Delivery Home

Although bloody and covered in gore, Will decided to pick up the unconcious girl and have Fiona lay on his back.

"I wish I could have a shower" Will grumbled aloud as he walked out of the enclosed room. Walking up the stairs he was in a better mood passing by the bodies littering the corridor as he let off some of his frustrations. Stopping to nod and smile at a particular blood splatter on the wall, Will continued on his way. Walking out of the entrance of the hide out he headed towards a small creek he remembered that was still there. After he and the family left it dried up due to a drought that hit hard. But the good thing about it was not many people would happen past it or look for it at this time of night. Perfect for him to erase some of the evidence.

Thankfully it was dark so not many people were out to stare at his gruesome and bloodied appearance. Breaking into a run, Will kept Fiona on his back steady as she was still out like a light.


Soon after Will left several cars pulled up along with some police cars and flashing sirens. A number of officers burst out and ran into the open door of the building. However as the cops waited at the ready outside the only sounds they could were dry retching and coughing. Curious some of the officers came closer. Ducking their heads in, their faces paled and turned away from the sight inside. The officers in the building were on the floor puking their guts out at the scene of mangled bodies and crushed body parts decorating the floor and walls.

A car that had a dark sheen of green to it had its doors open. A young teenager came out, dressed in a suit and pants in a matching colour to his pwrsonaility. His black hair was slicked back and had a constant ice cold face.

"What's happening inside?" The teenager asked in an angry tone. He had made a lot of plans to organise this operation on request and it should have been an easy cleanup.

"Sir…" an older man came by the teenager from the driver side of the car but hesitated to try and explain.

"Spit it out. Master Cho was explicit at helping these officers and catch the culprits. What could there possibly be that's stopping them?" The teenager asked infuriated. Despite his appearance, the young man was fiery in temper. The older man sweated as he opened and closed his mouth much like a fish gasping for air unable to make out an anwser. Sneering at the older man the teenager was too impatient at the suspenseful wait and walked to the scene where even the officers hesitated to approach and just stood outside on guard.

"Sir you shouldn't go inside...even the officers haven't finished clearing the place for criminals. It's dangerous" the older man said trying to make as many excuses he could to stop the young man from entering. The young man pushed the older one back and strode in confidently.

The older man let out a sigh and waited outside. Not a moment sooner the teenager ran outside, his face pale and holding his mouth with his hand. Leaning against the wall with his other hand, he started retching. The older man approached and patted the young man on the back to soothe the puking as his apperance had broken so easily.

"Dear god. John, who on earth was that sick to do that. Just...what is even left to be buried?" The teenager asked with his pale face. Although he was cold and fierce to people, even the toughest of men would pale in the face of a sadistic killer. The bodies in piles caused him to shudder.

"The officers will clear out the site, after that we can enter and ensure everything is okay" John, the older man, said. The teenager nodded in agreement as he focused on keeping his breathing even.

"We will do that then. Make sure whatever children you find are to be escorted and taken care of" the teenager instructed and gave a wave of his hand to dismiss the older man.

"Yes Master Robert" John responded and gave a short bow before walking and talking to some of the officers that were at their patrol vehicles. Gesturing and talking to each other but the sound was too low for Robert to pick up on anything. He sat against the wall and controlled his beating heart and tried to push the sights of the building to the back of his mind. Soon the cold and icy demeanour returned and Robert regained his calm.

The officers declared the building was safe and had already had the paramedics called for what good it could do. Since there wasn't anyone else that collect the bodies. John and Robert walked in with a few officers as they inspected the interior of the building. Thankfully an unfortunate officer had gone ahead and moved some of the bodies. Although against protocol the sheer mess and bodies were interfering with the investigation. It didn't take long before the downstairs rooms and cells were discovered. A number of children, some malnourished and shivering, came out and they were given water and wrapped in blankets.

John and Robert however stayed on the ground floor as they found what should have been the office for the boss of the gang hideout here. Seeing the opulent furnishings elicited a disgusted face from Robert. John however walked around the room and noticed a side door in the room.

"Master Robert" John said trying to catch Robert's attention as he indicated toward the door. As they opened the door, the room full of screens showed the officers wandering around the building. However a screen was flickering with a paused image that attracted the two's attention. To their surprise they saw a young boy, ten years of age no less, holding a metal pipe. However, what kept them riveted on the screen were the blood splatters on his face as well as the maniacal grin he had stretched his face. It made the two of them shiver instinctually.

"It seems like we found the culprit" Robert said. John nodded as well as he was thinking for a moment.

"Should we inform the police to help with this as well?" John asked. Robert however shook his head.

"If anything he helped us for now I guess. This I think we should keep quiet until we can find him through more secret connections. Seeing how he single handled took down this place, to say it was dangerous to approach him now is definitely an understatement" John nodded at Robert's words and went to chat with the officers outside the room. Walking away he left Robert alone in the room while Robert gazed at the child's face.

"Who are you?" Robert asked himself with his usual icy smile.


Will heaved out a breath from the running he did. It was quite a distance and compared to children his age he was a monster, running this far to the river with someone on his back was beyond what some adults could do. But he was unhappy.

'I could go a lot faster than this easily. I guess I need to start training to get to where I once was in my previous life.' Although Will previously had chalked his speed and strength to martial arts and killing techniques he knew better now. All he needed was to give himself a stronger foundation to work off and he could possibly be even better than in his previous life.

The thought showed in his eyes as excitement. Hearing a murmuring behind his ear he turned to face the unconscious Fiona. He gently put her down on the grass. Seeing she wasn't waking up yet he turned to the shore and dove into the river with his bloody clothes. The waters turned a scarlet red almost instantly. After removing the gore and bits he was relatively clean as he swam around the cold water and kept his shivering in the cold to a minimum. Thankfully he hadn't been wearing a white shirt as removing those stains would be beyond painful as he would have to throw it away and explain to his mother how he lost a shirt.

Walking back to shore, Will shook himself quickly. From an outsider's view Will looked like a human sized blur. Soon he stopped his wet dog shaking, his clothes although no longer soaking were now damp. In the spring air at night it would be easy to catch a chill. Will came back to check on Fiona as she was still lying on the ground. Will knelt next to her and gazed over her face up close, he realised it was the first time he had ever been so close to her. This life and his last.

Although she was still young, the early signs of being a beauty were already beginning to show. He remembered how Fiona had bloomed early as they went into highschool. It had made him insanely jealous but back then he felt weak and could barely show his presence around her. Of course too late he knew that her attention was riveted on someone else. To him that man was untouchable and a height he could never to reach towards.

Will was resolute though.

"In this life. I, Will will be by your side, regardless of what we face" speaking out loud. Feeling it was too loud in the empty and quiet creek he blushed. Shaking his head he regained his serious attitude.

'Is being a child starting to cloud my reasoning as well?' Will asked himself in his thoughts. But he couldn't tell unless he spent more time in this new life. Looking over Fiona, she was barely covered in blood thankfully. Dragging her body and draping her over his back, he carried Fiona at a walking pace. Unbeknownst to Will, Fiona cracked open her eyes a little as her arms were already his shoulders. Her face had a slight blush. Enough that you wouldn't notice, she felt incredibly warm inside and her heart constricting at Will's words. Although she had resisted acknowledging at school, she knew when to relent when being helped.

Although she couldn't remember much of what happened earlier other than being scared, her mind felt blank and not wanting to piece together the missing time. Though this child happened to be carrying her when she woke. Feeling the back of the child, it was easily dependable and for some reason felt broader than what she would expect from a young boy. Fiona however felt her eyes dropping and went back to sleeping and relaxed in Will's hold.