Purging the Rat Nest

The boss was resting in his room, leaning back in his leather chair with a glass of whiskey and a case of cigars on his walnut wood desk. The sound of rustic blues was playing on an old vinyl disc player, the vinyl itself rotated slowly. It had been hard to find a good amount of them these days as people had trashed them and changed to CD and cassette long ago. He was sure the sound was much better coming from it and had never wanted to change. Giving his glass a sip he lit one of his cigars and puffed away as he enjoyed the luxury he had finally earned. It took him years to convince his connections to start shipping his 'product' as the risks were high. But his customers could afford the cost that it came with and he enjoyed the payoff readily.

A relentless knocking disturbed his peace and he frowned at the noise, his brow crinkling. To say he was annoyed was definitely an understatement.

"Who is it?" The boss said in a demanding tone. The door opened and his second in command popped his head inside. He wasn't a strong man but he was shrewed. And that made him useful. So he had a little leeway when it came to pissing off the boss, he knew it would only be an emergency or something important to disturb the his private time.

"Boss...we have a situation" the second in command told him. The boss frowned as he dropped his glass down.

"What happened" the boss asked. His face looked thunderous as he waited for his now stammering underling to explain himself.

"I think you should see for yourself boss" not wanting to him to explain further, the boss went to the side of the room and opened an inconspicuous door. The room was filled to brim with monitors displaying feeds from cameras that covered the hideout. Sitting in the swivel chair the boss waited for his second in command to tell him where to look along the wall of video footage. Not too long a finger was pointed at a particular screen. 

Although the film was in black and white, the sound was not there as well, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened. The guards that were all standing sounded out their surprise in silence and fell down quickly one after the other. A blur followed soon after and the corpses were left behind in a bloody mess decorating the floors and wall. Limbs mangled and distorted or their heads were caved in from what seemed to be extreme blunt force trauma making even the boss himself feel queasy at the sight. Nervously it reminded of the gangsters from the bigger cities he once had to deal with. As a blur passed one of the cameras the boss hit the pause key barely catching the image.

Immediately seeing the still video in detail the boss begun swearing. The second in command was confused as well, it was obvious that they had been caught off guard and the hideout was being invaded but it certainly wasn't the cops. It was too messy for their usual crisp and clean attitude. As the second in command drew closer to one of the viewing monitors his face was agape in surprise. A child he hazard a guess that he wasn't yet 10 years old was covered in blood and the frame had him in mid swing with what seemed to be a metal pipe decorated in blood and bits. The child's face was twisted in ecstasy and filled with a murderous gleam in his eyes. The sight caused him to shiver.

"Inform the last of the boys to be on the lookout for this kid. Highly dangerous and shoot onsite. We can't have anything go wrong when the client is close to arriving" the boss instructed his second calnly. The other man nodded and went to grab his walkie talkie he had on his belt.

"Attention security, there has been a breach. A child ten years of age has entered the building. Shoot on site, very dangerous" he said and let go of the call button. Waiting for a response he was impatient at the silence on the other end, repeating the message again and he waited for the response. The quiet made them feel a slowly growing fear crawl on their backs.

A quiet knock coming from the main room made the two swivel their heads immediately from the wait and had them on alert. The second in command went over to the door and slowly peered out. Seeing the corridor was empty he let out a sigh of relief.

"No one there" the second in command said with a smile. Immediately afterwards though a pipe came from the doorway and brained the man. The force was so severe it deformed his skull under the pressure and had the impromptu weapon embedded in the man's head causing the second in command to slump onto the floor. A small hand came into sight as the body was tugged out the door.

The boss held his breath from the sheer savagery. If it wasn't for the blood trail leading out the door he was sure he had dreamt the whole thing. However he could only dream it never happened. A child walked through the door brandishing the bloodied metal pipe, had it leaning it on his shoulder. Although he wore a simple pair of jeans and shirt he was caked in blood and other bodily bits. Flashing a smile at him the red face cakes in wet blood was made more distinct from the white teeth in his mouth. The sight was horrific.

The boss stumbled back in shock and fell over onto the ground. He had left his safe spot in the small room earlier to watch his underling investigate outside. How he wished he had barricaded the door instead and pretend he wasn't home.

"It would be useless anyway" the boy commented giving a shrug. The boss stared blankly at the boy who had apparently read his mind.

"No no, I don't read minds. You just made it obvious" he continued as he bore down on him. Frightened the boss put out his hand in a futile attempt to stop the savage child. In a huff the child calmly swatted the hand with the back of his free hand. If it was a normal person the injury would have been a bruise at most. But not for this child.

The boss let out an inhuman scream as he looked over his hand, the sheer pain was beyond his ability to contain. His finger were mangled and his palm was twisted in the wrong direction. The boss could barely take the sight of it.

"So I need a little favour from you" the child said as he bent his knees to stay face to face with the boss sitting on the ground clutching his deformed hand. But it was hard to tell who was the real child as the older man was softly whimpering from the pain with tears in his eyes.

"I'll give you a chance so as to spare what little life you have left" the child emphasised as he lifted his foot and put pressure on the boss's leg.

The boss could feel his leg bone bowing under the crushing force of the child's foot. It was amazing to him if he wasn't for that he was suffering from the immense pain. His brow was already full of sweat and he relented early. At least he didn't wish to suffer to long.

