
The entrance door to the classroom slammed open as a man in a clean pressed collared shirt and overalls strode in. Halting for a moment, the man smiled as he held out his heavy textbooks and dropped the from shoulder height, the resulting noise was a loud bang.

The sound startles the kids in their chairs and the room went silent as they all faced the man who was still smiling at them.  Will frowned, it looked like this teacher was more than eager to cause trouble even though the children were acting normal. However going after children as an adult was definitely despicable in Will's mind and his face darkened even further. He resolutely said to himself he would put this man down where he should truly belong. If anyone had looked at Will at this moment they would have seen they very model of a villain and his grim smile.

"Good morning class. I trust everyone is ready to start a day of learning" the man kept a fixed smile on his face though his words were almost spat out at like venom. Will wanted to wait and see what this teacher had in mind since he couldn't act out how he wanted in front of other chuldren. Children were still open at his age and that meant what they were exposed would be of lifelong implications. These kind of situations made Will irritated and so he started to tap on the desk to ease his irritation.

The noise was quite loud in the silent classroom which caught the teacher's attention as he focused his gaze straight at Will. Although Will could feel goosebumps on his skin, it wasn't due to fear. It was just he was disgusted by this man that even being looked at caused a feeling of revulsion.

"Ahh, Will. I remember that you had taken a day off recently. Since you intend to be so loud you are welcome to help me up at the board" the man gave him an eerie smile. Will did have a thought for a second. What would he do if he wouldn't be bothered to come up? Smiling, it was nice being a child. It was much easier to get away with things.

"Teacher, I think focusing on the lesson would be better" Will replied back, putting an innocent tone to Hai words. Internally however Will was still struggling with this change of attitude from the usual gruff and threatening demeanour he was used to. 'Ugh, I swear if these so called adults keep pushing me I'll be in jail for my second life' Will desperately tried to hold up his facade.

The teacher's face twitched at the straight rebuttal. "William, I'm sure your parents taught you well enough to respect your elders and teachers. Come up to the front" the teacher demanded. Will's blackened heart throbbed as he watched with a sense of glee the cracks forming in this man's smiling facade. Ah Vice Chairman, so this is why you enjoy this so much.

"Teacher, my parents did say that. But they sent me here to learn not to be punished" Will replied back. The sweet tone in his voice was obviously poisonous to the teacher's ears.

"William Charles, as a student you should know your place. To the front, NOW!"

Will watched as he pushed this man already with just a few words. 'God, power trip much. I didn't think there were so many weirdos around when I was a kid. A good time as any to start cleaning them out' Will had made a resolution quickly from this, if not to make his childhood better.

Will licked his lips at the thought, since he was let off the metaphorical chain it meant everything and anything was acceptable…so long as he didn't get caught. 'Which means I have to play the innocent boy for now' Will was still trying to think of a plan to cause the other let loose on him as the classroom teacher strode over and leered down at him. Will had almost forgotten the teacher was there from walking over since he posed no threat to him despite Will being in the form of a child. But the shadow of the man was hard to miss when towering over him.

The teacher grabbed Will's arm suddenly, causing the other children to gasp. But to Will he wasn't fussed, this amount of grip was child's play to him. He couldn't even feel pain from the man's grip...pain? Will had an epiphany although it wasn't the best choice but he would probably be the only one who could be brave enough to do it. 'Or stupid' Will thought to himself. Being dragged out of his seat and to front of the classroom, the teacher's vice like grip was still on his left arm. Quickly without letting the other students think he was up to something, he brought his right hand over and gripped his own arm with extreme force and twisted. To the others the hoped it only looked like he was struggling.

The audible sound of bone snapping freaked the children as their eyes widened in terror. The teacher having heard this also stared in shock at the child. A drop of sweat came down from his forehead as he gulped in fear. Letting his hand go, the teacher had his throat clench at the sight of Will.

Will's left arm dangled at an odd angle in the middle of his forearm where the teacher had grabbed him. It was beyond obvious the bone had shattered at the halfway point as the arm swayed back and forth from motion of being let go. Will stood there quietly, the kids were ready to cry themselves as they paled and Blanche's at the sight. If they weren't already so scared they would easily have barfed at the scene. A friend of theirs was in so much pain that he couldn't even cry out.

'Fuck that barely hurts at all. What am I, a battle freak?' Will thought to himself. Actually not feeling the pain he had forgotten to cry out to give him the chance to run out to the the nurse. To keep it looking naturally he is only compeise was to wail as a kid.

Everyone watched on as they saw Will wailing with his broken arm. The teacher tried to grab him and figure out something to solving the situation. Harming a student was beyond something the principal or school board could ignore as his whole person was drenched in a cold sweat. The teacher wanted to explain he couldn't do that but no words could escape his throat. Will dodged the teacher's desperate attempts at grabbing him and ran out of the room. Thankfully he had been paying attention before on where to go and ran straight to the nurse's office. His wailing stopped when he walked down a few corridors. Once knew he was out of range of the teacher, a smirk was drawn across his face. 'This uncle has worked all kinds of tough jobs and yet you plan to mess with this man. Pah, if I couldn't solve it violently then I can settle for a second best method. A little teacher like you should know his place' Will hurried off in case the teacher lost it and chased him, disappearing around a corner at a fast pace that children his age would never be able to reach.

Fiona watching while the incident occured was definitely shocked. But it wasn't the teacher that she focused on. Ever since seeing Will she had felt something was quite off, definitely not like his usual self. However, to her surprise she noticed Will's small actions, forcefully breaking his own arm cause goosebumps to run along her skin. Even the fact he hesitated after having it broken she could tell from how he was acting he wasn't truly in pain, just that everyone was too focused on his grotesque shaped arm to question the odd behaviour of this child.

At the back of her mind something was itching a spot that warned her there was something very off about him. But to her it was fine. She could ignore Will if it meant that she could focus on her future. Dreaming of her prince charming, Fiona had put Will and his problems as last on her long list of issues she needed to fix to ensure her future.