Royale Treatment at the Hospital

Royal Hospital Children's Wing

Will start on the patient bed tapping his foot on the floor as he waited for the doctor opposite him to put up the X-rays. The sight of the bones were disgusting, they were twisted as if caught in a machine. The nurse on duty already had to take a break to recover looking at them.

"Mr Charles it seems like these bones are beyond repair. We will need to do an emergency surgery and put some pins here and here" the doctor said while pointing at the X-rays with his finger. To say Will was annoyed by now was definitely an understatement. he had been pestered with questions the whole way in the ambulance causing his irritation to rise. At this rate he felt like he couldn't keep up the act of being a child anymore.

"Doctor are you sure I need to go through with the surgery?" Will asked politely. The doctor could only stare in confusion at the child giving his best smile. The doctor rubbed his forehead in frustration. He could obviously see the broken forearm at Will's side and didn't they say that good children would follow what their elders said?

"If we don't operate than the arm will be useless for life" the doctor took a serious tone while looking at Will, in the hopes that he might be scared into complying. Will pondered over it a moment but gave a nod. The doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not that I'm scared of the surgery, I just find it too troublesome" Will said with a smile. The doctor frowned and his face darkened at the comment.

"And since that's the case…" Will reached his left forearm still at its odd angle and gripped it tightly with his remaining hand. The doctor felt a chill and tried to intervene before Will went through with his actions.

"Don't…" the doctor cried out but Will moved his arm back in position. His face didn't flinch at all despite what should be horrific pain. The doctor blanched and his face was as white as a sheet.

"Since the problem is mostly solved, I'm going to need the arm to be splinted and wrapped" the doctor stared at the child who was much like a venomous snake at his words. Will's gaze on the doctor was intense, and he shivered under that malevolent glare. Before he worked around the ward, he used to be in the emergency section and would deal with some of the more pressing injuries in the hospital. A few times they treated people with gunshot wounds, although the people looked normal at a glance on paper the look of a ravenous beast that lay behind their eyes made him sure they were not to be trifled with. And here and now there was a 10 year child gazing at him just the same.

"Yes, yes" the doctor said in a panic trying to show his agreement. He didn't want to spend a minute longer with this dangerous child. While the doctor was finishing up the wrapping of Wills cast, the door burst open.

"Will, oh my baby boy is everything alright?" the panicky voice said while rushing to Will's side. The doctor was roughly pushed away and he brushed his coat, he has never been treated this badly before in his life. especially not in succession. As the doctor turned around a man was hulking in the doorway, his face twisted in anger and turned to the doctor. The doctor let out a little sweat at the man bearing down on him.

"Doctor, how is my son?" the man said angrily. The doctor let out a breath.

"Well with your son we've splinted the arm and it just needs time to heal...I've heard from the paramedics that brought him in" the doctor paused as he looked at the woman he assumed was Will's mother smothering and checking over him again despite the boys complaints. From here he just looked like a normal child causing the doctor to shake his head.

"I think we should talk in private" the doctor gestured as he made a move to walk outside. Will's father looked back briefly and went off with him. While Will was in the crook of his mother's arms he gave a smile of perverse glee, hidden from his mother who was to busy worrying over him.

After the doctor left, Will disentangled himself from his mother with great effort. Complaining of his sore arm as the reason, his mother immediately kept a short distance but no further to keep him from harm's way.

"Who did this to you?" the voice filled with a vicious threat came from his soft mother. For once Will was surprised, although he knew his mother he had never seen this side of her before, in this life or the last. Will just shook his head at her question. His mother however was instantly displeased.

"When we go back home I'll explain everything" Will said, keeping the whole matter under wraps and trying to pacify the raging mother bear from losing it at the hospital. He didn't want them to head off in a hurry, not until he was sure everything would fall into place first. His mother clenched her hands hard that they beginning to turn white. Despite her wanting to protest she could only nod in acknowledgement and wait for her son.

