
As if it was his own home, Shawn casually made his way around the kitchen brewing coffee for himself as he whistled around. The sun had long risen and along with the light the slight worry if being caught had also abated. Let them return anytime now. He glanced at the cat that had followed him to the kitchen and frowned. "Well, you need to leave cat. There is no food for you here. If you want you can stay here and starve. Makes no difference to me."

Laughing at the cat, Shawn turned and added a few sugars to his black coffee, ready to start his day.

"You are the one who needs to leave Shawn.."

But before he could take the first sip, however, he heard a voice that made him shrink back and almost p** his pants. His eyes almost popping out of his sockets, he looked everywhere for the source of the voice. This was one voice that would live in his nightmares forever.. The one he had heard in those dark initial eyes when he had been kidnapped.