"What do you want?" The boss spat out quickly, hoping this small murderer would ease up on him. Surprisingly instead the child put more pressure and the boss could only grimace under the pain. He could hear the child let out a click of his tongue and shake his head.

"You know I've been in a bad mood since I've come here it would be a shame if someone annoyed me further. The welcome service was awful" the child revealed his maniacal grin and pushed further on the older man's leg. The boss let out a wail of pain but held on from fainting. If he collapsed then he was certain he wouldn't live much longer after that.

"I'm sorry sir" the boss said relenting. It was through clenched teeth but after feeling the pressure on his leg ease he knew he had appeased this little god of war.

"Better. I'm looking for a girl, about yay big and with pretty hair" the child said with a general description. The boss however stared at him, 'Wouldn't that describe more than half the girls in this place?' the boss sweated for if it was a previous girl he had sold off he was as good as dead.

"Sir, could you please be more descriptive?" The boss asked flashing a fake smile in hopes to appease this frighting child. The child hesitated for a moment and tapped his chin with a finger thoughtfully.

"Should be a new arrival" the child said succinctly. The boss let out a breath in relief, keeping the child appeased was a better strategy than refusing. He had to live long enough to know that to spend the money he earned he would have to be alive first.

"She would be in our new holding cell. Downstairs" the boss said, his hopes were already rising as the child had already looked ready to leave. But the child stopped his initial step to walk out of the office and all the smiles on the boss's face dropped.

"But it's unfrotunate that I've killed all your other companions. Seems like I need a guide to help me around. Would be ashamed if I was left alone in this facility with free reign" the boss could already hear the thinly veiled threat and paled at the last of his words. If this killer was left to roam around would he have anything left in this place that had become a burial ground of corpses.

"If the sir doesn't mind" the boss said withholding the pain in his hand and standing up from his position on the floor. If just by looking by appearance the child was not that deadly. But he knew better. For gangsters it was a simple matter of bowing their heads to the strong. Schemes were a good way to achieve power among peers, but in the underworld fists ruled all. And he come across one stronger than his.

"This way sir" the boss said walking in front of the child. Internally he was cursing and thinking of how when the buyer arrived to grusomely torture this child. Unbeknownst to him, the child was watching him intently and could easily see his thoughts on his face. It was incredibly amusing for him to watch.

The boss was trying to think at a million miles an hour before arriving at an answer he thought was brilliant.

"Young sir, could I have your name?" the child almost wanted to laugh on the spot at this man's naive thinking. The moment he gave out his name it was surely a death sentence if the old man thought it through for another minute.

"The name is Will but you can call me Mr. Charles" Will responded. The boss was satisfied and was internally planning for revenge. 'Finally I have a name, it's not hard to swindle a child no matter how terrifying they may be' he smiled at his own thoughts.

As the boss lead the way through the went down a flight of stairs. It wasn't hard to guess this was where they kept the 'products' with the solid metal reinforced doors alternating along the straight corridor. The boss stopped suddenly in front of one of these doors without any markings or numbers. Will watched him carefully. Flipping open the latches with the boss with his good hand gestured as he opened the door for Will.

'...he doesn't think I'd fall for that right?' Will almost wanted to slap the man with his stupidity. Were gangsters this bad before his time?

Taking a look in he saw a girl passed out in a corner with her arms, feet and hands bound. She had some bruising on her cheek and a pale face. Will ignoring the scheming man ran over to check her breathing and was reassured with the constant warm air coming out of her nose and her rising and falling chest.

The slam of the door behind echoed in the now dark room. The slot for the door slid open to reveal the boss' eyes.

"Haha, you little shit. Stay here until my employer comes. You may be strong but let's see you stop bullets" the boss began madly cackling at his victory.

Will rolled his eyes at the man. 'You really think I wouldn't have a plan for this?' Will thought to himself. Satisfied that the girl was unharmed he walked over to the door. The boss drew back a little in instinctual fear of the child. He cursed his cowardice, there was a ten centimetre thick door between so what was their to fear?

"Y-y-you can't think of getting out. This door is steel reinforced" the boss said out loud. If anything not to scare the bloodthirsty child but more to reassure himself. Will was quiet for a moment and the boss smiled as he relaxed as the child seemed to have given up.

Will drew back and sent a solid kick near the latch of the door. The door caved a little outwards and the groan of metal sent the boss reeling in fear. His eyes almost popped out of his head as Will rained more kicks on the door causing it to bend outwards further.

"No, no, no" the boss said and in a moment of panic he tried to brace the door with his hands and body in desperation to keep this demon child from getting out. There was a moment of silence and the boss relaxed feeling the tension leave him.

However Will didn't pause to stop, he had walked back a couple of paces and did a run up to the door. Sending out a flying kick the door flung open and sent the boss with the door smashing into the adjacent wall as it swung open. Looking out Will was confused tried to see where the boss went as he looked up and down the now empty corridor.

'Maybe he ran away?' Will thought and stepped out. But he was sure the man was trying to hold the door as he felt a slight resistance when atta king the door. Walking out he noticed the blood and gore dripping on the floor and traced it to the door as it was embedded in the wall. Looking over Will was satisfied at the result. The boss would be better described as a human pancake as his inner organs and blood decorated the back of the door in a messy fashion.

"Never would I thought I would become a Jackson Pollock painter" Will nodded in satisfaction at his work as he talked to himself, observing the new piece of art he had made.