Never Again

After Ye Rim knocked so hard on the door that she might have knocked it down, a man appeared, startled, and helped her out. The singer was even hoarse from shouting for help. 

As soon as she left the laundry room, she ran to the second floor, where she was staying. Ye Rim needed to talk to Jun Hyeon. 

But her intuition told her that Na Ra would also be there. Ah, she'd slap that bitch senseless as soon as she grabbed the ex-model! 'How dare she?!'

And Ye Rim was not mistaken. She found the bedroom door locked.

When she knocked on the door, Na Ra replied,

"Go away, Ye Rim! I'm going to call the police!"

"JUN HYEON! OPEN THE DOOR, IT'S ME, YE RIM!" Her hunch left her body cold. It was already dawn... Why was Jun Hyeon still sleeping? She held her breath, with a bad foreboding.