By the Han River

"Why am I crying?! Sniff Sniff! Because it's SO GOOD to be recognized by someone you admire!" Eun Ha was feeling very emotional, she just didn't know if it was natural. But tears flowed down her face like a flood, at the older fairy's embarrassed and worried expression! "Why, Jung ... Isn't that what you came for?"

"I was AFRAID! Afraid to be wrong!"


Jun Hyeon saw Ye Rim leaning against a door at the end of the hall,

"I don't believe this! What is she doing? Listening behind the door?!" it was shocking and, at the same time, hilarious. He let himself be seen as he approached. Ye Rim just motioned for him not to make a noise. 'She's really shameless!'

The doctor came up to the singer, taking her arm gently and showing that they should leave, even while obeying his request not to make a noise,