The Sticks

The ladies didn't take long to change into wizarding clothes.

Semimaris and Scathach clothes could have fit in the magical world if not for the amount of bust exposure and how form-fitting they were at that area. Xuanzang outfit exposed even more. Caitlyn's dress was too short, and like the others, exposed too much cleavage. Vi's outfit was covered with various armor pieces, which didn't fit well with witches and wizards. As for Camille, they had to hide all artificial parts, and that included her face.

Scathach and Semimaris got witches robes similar in style and color to their own. Semimaris got a hooded cape to hide her ears. Xuanzang and Caitlyn got a basic white and blue dresses. Vi got a short robe to put over her outfit, and had to take of all armor pieces from it. Camille got long robes and a deep hooded cloak to hide her legs and face.

"You are looking good" said Harry with a slight blush. "Let's go..." he trailed of.

"What's the matter" asked an eager Xuanzang.

"My wand. It was broken. I need to have it repaired or changed. That can take time... We will have to split up. 2 of you will come with me to Ollivanders while the others move around in groups of 2. We can meet up after an hour at Floreant Fortescue ice-cream shop. Everyone knows where it is, and it's easy enough to spot. From there, we can go and get the things you got your eyes on, and more."

"I will go with you" started Semimaris. "My fellow casters already have their own focuses. I will need one to better fit in."

"Then I will come with you as well. I'm curious about wether my condition would allow me to use one or not."

"Okay. So you 2 are with me. I guess Vi will be with Caitlyn and Scathach with Xuanzang?" They nodded with small smiles, or a grin for Vi. "Then let's move out. Oh, and don't go to Knockturn Alley. It's a dark and forebonding alley used by criminals and suspicious people. You may be strong, but you don't know enough about wizarding magic to not be taken by surprise."

"True" replied Scathach. "It would not do to get in trouble due to ignorance and overconfidence."

On that note, Harry got under his invisibility cloak, and they left the inn.

Scathach and Xuanzang quickly got attracted to the bookstores, while Caitlyn and Vi got attracted to items shops and peddler stalls. Harry swiftly led his 2 ladies to Ollivander's shop. He looked through the windows to make sure there were no other customers before going in.

"Good afternoon ladies" said Ollivander as he a came from behind his counter. "Welcome to my shop. My name is Garrick Ollivander."

His eyes widened slightly as he fully observed the 2 people in front of him.

"My, my. It's a rarity to meet such interesting customers. Especially you" he added as his gaze focused on Camille, who got unnerved.

Not wanting anything more about them to be exposed, Harry revealed himself.

"Hello mr Ollivander. I'm in need of your service."

"Mr Potter, holly and phoenix feather. It's a surprise to see you in such circumstances. Has anything happened to your wand?"

"Yes" he said as he took out the pieces. "My cousin and I got attacked by dementors, and he broke it in his panic."

The wand maker gathered the pieces and looked at them with a hint of sorrow in his expression.

"It's a shame that it met its end so soon. But not everything about it is bad." His gaze flickered to Harry, and the 2 ladies with him. "You have changed mr Potter. And it has something to do with your companions. Anyway, I can repair your wand, but I won't. It no longer fits you. The phoenix feather is still usable, but that won't be enough. Follow me, I will need your input to select the materials of your new focus. This will be interesting. If you could wait here ladies."

Without waiting for a reply, he turned around and swiftly moved toward the back of the shop. Harry hurried to join him while the 2 ladies stayed behind, a bit non-pulsed by the wand maker manners. In the workshop, Ollivander continued to talk as he gathered various items and materials.

"Your magic has evolved mr Potter, and is still in flux. A regular wand won't be able to handle channeling your magic past a few years. Please pass your hand over the differents materials sample I have assembled. Those with the best reaction to you would be used to make the body of your new focus."

'Similar to how I tried wands the first time I came here...' Harry though as he tested the samples. The ones that reacted best with him were ebony, english oak and walnut. Ollivander put them aside, and gestured Harry toward another selection of samples.

"Good. Very good! Now, the core!" he excitedly instructed.

Harry complied, privatly amused by the wand maker's optimism. Only one of them got a really strong reaction to him.

"Merlin! It's chimera heartstring! That sample has been there since the time of my predecessor, because there has rarely been any witche or wizard with an affinity for it."

Ollivander was almost dancing in trepidation. After setting the necessary materials aside, he stored the rest back and led Harry out of the workshop. He continued to talk on the way out.

"This will be the most unique focus I'll ever make in my life, most likely. Mr Potter, I get the feeling that you are going to change the world. Come back tomorrow and your new focus will be ready."

He then turned to the 2 women who were patiently waiting in the store.

"Would any of you care to see if your wand is among my creations?"

"Certainly" said Semimaris as she stepped forward.

And thus, she went through the process of wand selection, and after 15 minutes, she found her match with an elm and siren scale wand. It was a wand made by Ollivander quite some time ago, and he was happy to see it find a wielder. Camille got a walnut and hyppogriff feather wand. After paying for the wands, Harry turned to the wand maker.

"I would appreciate if you told noone that I've been here."

"Do not worry mr Potter. I figured as much since you came here under your father's cloak. I will see you tomorrow. Good day."

"Thank you, and you mr Ollivander."

He disappeared under his cloak, and the trio left.