

In Kamar-Taj, in the bedrooms there was one room that was being watched by many of the Sorcerers there.

The room was glowing blue and they don't know what to do with it.

The room was the one that was used by Alfie when he was young, barely anyone use these rooms but no one seemed to use this room as it sometimes filled with many things known or unknown.

Mordo was the one who opened the door and behind him were other curious Sorcerers that wants to know why the room is glowing blue.

The Ancient One doesn't seem to worry about it, even after it was mentioned by Mordo.

But after a while, Mordo had to open it, and what he saw was many big and small containers containing blue like liquid energy.

It literally filled the whole room, the big circular container tolting on the walls and other small ones on the tables and bed.

Before Mordo could step in and check more closely, a hand came behind him and landed on his shoulder while a panicked voice sounded out.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! Master Mordo, what the hell are you doing in my room man?" Alfie said as he stepped and closed the door behind him.

"It is not your room, it is for others to sleep when they need a temporary rest, you are using this room as storage, which is not Apprentice McBride." Mordo said with a tone of a teacher.

Mordo was the one who taught him close combat the best he can, but there were also others who were able to teach him.

But Mordo was the longest of them.

"Well I would use the term "temporary" before Storage, I just need a place to leave this for a bit." Alfie pleaded.

"The Ancient One seem to always look the other way when you break a rule or two, but I will not let you do as you please, Apprentice McBride, this room is to be cleared as soon as possible before someone is in need of a room." Mordo said before walking off.

A few Sorcerers stayed as they tip toed trying to see what could possibly be in there.

Alfie quickly went inside the room before closing it off.

"Aww, what should I do with you guys?" Alfie muttered looking at the room full of blue.

These were the results of Alfie being in the HYDRA base early, before the alarm went off he did his best to rush as much as he could to the portal he made to the current room.

There weren't any ideas of what he could do with these things, but if he is going to build a company, he could use them for something.

After all, they are containers full of powerful energy.

But now he was just told that he can't put the space energies in here, so he wondered what he could do with them.

Running out of ideas he thought he should go to one of the wisest women on earth, his teacher.

"Oh good idea, maybe the Ancient One will know what I can do." Alfie got up before walking out.


The next day both Alfie and Steve dressed in their uniforms and went to the labs to find Howard.

Steve was curious at the new stuff being worked on in the labs, but Alfie immediately bee lined onto one of the corners of the room.

Steve followed and they reached a table a bit behind the labs, and Steve saw the woman Alfie was making eyes at yesterday.

Today a new paper was published, and it spoke of Captain America, who was the reason more than 400 soldiers were rescued at a HYDRA base.

It spoke of Alfie and James on the story, but seeing a chance for another moral hero to rise and lead the Allies like Deathstroke, the higher ups made some edits and glorified the great Captain America.

When Steve saw the papers he was determined to correct it until Alfie convinced him not to, it was a good thin to have him rise as the poster boy.

Last night the three talked at the bar about everything, mostly.

Alfie told them that a Ancient Master came to New York and given the chance, he taught Alfie how to fight among other extraordinary things.

Ones such as Chi.

But Steve and Bucky didn't believe it, it just sounded too…

Alfie demonstrated his powers with Chi by breaking part of the stool effortlessly, which he paid for after, and they believed it after.

About the Ancient power Chi, not the Ancient Master.

James story was simple, Mutant.

It was the first that they heard of the term on humans, but they believed it to an extend.

After some time they left drunk, Alfie, James, and Bucky that is, Steve on the other hand couldn't get drunk, yet he still tastes the bitter and stinging alcohol.

Steve had to take care and bring them to their resting areas.

But Alfie seemed fine this morning, now he was flirting with the office woman.

By the time Peggy came to look for the two, she saw Steve sitting on a chair patiently as Alfie wasn't there.

Peggy gave Steve a look when he pointed backwards.

