An Attack

A sudden noise startled Shawn who had fallen into a deep sleep. Waking up with a jerk, he looked around with alert eyes looking for the source of the sound. But in the darkness, he was unable to look at anything. Grabbing his knife from under the pillow, he carefully left the bed and glanced at the time. It was the middle of the night. It couldn't be that the family of three had returned suddenly at this time. Maybe they were too eager to meet their maker. 

Slowly, he made his way to the door of the room, but there was no other sound. The sound came again from the window this time and Shawn almost flew back in shock as a cat jumped into the house, as soon as he opened the window. Walking in as if it owned the place, the cat ignored Shawn and jumped on top of a cupboard before staring at him with an evil eye.