
Unexpected Change Of Events

Christmas is coming in a few weeks, and many are grouping up on the fires and dream about family gatherings.

The Wardogs and Howling Commandos are preparing to ride a big plane out the next day, but now they're Captains are in the labs with Howard checking new gears.

"What are these?" Steve asked as he looked at the all new weapons on the table.

"These...are our new babies, designed to be better, faster or even stronger, each of their types is supposed to be better than the weapons in their category but we are still working on the overall stats." Howard said as he came from the other side of the table and started pointing at each of the weapons and explaining them.

"They look good, I've never seen these kinds of designs, do they have the same powers as the HYDRA weapons?" Steve picked a few inspecting them.

"No, they're all mechanical, and the designs and most of its work came from someone else...I'm just the man who made it come alive." Howard said.

"You mean someone designed all these? All of them?" Steve asked.

On the table there was a black Benelli M4, M4 Carbine, and a Sphinx 2000, all modern weapons.

But like a changing butterfly it's been made early on, and the names of each of these weapons were named differently.

"Yeah, you know the man himself...you grew up with him…" Howard hinted.

"You mean…"

"That's the one, he sent me the blueprints and sketches while he was still fighting in France, I don't know how he does it but these creations could change the war by a large margin, even if they're small." Howard said.

"That's...I never took Alfie to be the type...I knew he was smart but…" Steve paused looking at the weapons.

"Smart? Hah, more than half of the things I'm working on is his ideas and designs." Howard said.

Steve couldn't believe it, because since middle school, Alfie has been seen as the muscle headed type, but during that time he was also only seen as a young inventor by Howard.

There was two too many sides unseen.

"This one here is something we plan on mass producing, believe it or not it has similarities to the ones the Russians have been working to make." Howard said picking up what a modern person would realize as an Ak-47.

"What is it called?"

"...Alfred is adamant on going with Am-44…" Howard said, almost looking embarrassed.

Steve raised an eyebrow not getting anything at all.

"In other words, it stands for Alfred McBride- (Am) and the year 44…" Howard said.

"Oh…so he named it after himself? I don't think it's that bad right?" Steve chuckled.

"No...but when one proceeds to name all his creations after a part of his name…" Howard said looking at the rest of the recent weapons.

"H- he didn't…"

"Yes Steven...his name is in all of these weapons." Howard said, now Steve knew why Howard was having a hard time with the names.

They had a moment of silence before Alfie came into the lab wearing his military uniform but with messy hair.

"Speak of the devil." Howard said as the attention went to Alfie.

"Good Morning gentlemen." Alfie said as he yawned and had a good stretch.

"Good morning, Al."

"Morning sleeping beauty." Howard complimented.

"Oh I see you guys are reviewing the new arms, how are they? Did you guys test it yet?" Alfie picked up the shotgun aiming it around.

"No, we were about to test it sooner or later, I just showed Steve, the thing though is…" Howard paused not wanting to say.

"What happened?"

"Well Alfred...the naming is a little…"

"Listen here Howie, if you are not willing to name your child with my name at least respect the name given to these precious mechanical arms." Alfie said almost offended.

"I just don't think anyone is willing to...take the weapons seriously when it is named Alfred you know?" Howard took a risk saying it.

"Oh they will, because these, my friend, will be the start of many changes, and the name Alfred is not to be taken lightly, after all that is my name." Alfie chuckled.

They had to get back to business after Steve's reminder of the serious upcoming mission, Howard equipped the small team with the best weapons he could.

Last night was a drunk night, the Wardogs and Howling Commandos had a good time and became friendly.

Last night was one of the best nights they had, the Wardogs found the Commandos similar to them, but unlike their psychopath sides the Commandos were just as crazy.

The bar they stayed in that night was the rowdiest it could be.

They had a drinking contest, and the Commandos seemed to be the winners at that contest, but that wasn't the end.

After doing their talks and catch ups Alfie and Steve came to the bar along with Bucky and James.

They joined in the drinking contest as te leaders, it took a whole before Bucky gave in and got wasted.

Alfie, Steve, and James was left still drinking lots, but Alfie soon back away as he can barely recognize what is happening around him.

Even his Chi can't keep cleansing his buzz.

The contest was left to Steve and James to decide, they both looked alright, so they kept on drinking.

At the end of the night it ended up with a tie, surprising because the other time they drank together James was drunk, and he drank more last night than that one night.

