Chapter 1557: Life belongs to...

Long Chen took a deep breath, preparing himself for what lay beyond the door.

He placed his hand on the door and pushed it. Unfortunately, the door didn't move even a single inch, as if it was sealed.

"Let me handle it." In that moment, the Demon Ancestor became the leading personality. As his fingers remained on the door, strange patterns appeared all around the door.

Following the appearance of such strange patterns, the golden shine on the door slowly became darker, as if the divine energy of the door was getting corrupted. Before long, the Majestic Door had completely darkened, becoming pitch black like the darkest of night.

As all the holy energy of the door was corrupted, the seal also completely broke.

With the seal gone, he pushed the door open slowly, revealing a beautiful garden on the other side. The garden was filled with rare flowers and ancient herbs that were millions of years old.