Dance With Me

But instead of leading her towards the dance floor, Zhao Min was walking towards the exit..

Inebriated, Rou Rou stopped stubbornly and stuck out her lower lip as she protested,"You are going in the wrong direction! The dance floor is there.." She pointed a finger in the opposite direction and tried to pull him along.

Her resistance gave the others a chance to get over the shock of someone suddenly snatching her away and the boy who had initially asked her to dance immediately came forward to hold her hand which was pointing in the direction.

Trying to put on a dangerous act, he looked threateningly at Zhao Min(or at least tried to) and asked,"Who are you? and Where do you think you are taking my girlfriend?"

The boy was called Dong Jia and was Rou Rou's age. Of course he was intimidated by the short haired man who held a mean look but he needed to protect his friend..