Chapter 1431

Long Chen passed through the main hall, reaching the next hall, which looked identical to the first hall as well; the only difference was that there weren't any strange symbols on it. 

Instead, the wall on the left and on the right seemed to be filled with carvings. 

Long Chen and the others weren't here alone either. The other Godly Beast Heirs were here as well, observing the carvings. 

On the left wall, a Phoenix-like creature could be seen, sitting near the feet of a young man. The young man had his hand on the head of the Rainbow Phoenix's head as if he was patting the guy. 

"This must be the Ancient Rainbow Phoenix," Bai Gu commented. "Fascinating."

"The Ancient Phoenix is sitting on the feet of a man? Why?" Yui Ling's voice filled the silent hall. 

"They aren't humans," Zhu Chang said, touching the wall. "They must be the creators. Next, like the Ancient Phoenix are our creators, they are the creators of the entire universe."