Nurse Sharon

Sharon was trying to neatly arrange her paperwork for the fifteenth time that morning. Letting out a sigh she crossed her arms and laid her head to rest on her desk. In the middle of her studies she had to intern out in her holidays to complete her degree in nursing. Although usually a doctor would be on duty, he had skipped out due to boredom. His last words "It'll be fine I haven't had a kid come once in the last year or so." For her though, she knew she didn't have the same amount of luck.

Whether it was gambling or life she always lost when it came to taking a chance. As such she was hesitant in the case something that could go wrong. She remembered reading somewhere the famous saying that if it can go wrong it will go wrong.

Despite the worry keeping her exhausted as she worked she definitely and absolutely was...bored. Bored out of her mind as it seemed like the doctor was right. Although it meant she didn't get much experience, her days left at the school were almost in the single digits and could only make her lax from her previous tense attitude. This was the easiest thing she had done since studying.

Things don't always go to plan however.

The door to enter the doctors room was slammed open. Sharon jumped in her seat as the noise reverberates in the small medical office. Turning on her swivel Sharon tried to remain professional. With a swing she put on a smiling face, in case the teachers or doctor noticed and gave feedback for her attirude. Her face twitched at the horrible sight in front of her.

A 10 year old child was standing in the doorway, his face filled with tears and a grief filled expression across his face. The thing that caught her eyes and dropped her jaw was his forearm, dangling at a wrong angle while she stared at it.

"Miss, miss" the child pleaded striding forward. Sharon watched the kid approach her eyes still riveted on the injury. Despite her best efforts however, Sharon's vision went dark passed out.

To say Will was shocked was definitely an understatement. Although he wanted to put on a show and cry and whine to this woman to put his case forward and hopefully mess with the teacher more, he hadn't expected her to faint at the sight of his injury. Although he was tempted to realign it just to stop the stares he got when he ran all the way here. It was pointless if the person who was supposed to take care of them passed out from fright. Will stepped closer to check over the woman and eyes the name tag on her shirt.

'Sharon. Intern' Will read aloud in his mind. That definitely explained things but that didn't make it any better. Spying the cordes phone on the wall next to her desk, he stretched out with his remaining working hand. Barely knocking the handset off and dialling the emergency line.

"Emergency services, what service do you need?" A feminine voice said on the end of the line.

"Ambulance" Will said in a flat tone. The young age of the voice surprised the dispatcher but she quickly diverted the call. It must truly be an emergency if a child had to make the call she nodded to herself. If it was a prank though, they could afford to waste a minute if it meant they could save a life.

After a few dial tones a male voice picked up on the end of the line.

"Ambulance services, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, I have a child with a broken arm here. It seems quite serious as it's a very sevre fracture" the man on the end of the line was silent for a moment as the content certainly didn't match the voice. Was it a prank?

"Can I have an address?" The man continued trying to remain professional.

"Yes it's Co-ed public school, he's currently waiting in the medical office to seek treatment" Will continued. At the back of his mind however he was definitely fuming. 'Usually if people hear my voice they'd tremble at the sound. But now as a little kid these adults that could barely be called weaned off their bloody mother's questioned him at every turn. Despite his dark thoughts Will answered the remaining questions to make sure everything went smoothly for him.

"An ambulance will be with you very shortly, make sure to try to ease the child's pain and distract him from the injury as much as possible until help arrives" the dial tone at the end was very telling that the man had already hung up. Grumbling at the rude treatment, Will looked at his arm. 'Yes keep the child calm. But this child has to care for an adult' After noticing how oddly bent it was no wonder the intern had fainted at first sight.

Looking over at the woman passed out on her chair, Will gave her a few light slaps on her face to wake her up.

"Oiii, Bimbo wake up already" Will's tone was a good indication that he was very annoyed at this woman. 'You leave a ten year old child to do your work while you have a midday nap' Will cursing in his mind.

Sharon woke up as she felt a little patting from the side of her face. Opening her eyes face to face with the child she saw a moment ago. With a groan she lifted herself and stared at the child in front of her.

"I'm sorry little one. I had the strangest dream that your arm was grotesquely broken. Yes definitely a dream" Sharon said out loud to comfort herself. Her gaze wandering down to his arm to check it was her imagination, she paled at the shape.

"You...your...your arm" Sharon managed to speak out a few words before her eyes rolled back into her head as she flopped loosely on the chair. A vein was pulsating on Will's head in anger as the intern had fainted once again.

Will was mentally cursing the woman out. Deciding it was best to leave her alone, least she collapses again and set him off, Will sat on the patient bed and folded his arms to wait. Although his left arm was off at a right angle, it left him a hand to scratch his chin while keep his arms crossed.

When the paramedics came in, they were beyond startled at this horrifically injured child who was sitting patiently for them. A woman who was obviously passed out, they assumed was the nurse. If they hadn't been told what it was like before coming they would definitely have it hard keeping their stomachs down.

"Can you check on her first? I've tried to wake her up a few times but she faints straight away" the genuine concern on the child's face was beyond baffling for the two of them. 'Its not that she's prone to fainting right? If you could hide your arm for a moment surely she'd be fine.' One of the paramedics checked on the the intern nurse lying in the chair. The other checking on the child.

"How did this happen?" The paramedic asked feeling some of the arm and confirm a clean break in the forearm. He felt queasy just looking at it. The kid however was silent for a moment.

"How do I lodge a complaint for child abuse?" the child answered back with a smile. The paramedic shuddered under his gaze but couldn't understand why.