Getting the point, Peggy walked behind a wall to see Alfie holding the girl against the wall as they were ravaging each other.

Peggy recognized the woman, she was the one Alfie was eyeing yesterday.

Steve came and stood next to her to check the situation, he smiled awkwardly to her.

As she saw the two were about to progress into a more intimate stage, Peggy stepped in.

"Captain McBride!!" Peggy barked as the two kissing backed off each other.

The woman rushed and walked away as Alfie seemed reluctant.

"What the hell, Red?! I needed that, you know how long it's been since I got laid?!" Alfie asked frustrated as he tidied his disheveled uniform.

"This is not the place for your...inappropriate activities, come now, Howard is free." Peggy said as she led the way Steve following shortly.

Alfie saw that Steve wanted to strike up a conversation with Peggy but wasn't sure how to initiate it.

That's when Alfie suddenly remembered the time in that small plane, when he pushed Steve onto Peggy.

He wondered if they did anything after he jumped, so he grabbed Steve's shoulder and pulled him back as he whispered.

"Say, have you kissed her?..."

Steve seemed to have gone in a thought not answering.

"By Odin's beard, you did!-"

"Shh, quiet, not so loud…" Steve said as he looked forward making sure the walking Peggy doesn't hear.

"It was on the plane wasn't it? I didn't think anything would happen...so was she the one that kissed you? Or-"

Before Alfie can finish asking, Peggy jerked her whole body around quick startling the two whispering idiots pretending they weren't just whispering a while ago.

"You may go in." Peggy said as she put her hand up signaling the two to walk through the door on the left.

"Thank you Agent." Alfie dipped his head in thanks, and though Peggy nodded, as she walked passed Alfie she stepped on his foot.

"Ow...it seems she heard our conversation." Alfie muttered.

"You know, you should stop pissing her off…" Steve said as he watched the fiery woman walk off.

"Steven, if you don't hurry up and cuff her you will regret it, trust me." Alfie said as he entered the room looking for Howard.

"Why would I cuff her? What did she do?" Steve asked.

Alfie paused realizing he spoke an expression of the future, and now was the past, where no one does much of expression like so.

"Cuff...well I don't mean cuff her literally, it's a saying, I'm basically telling you to make her yours already, you know, making it official and tie her down for yourself." Alfie said.

"I- I don't think she is the kind of person that wou-"

"See, your thinking, the quickest thing to regret things is by thinking negatively, you can head into a HYDRA base alone Steve, but when it comes to things like this you were never really confident." Alfie said.

They soon saw Howard and greeted him, his lab coat was a mess and his face and hair dirty.

He was most likely messing with the Space energy.

They then walked to the things Howard wanted to show Steve, because he will have to lead his own company soon and destroy HYDRA bases.

The Colonel put Howard in charge of gearing Steve.

Howard then showed a few options for an armor suit, though the ones on the table weren't exactly useful for the energy blasts.

Howard then explained the work of Kevlar instead, able to withstand some amount of blasts unlike the current protective materials.

They then moved to a table full of shields.

"I took the liberty of coming up with some options, here like this one, it's been fitted with some electrical relays allowing you to-"

"What about this one?" Steve asked as he saw the silver round shield shining under te table.

"No, no, that's just a prototype."

"What's it made out of?" Steve asked.

"Vibranium, it's stronger than steel, and a third the weight.

Actually it's made of the same material from Alfred's sword." Howard said pointing at Alfie who stood behind Steve smiling.

"It is?" Steve asked to which Alfie nodded looking proud.

"Yeah, it's completely vibration absorbant." Howard said.

Also curious, Alfie tried on the shield, and he was amazed by how comfortable and natural it felt, just like his sword.

Alfie almost felt like taking it for himself, a sword and shield in the battlefield, Alfie chuckled at the thought before giving it back to Steve.

"How come it's not standard issue?"

"That's the rarest metal on earth, what you're holding there? That's all we got." Howard said.