The small contest last night made it into the papers, a journalist would follow the Commandos around their missions and such to put on paper.

The journalist heard of the contest by chance, it was immediately spread the day after.

It was big because on the front page was bolted with Howling Commandos Vs. Wardogs.

But it was only a drinking contest so it didn't get too crazy.

But the sentence Commandos Vs. Wardogs made kids come up with new games on the streets.

Others put Steve and Alfie's symbol against each other like a sword against a shield.

All in all it was a crazy night.

But now on the next day the small big group prepared to takeoff and capture a lead scientist named Arnim Zola.

It is a simple infiltrate and capture with some fire in the middle.

But to Alfie it was more than that, he might say he wanted to get some payback for shooting him in the face but his true goals were to keepBucky safe.

Again Alfie gave Steve the lead on the mission, so everything went pretty much the same.

The plan was that half the Wardogs and Commandos will be stationed on the trains path while the rest of the team will position themselves at another further point on the trains way which will be the extraction point.

Alfie and James will be on the infiltration team with Steve and Bucky leading.


By the time the sun was sunk into the ocean and the moon Rose, the Wardogs and Commandos boarded two trains.

One for the infiltration and the other, extraction point team.

They boarded the trains and put the seat belts on.

Alfie sat next to Steve to speak of a concerning matter…

"So Steve…" Alfie started, Steve felt worried for what is to come.

"...how far did you and Peggy go ever since I was gone?" Alfie asked with a serious face.

"Really?" Steve asked with a hopeless smile.


"We're getting along just fine, Al, there is no need to worry." Steve said, hoping to get off this topic.

"You know that's not what I wanna hear…have you guys done it yet-"

"Stop it Al, we are in the middle of a mission."

"Whoa...it must be going well, look at how bright that smile is." Alfie said really happy that the guy finally found something genuine.

"You kidding? This guy would sneak off during our time with the boys, and come back the next day with the biggest smile ever." Bucky who was on Steve's right chimed in with his usual smirk.

"Wow, wow, hahahahah!! Hey Bucky, I think our Steve finally moved up in life." Alfie said a little too loudly as everyone on the plane seats laughed.

"Stop it, haha." Steve wanted to stop this before it goes deeper, but he couldn't help but laugh.

He had to admit, he was really happy right now, he has his friends by his side again and a girl who will potentially be something...more.

"I think so too Al, we might not have to worry long if this keeps up." Bucky said.

James on Alfie's left chuckled along.

"I don't know Buck…" Alfie paused looking at Steve and Bucky.

And with the most mocking smile Alfie finished.

"...we might have to help Steve walk through some things during the relationship." Alfie finished as everyone laughed hysterically.

The smarter ones knew what he meant of it.

"You know what Al?.." Steve gave Alfie a playful look to stop.

It took about an hour before the inside of the plane started going red, the signal for drop.

The group unbelt their buckles and equipped parachutes, before they dived into the snowy area.

It was still night so everyone set up a temporary small camp and had some free time and the Captains and leaders strategized more.

Alfie and James went off camp to do some hunting.

Luna wasn't with them, the mission wasn't fit for a wolf to come along.

So Howard took the job of a babysitter again.


Soon the sun rose and the snowy lands lit up.

The group came up to a high point and shot a long line across the mountains to cross the trains path.

After that they set up comms with some intel and waited for word of the coming train.

The wait felt linger to Steve as Alfie and Bucky teased him continuously, even James jumped in a few times.

But Steve was able to change the subject at some point and spoke of how Alfie came up with the things he and Howard have been working on.

This was something new to Steve, Bucky and James because they weren't used to the brainy Alfie.

At Least the impossible ideas and language of smart he spoke about.

And from that point Steve was convinced he got to know a little about Alfie's mysterious sides, the ones he doesn't know of.

But he couldn't ask anything anymore as the intel radioed that the train is soon to arrive.

The small group lined up on the road and waited for the signal to zipline down.

As one of the Commandos gave the signal Steve went first before Bucky, Alfie and James.

They ziplined to the front cars of the train while the rest dropped on the back cars.

Alfie and James slipped into one of the carriages while Steve and Bucky went forward to the ones up front.

Alfie and James made easy work on their carriage moving forward.

They progressed to the front cars and got there in time as Steve and Bucky got separated on different cars.

James pounced on the close HYDRA soldiers impalin them and all while Alfie grabbed his new pistol easily shooting rapidly as the moment he saw the other HYDRA soldiers, he already unconsciously put targets on them.