"I have to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a few minutes" Will said trying to ease his mother's anxiety. She sat their staring at him while he left the patient room, Wills ears picked up a conversation from the next room. If the door wasn't closed it was more likely to be heard as shouting. Hearing that the voice was his father Will already knew the cat was out of the bag since the doctor already had rattled on him. Grumbling to himself he wandered the hospital corridors as he tried to figure out what to do next.

"Alex the bastard gave me a good slog. Why didn't you stand up for me?"

"You glassed the other one and expect me to step in when you're plastered? You were lucky no one carked it otherwise you would never have gotten out from the coppers. The press loves a good story especially if someone gets away and the boss wants to avoid anything like that" the second voice said with a threat. The conversation was passing through one ear and out another for Will as he was wandering in a daze deep in his thoughts. And that's when the pair bumped into him with no hesitation.

Will let out a grunt as he stepped back to steady himself. The man had smashed straight into his broken arm and his anger was at an all time high. His patience broke and he eyed the two of them like a crazed animal wanting to bite at anything it saw.

"Oi, you little shit. Pay attention when you're walking around, you won't like it if this bro fucks with you" one of the pair said. Will eyed the two over, although they were both dressed in simple collars shirts, pants and suits that was where the similarity ended. The man angry with him was short and was already losing his hair, a good explanation for why he was so jumpy at the moment. The other was a lot taller and on the leaner side, his face was shaped much like a bird and was happy to watch in silence that his friend was making a fuss, laughing as it was a 10 year old child that was almost as tall as his companion.

"Apologise" Will said his voice turned cold. The short man failed to pick up on the threat and was already fuming at the child. Will knew he could walk away and most likely would never have to deal with them but he had the extreme urge to vent and these two just so happened to be the unlucky ones he needed to relax with hence wanting to create an excuse to start.

The short man looked at his taller companion in disbelief. "Did you hear him E? This little brat wants me to apologise?" the short man grabbed onto Wills good arm tightly. The shirt man put good pressure hoping the pain would scare the child, but he was disappointed as Will didn't even flinch.

"I see you only have one good arm left. Be a shame if you couldn't use either" the short man said with a wide grin. The sound of pain and groaning was heard but it turned out not as expected. The short man had already changed his smile to grimace in pain. Will had already moved out the man's hold and gripped the man's arm roughly and jumped up, wrapping his legs around the man's neck. With his good hand bracing on the floor he lifted the man up and drove into the hard floor of the hospital face first over himself. The man was knocked unconscious immediately, and the trace that he was alive was due to an involuntary twitch in the fingers.

The man the shorter one had called E was beyond surprised. If it wasn't for the fact that his face was usually cold and unmoving then he was certain it would be showing his shock and surprise. Will was already back on his feet and was ready to take any hits from the man left standing.

Unexpectedly the man gave Will a smile. Will was beyond confused at the man before him, 'Was he brain damaged?'.

"Seems like my friend has troubled you" E walked past Will and checked to see if the short man was still alive. Turning the body over, the shirt man's face was smashed at his nose as blood pooled out of it, E checked his pulse and was happy he was alive.

"I don't believe I've seen that kind of fighting style before" E said cooly as he took in the young child in front of him. Eyeing Will up and down it definitely seemed like a normal child, but when he gazed at the child's eyes they were much like his boss. Cold and ruthless, the memory caused E to shiver. Will could tell that the man was looking him over, even he would do the same if he came across a child like this. Recalling the conversation he heard while walking past his face broke into smile seeing an opportunity landed itself in his lap.

"Do you have a business card?" Will asked. E was definitely surprised and could only nod dumbly as he patted over himself and pulled a clean card with silver writing on it. Will nodded in satisfaction as he glared coldly at E.

"You'll receive a call in a few days. In that time I'll be looking for a job, let your boss know. If I have to organise it your life will be agonising to say the least." Will left the threat in the air as he disappeared into the corridor again. E shook his head and lifted his companion over his shoulder as they disappeared from the hospital. The staff on hand barely noticed their disappearance.