Hearing the sentence about Vibranium being the rarest on earth made Alfie smirked as he moved to the pistol table checking them out.

He knew that in Wakanda there was probably toilets made out of Vibranium.

"But I thought Al's sword is made out of the same metal?"

"Well yes…" Howard said.

"But the metal was brought in by Alfred himself, it wasn't ours, I did make the sword for him though.

That does remind me Alfred, didn't you once said you'll tell me where you get it when I make you the sword?" Howard asked intrigued.

"Wh- huh?" Afie turned his attention back to them.

"The Vibranium, you told me that you will tell me where you got it if I make the sword, you now have the sword Al, where did you get it?" Howard walked up to Alfie ready for an answer.

"Well I actually stole it…" was his answer.

"You stole the rarest metal on earth?" Steve asked bewildered.

"Well it's not rare if you know where to look."

"What do you mean of that?" Howard asked.

"Well there is a city full of Vibranium, but I don't know much so don't bother asking." Alfie made am excuse.

"I see, I knew it, Al, it this city called Wakanda?" Howard asked excitedly.

"I see you already know of it, but I suggest you don't do anything that angers the place, just don't." Alfie said.

After a while Peggy came back, Steve asked for her opinion regarding the Vibranium Shield.

She went up to examine it more closely, unlike the scene in the movie, she didn't shoot at the shield, rather she complemented the shield.

The weight and durability was shocking.

As they stood next to each other, Alfie closed up for another one of his immature pranks.

"Oh sorry."

Alfie said, before, shoving.

But it wasn't Steve he pushed this time, it was Peggy.

As she was shoved onto Steve's arms they had a moment of soul deep stare.

Steve then looked at Alfie in a disapproving expression.

Alfie just smiled and raised his hand in surrender, last time Steve told him not to push him again, so this time he pushed Peggy instead.

But he didn't think it would be bad.

Because as Peggy patted herself she looked at Alfie with a smile that isn't exactly a smile, Alfie then saw her look down at the hun table and his eyes widened.

Peggy grabbed a pistol before aiming it at Alfie's standing ground, she then shot more than a few.

*Bang* x3

All shots missed on purpose, or else they wouldn't.

It all hit the concrete Alfie stood on not ling ago, now he was hangin on the ceiling from a brick ledge.

Just as she stopped pulling the trigger, Alfie also shut up hoping she would stop, he never thought the scene from the movie would turn on him.

Luckily she stopped, she backed up and tossed the gun to Steve before she stormed off.

Alfie jumped back down on the ground as the three of them stared at her back.

Steve handed a small paper containing his ideas for his Captain America suit to Howard, before he looked to Alfie with a smirk.

"I told you, you shouldn't mess with her." Steve said all too happily.

"If you don't get you righteous ass right after her, I'm gonna take her myself." Alfie crossed his arms looking at Steve Who suddenly dropped his smirk.

"You think I'm playing Rogers, but if I don't hear about you losing your virginity in France than I'm gonna force you two to have sex right in front of me." Alfie said.


"Yeah huh?!"

Even Howard couldn't help chiming in.

"Go- just go!!" Alfie said pointing at Peggy's direction.

"But what would I say?" Steve asked.

"Nothing, just go walk with her, she likes you too so there won't be much work for you, go- just go!!" Alfie pushed Steve from the back as he finally left.

Alfie then looked back to see Howard still wondering about the recent situation.

"It's hard being a matchmaker in the times of old." Alfie said.

Howard didn't say anything to Alfie because every once in a while he will blurt out something random or weird, or randomly weird.


Howard said handing Alfie a strap with two pistols on it, the pistols looked more advanced than the others.

"Whoa, so what are these?" Alfie said as he took the weapons out inspecting them.

"Just something for your arsenal, I noticed you always keep a pistol on hand, and I gotta say Alfred, the one you are using is a bit old, so made something new, I'm sure you'll like it but for now….

You still wanna have that dinner?"