Chapter 1432

Long Chen tried touching the water with his finger. His finger looked perfectly fine. The water wasn't dangerous. There also appeared to be nothing odd about it.

He nodded. Holding the hands of Xun, he took a step inside the room as well. 

He started flying behind Bai Gu. 

As he swam through the water, he did hold his breath. He also felt something happening to his body because of the water, but it wasn't something bad. 

On the contrary, he felt like his body's impurities were being absorbed by the water, making him stronger. Xun also felt the same.

Before long, he reached the exit of the room and left it. 

Right behind him, Zhu Chang stepped out, landing on the ground. 

"Well, that was a pleasant surprise. I feel refreshed after swimming through it. I would certainly love to do it for longer on our way back," Bai Gu said.