The Horned Fairy

Eun Ha slipped into the service area, passing by the kitchen and grabbing a tray. Using the object as a shield where she could hide behind. The fairy sped up her pace and entered the first door she saw, hoping it was a pantry or something, where she could hide and use her cell phone to call her teacher. Looking at the reflection of the tray, Eun Ha saw her little horns protruding from her forehead, while her cheeks and nose were crimson. The magic tingled throughout her body, causing chills and sobs. And she was under the impression that this was just the beginning!

But Eun was not in a pantry, but in a hallway. Some supervisor shouted near the door,

"How many times I need to say this door is out of limits?! If someone goes up to the offices, I will fire them without payment, are you listening?!" 

When the man opened the door to spy if everything was okay, Eun Ha hid in the shadows, shaking. The door slammed shut.