They fell and Bucky had some space to move, surprisingly it was Steve on the other carriage up front who had trouble.

Lots of shots and beams were heard.

The three rushed and opened the door between cars just to see Steve put up his shield and block a beam blast and was thrown back at Alfie and the other two as all four dropped on the ground.

"Are you at least shooting?! Where the hell is your weapon Steve?!" Alfie grunted as he and the others slowly got up.

" I mean I get that the shield is useful but that can't be the only shitt you carry around." Alfie continued.

"Sorry, I had more opponents than I could handle." Like the kind of man he is, Steve didn't make excuses rather he apologized.

"Well we are all together now, haha let's do some damage." Alfie said to the other three.

"Aww shitt." Alfie muttered a minute later as he saw the enemies coming out.

The first one to walk in was a bug man carrying two big HYDRA beam blasters.

After him was another two HYDRA soldiers, but what came after them was something never in the movie.

There were three people fully dressed in black except the eye areas, they were Hand ninjas.

"Well that's new." Bucky chimed in.

"Yeah, never seen their kind before, but their teamwork and skills are respectable." Steve said as he put his shield up ready.

"Ninjas?" James muttered.

But before they could say anything the Hand ninja in the lead stepped up got her sword out before speaking.

"Master has sent her regards, Black Wolf." The ninja female said as she looked at Alfie.

"No, shitt.." Bucky said looking at Alfie.

"Someone you know, Al?" Steve asked.

"I think they work for an ex of mine...she's a bit crazy in the head and won't let the past be the past." Alfie joked.

"Silence!!" The lead ninja yelled as she rushed at Alfie.

The fight started.

Steve threw his shield at the head of the big HYDRA with beams stunning him as the shield bounced to the other HYDRA soldier.

Bucky went for the HYDRA near him and shoulder bumped him before shooting his pistol at the head killing him before rushing to the next HYDRA soldier.

But he was suddenly hit by the big HYDRA soldier and was flung to the train wall.

Steve knocked out the small HYDRA agent before taking on the big one.

On Alfie and James' side.

The lead ninja rushed at Alfie, James tried to intercept but was instead focused on by the other two ninjas keeping him busy.

The lead ninja had skills but to Alfie, he was having fun.

He tested his skills without and Chi, it was purely a battle of skills, the clanging of metal swords were heard and there was satisfaction on it.

James received a slash on his ribs just to pierce his claws at one of the ninjas before starting a one on one with the other nina.

But the fight was in their favor.

Alfie was still fighting while Steve knocked out the big HYDRA soldier and James stabbed his opponent in the stomach before bringing him closer to growl.

As the three finally got their space they noticed that Alfie and the lead ninja are still in a death match.

They knew Alfie was messing around but they don't have time for that, James walked up to end the ninja when a shield came striking the head of the lead ninja knocking her out.

"Dude…" Alfie said complainingly to Steve as he took his fun.

"We don't have time Al." Steve said.

"Sheesh, what a party-poo-!! Watch out!!" Alfie saw that the big HYDRA soldier aimed for Steve's back.

But Alfie didn't let it happen as instead he kicked Steve's side but was too late to defend the coming beam.



It hit Alfie before opening a hold on the side of the train, Alfie on the other hand was hanging by holding a part of the train.

"What the fuck?!" Alfie screamed outside the screaming wind.

He was thinking how it turned to this situation, as it wasn't Bucky but him instead that will fall.

Because the sitt he was holding onto was quickly detaching due to his weight.

Inside Steve was about to knock the soldier again when instead James fully clawed and stabbed the HYDRA soldiers head.

A confirmed kill, no more trouble.

Steve ran to the train hole along with the other two to help Alfie, but he was too far and was declining fast.

"Al!!" x2


Alfie used his Chi to pull himself up in a big jump when the bar he was holding finally detached.

And he fell backwards instead.

As he begin to fall, Alfie's eyes widened with real fear and worry this time.

This wasn't in his calculations, he will survive right? Bucky did so would he?

Will he be taken in and made to take the Winter Soldier's play now?

So much was in his mind in that short moment in the air, and with an exhale he muttered…


He really fell while the three screamed his name.

It was ironic, he was here to save Bucky and avoid a huge deal of disasters through the timeline, yet now he was the one who took the place of Bucky's.

As he fell he was too distraught to think of a way out of the situation.

What will happen next? He wondered.