
"The Face of a Clock."

Rou Rou blinked up at Zhao Min as he said this. Petting her face she then asked him," Are you saying I have the face of a clock? How rude can you be Min Min!"

Knocking her on the head, he said,"The answer to your question is this. On the face of a clock if you add three numbers do ten it shows you one."

Rou Rou pouted at this but said," oh.. You answered it.correctly. My Min Min is so smart! Ok sir."

Stepping back from him, Rou Rou gave him a swaying salute as she said,"At your service sir."

"If you have that kind of a salute, you would be court marshalled could straighten up. Turning back, he straddled his motorcycle and ordered hop on."

Instead of going and sitting behind Zhao Min, Rou Rou wobbled over and tried to sit in front of Zhao Min almost straddling his lap in the process.