An Investigation

Neil kissed his wife one last time before he fell back on the bed, bringing his Mi Rae along and cuddling on the bed. Their naked bodies rubbed together and both were slick with sweat but had no intention of moving. Mi Rae nuzzled her husband's neck lazily as she complained, "Since we are on holiday, we could have done this even after resting some. Now I don't have energy to move.."

Smiling smugly, Neil drew patterns on her hips with his fingers and said, "Uh..huh.. that would be such a waste. Now we can rest properly and then have another round after resting some." Hitting him on the chest, Mi Rae closed her eyes and lay back onto the pillow while Neil got up to discard the things.

As he came back from the bathroom, he smiled as he watched that Mi Rae had already fallen asleep. Walking over to the table, he noticed the missed calls of both his other brothers and his sister in law Alicia. Deciding that he did not need to talk to everyone, he called back Alicia. He would give the honor to her and let her inform everyone..

The call was answered on the first ring and Neil smiled before teasing," Al, my pal! Were you missing me so much!"

However instead of responding to the man's teasing, Alicia Lu snapped back," Neil Long! You had better come clean and tell me everything! Why are you suddenly investigating Xue Qian Qian and what is the news with Matt! A few hours ago you called us with the news that he was in an accident and you and Mi Rae were on your way to meet him. But then you dare to message that you have changed your plans! What is going on?"

Neil walked back to the bed, got under the blanket and pulled his wife to him before explaining the entire thing to Alicia from how they got the news to the hospital reports. He naturally did not tell her the reason for the change of plans but she was not his best friend for no reason. Without having to explain anything he could already imaging her rubbing her hands in anticipation as she asked," So we have finally found a suitable target.. I mean a suitable woman for Matt.. Do you need help. Should I prepare reinforcements."

Neil grinned as he said, "Al my pal! How can you underestimate me? I will handle it! I just need to find something that would be able to get Miss Xue on our territory instead of in this small village! And I have already set the wheels in motion. I will keep you updated.

Just as Neil was about to end the call, however, he heard Al's serious voice and stopped short when he heard what she had to say. After listening, he asked seriously," Are you sure, Alicia? Is it simply gossip or a rumor?"

When Alicia gave the answer, Neil felt the oncoming of a headache before asking in a somber tone, "Then if that is the case, do you think we should not interfere? I have a feeling that this must be fate... but knowing Matt, he will remain lost in his past and this may be our only chance."

Finally, silence reigned on the other side of the phone before Alicia sighed and said,"Just proceed with your plan.It's not like we are going to make them fall in love. We are only going to give them more opportunities and the rest is upto them All the best Neil. Let's hope that like all your other plans, this also works. I'll let everyone know that he is safe for now. Neil, once Matt is serious about her, he will ask the investigator for an updated report..You will have to intercept it.."

"Hmm..I know..don't worry..Matt will not know the truth of his connection with Qian Qian." Putting down the phone, Neil stared up at the ceiling of the room, his eyes concealing deep thoughts. Finally, he picked up another phone and called,"The mayor may need some manpower to intimidate. Help him but be careful. If there is a single scratch on the woman or the child, I will have your heads for dinner. You can beat up the man a bit."

Throwing aside the phone, Neil then slid down and closed his eyes. The things he had to do in the name of love..Poor Matt. He was going to get a little bit of beating..But then what is love without some blood being shed. Closing his eyes, the cunning Neil Long felt no pain for the plight his brother was going to suffer...