrangements and the scores of everyone before he started giving names of the fifty that were selected.

Once again, Long Chen's name was first when it came to this.