Chapter 1558: A plan

"Who are you calling an old ghost?" the Demonic Ancestor scoffed at Long Chen, understanding clearly who it was targeted towards.

Long Chen didn't answer. Both of them knew who he was talking about, so there was no need to explain. Instead, he was more concerned about the situation.

All the God Beasts were here. Even the Ancestral Beast, Rainbow Phoenix was here. As if that wasn't enough, they were in the Enemy Territory with the Heavenly Emperor, and they had come all alone.

While coming here, they hadn't even told the Demonic Emperor that they were coming here. At the moment, no one knew that they were supposed to be here, yet somehow all their enemies were here.

"How did you know I was going to come here?" Long Chen asked, not particularly directing his question to a single person. Instead, he asked everyone.

Unfortunately, no one answered the question. Seeing their silence, Long Chen understood that they weren't going to answer him.