Parent Teacher Interview

The car ride back home was proven to be extremely awkward. Will was sitting in the back seat with his cast on his arm as his parents would occasionally look back at them. The guilt on their faces was beyond obvious.

"Honey, don't you think it's time to explain what happened?" His mother asked as she gazed at him with worry. Seeing the loving gaze Will sighed and recounted what happened at the school earlier this morning. As he finished narrating his father slammed on the brakes. A car behind hit the brakes as well and was honking continuously at the sudden stop. After a moment of silence his father changed the direction away and swung in the opposite direction of going home.

"Honey what are you doing?" Will's mother asked. His father's gaze cause her to stop questioning his actions, everyone was feeling on edge. It didn't take long for him to answer though.

"We're going to the school"


Will's father parked outside the school gates as he turned to face him.

"We will be inside a few moments. Stay in the car, and don't move" his father sent a nod to his wife and the pair left Will behind in the car. A moment later the doors locked in unison with a beep on the car leaving Will in surprise. 'The bastard realised I would follow them!' Will thought to himself as he kicked the car door out of anger. Usually he would be calm about it, let alone being locked he could easily hijack a car if he wanted to. It was just having a broken arm at the same time was an annoyance that had easily been eating away at his patience. Will cursed himself for his 'brilliant idea'.

Muttering and grumbling to himself, Will slid out of the back seat and over to the driver's side. Fiddling around he found a small area around the driver side door. With a tug the cover came off and showed the exposed the exposed wiring in the door. Counting the strands he traced it back to roughly where the lock would be. Seeing the connector he pulled out the small wire and the locks popped up in unison.

Will grinned at his success as he pulled the latch and kicked the door open. Hopping out of the car he slammed it closed to ease his anger and hurried after his parents.

Arriving at the school building Will hesitated as he noticed most of the kids were still in class causing Will to pause. It was definitely inconvenient since the kids were still in class. If he came back within a couple hours, what trauma could a kid possibly go through if he walked himself back to the classroom. If he had an act he would at least follow through with it.

Will's eyes roamed around the building as he looked to see for anything that was a better alternative. Spotting the principal's window he saw a route had emerged, although it was unusual.

Walking over to the drainage pipe, Will gazed at the small footholds formed from bolts that stuck out to attach the metal to the wall. Using his good hand and two feet he leapt a metre up in the air to grab on to the bolt and lifted himself up by his arm. Slowly climbing the hand and foot holds on the wall, Will lay flat along the edge and made his way to a ledge that jutted out from the windows if the second floor, leading to the principal's window. Leaping off the holds in the wall he landed squarely on his feet as he balanced himself looking down at the two storey drop. 

Regaining his balance, Will had his arms out to keep him even. Bracing himself against the wall Will shuffled along the edge and passed by the windows as he made his way to the office. Carefully he swung his head around and looked through the window. He had passed a few of the other openings but the sounds of children chattering were obviously not what he was searching for. It was when he got close to this window did he hear the sounds of muffled shouting and yelling. Despite everything rushing ahead faster than he wanted he was truly happy about how his parents cared about him. It was an aching void he had felt in his previous life as they had disappeared from his life one after another. Shaking off his melancholic mood kept his ear close to the window.

As expected he could see the principal and teacher sitting down. His father was yelling although the sound was muffled he could tell the gist of their conversation. Will bent down and shifted the slightly opened window up to hear them better.

"How could this school have a teacher that hurts students? It's insane you haven't already him stopped from holding lessons" the shouting had almost coloured Will's father a bright red in his face.

"Mr. Charles, I assure you the school will investigate this thoroughly. We have had Mr. David on hold for the moment and a substitute teacher has been teaching in the meantime while we resolve this."

"I don't give a damn about your substitute. My son had his arm broken by this bastard in front an entire classroom of children. If you don't fire him so help me god I will make sure that the whole country knows about this" having said his piece, Will watched as his father and mother left very unhappy slamming the door closed. It wasn't beyond what he had expected aside from his parents actions. Having been used to people who would act for any number of benefits, the feeling of being look after whole heartedly was a happy and yet alien fewling. Will however was interested in what was to come after the pair were alone left in the room.

"What the hell were you thinking?" the principal yelled having dropped his smiling expression.

"I didn't do shit, the kid broke his own arm" Mr. David responded back. The principal slammed his hand on the desk in rage, he hated being lies to.

"Who would believe that, even as your brother that's too much for me to even swallow"

Will raised his brows in surprise. 'This feels like a daytime drama' he thought to himself as he watched on.

"Well what do we do?"

"Lay low for a while, and no more dealings with Sean. We're already under the close eye of some of the teachera. You'd be likely to get away from the police locking you up but any further and we'll have more trouble than just losing our jobs"

The two of them had perked Will's interest but they quickly jumped to trivial topics at the time and the teacher said his goodbyes closing the door behind him. Will was happy at least. He had another name but what would he do with it was the question. While Will was distracted, the principal had already come to the window, shivering from the small breeze coming in from the window.

"Bloody cleaners, I asked them to keep the window closed when they do their job" he said to himself while slamming down the window and turning back to his desk. The action surprised Will and he lost his balance on the ledge he was on. Falling over head first he grabbed onto the ledge with his fingers and braced his legs against the wall. Letting out a sigh of relief at catching himself he pushed off the wall and landed on the ground feet first.

'Guess I'm not used to being so small, looks like I need to work on this body more' Will evaluated on his head. Although his mind operated quickly, his body wasn't adjusted to keep up for the moment. Looking around he could spotted his parents through one of the empty classrooms on the ground floor and ran back to the car as to not make them suspicious. Reaching the car he opened the door and sat in the back seat, pretending to have been on his best behaviour.