All Ways Lead to Each Other

Dr. Kim left his new psychiatrist's office more frustrated than ever. 

He saw that the elevator on that floor was open and he quickened his pace to reach it before it closed the door. 

The attendant saw him clearly, and she also saw him when he waved, asking him to wait. The woman grudgingly closed the elevator door, with a disdainful look and a slight satisfied smile.

Since the scandal about him and Ye Rim had hit the press, his life was hell.

He learned that the people at the hotel got it all wrong. They accused him of cheating on his fiancee with another woman, Na Ra, bitterly breaking the singer's heart in a thousand pieces. 

The hatred against Na Ra was so strong that she left the country for a while, to get rid of the army of antis that arose in Ye Rim's defense. 

This was in a way a relief because, however rationally he wanted to pursue a romance with her, Jun Hyeon inexplicably could not force himself to do so.