"Well" started Scathach "While I am sure you want to thoroughly check the vault, Harry, we don't have the time today. We have to meet up with the others and buy some basic necessities."
"Yeah, I know... Now, then" Harry said as he turned toward the item he most wanted to see. "Time to see the content of that will."
To sum it, upon the death of his parents, he was supposed to be left under the care of either Sirius Black or Alice Longbottom, his godparents. If they were not available, it was suggested that he should be left with a noble family that fought against Voldemort, and used the Bones and McKinnon as example. They explicitly forbade his placement with the Dursley.
They left some money for Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They asked for whoever was left in charge of Harry to teach him all he needed to know as an heir of a noble house so he could appoint a Regent to house Potter on his 13th birthday. They already had a contract ready for that. Finally, they expressed their regrets for being unable to raise him, and wished for him to grow into a respectable man and live a happy life.
Harry stayed silent and unmoving for a few minutes, with tears streaming down his face, the last message of his parents repeating in his head. Scathach and Caitlyn had come to his side, the first one holding his arm, and the second one warping her arm around his shoulders. He nodded in thanks for their support.
"Are you alright?" asked Caitlyn.
"I'm better now. Thanks. Let's get whatever we need and go back to the surface."
Harry opened the premium purse he received from the goblin. There was one side for wizarding currency, with separated pockets for galleons and sickles, and a side for non-magical currency, with separated pockets for bills and coins. He filled it with the same amount of galleons and sickles for the overall amount of 5000 galleons. He expected to spend around 1200 galleons for the womens' personal items, and up to 3000 galleons in various magical items and services. He would have to define it with the rest of them, but he was at least certain to not need more until after the inquiry.
Then the 3 of them looked at the list of items, to see if there wasn't something they could take.
Harry found the Potter Family book, which summed the entire history of the Potter family, and was updated by each head of the family. It only contained the most pertinent informations. For anything more he would have to check the previous lords personal journals. In the same vein as the Potter Family book, they found a book about the Wizengamot, another about the International Confederation of Wizards, and finally, and 2 books about the laws of magical Britain. Those were found by Caitlyn, and she got a predatory grin on her face when she did.
Scathach, on the other hand, had focused her search on magic books, and with Harry, they got a book on the mind arts, on top of another about rituals. These 2 disciplines were unknown to Harry, and they though it would be a good idea to learn about them. They also got 2 books about warding and enchanting a home. The last book they got was about healing. After all, Harry was very likely to get injured, and the summons needed to know how to treat him efficiently. The last item they got was an old multi-compartiments trunk.
They put the items in the trunk and left the vault. Back in the lobby, he withdrew 10 000 pounds. Thanks to the cart runner he didn't have to expose himself. He guessed that Caitlyn, VI and Camille would be interested in more than a few items from the non-magical world, seeing their equipments, and he though the other 3 women would appreciate some as well. And he really wanted to get himself some of the things he was denied with the Dursley, he wanted to spoil himself for a bit.
Once out of the bank, he led the ladies to a slightly deserted corner of the alley.
"Ladies, we can't have you rely on glamours for your clothes during the shopping. We're going to a store where you will select some wizarding clothes for you and the others. This way, if a stray spell or security magic hit you, there won't be any glamour to dissipate."
Then Harry sounded hesitant.
"I heard that women like to take their time for shopping" 'Like Hermione with her books' "But please be quick right now. We will be back soon enough with the others, and there will be more opportunities at a later date."
"Sure" drawled Scathach.
"Don't worry" added Caitlyn with a slight smirk. "We're not that bad." 'Though I'm not sure about queen Semimaris.'
Underneath his cloak, Harry released a silent sight of relief, but was still wary. They went to Madam Malkins, where they spent 20min selecting various robes and cloaks, then left for the Leaky Cauldron. The rest of the ladies were waiting in Harry's room. Vi seemed to have spent most of her time chatting with Xuanzang, while Semimaris and Camille had a discreet discussion of their own. As soon as the door closed behind the returnees, Harry took of his cloak.
"We're back!!" he said cheerfully. "And we got good news. Mostly."
"Mostly?" asked Vi.
"Mostly. The bad news are minor, not an immediate concern" he said while waving his hand at her and turned toward the queen, Semimaris. "First, I have enough money to build 7 manors, so no worries on that front. Second, I'm the heir of a high rank noble family. After my exams at the end of the school year, I'll be a full adult and become lord of my house, with all the perks associated with the title. Third, the land where my family manor used to be still belong to me. Since the manor was destroyed and not rebuilt, nobody would think I went there. We can settle there and slowly build our base while I'm in school."
The women expressed their pleasure at the news in different ways, from calm and dignified, to loud and cheering.
"We can talk about it in more details later tonight. There is still some daylight to use, so we brough you some local clothes. Go change, then we can go back to the Alley for some shopping."
Xuanzang loudly cheered, and the women eagerly left his room to get prepared. Harry watched them leave with a hint of fondness and nervous anticipation on his face.