
The sound of footsteps pacing back forth was an easy show of how nervous she was feeling inside. In a normal two storey house Fiona's mother walked back and forth as she was still incredibly worried over her missing daughter. She felt she could trust Will since she had talked and met with him several times and his confidence in finding her child had calmed her initial fears. But as she kept glanced at the clock on the wall the time limit of an hour grew closer, fraying her nerves. 

She was still gripping the small piece of paper that she had been given and stole looks at her home phone. She could call the police but if her daughter returned home the people would think she was an over excited mother and too controlling on her daughter. But her heart couldn't be at ease until she could see her daughter in person. Or worse they could be in trouble while she hesitated.

A knock on the door, sent her heart racing as she dashed to it. Pulling it open quickly she saw Will carrying a sleeping Fiona on his back. The two of them of were fine except Will, who's shirt looked damp as if he had been running for a while.

"Hi Fiona's mum, I found her" Will said with a flash of his smile. She was so relieved she almost collapsed on the spot. Hurrying the two in she took Fiona off the child's back and looked her dear daughter over and over to see if there was anything wrong. She could feel her Fiona's warmth and even breathing, hugging her tightly she was afraid that if she let go her child would disappear once again.

"She'll be ok. We had to run away from some bad people so she was a little scared" Will explained, trying to put his previous actions in as positive a light as he could. Fiona's mother didn't care about the details, she was just relieved her daughter had finally returned home.

"It's okay, it's okay" she said wanting to skip forward the conversation with Will. Although it was rude she finally could relax her tense body, her daughter looked perfectly fine aside from a few scratches. Her peaceful sleep barely showed any of the troubles she was told. Carrying her child upstairs to her bedroom, Will followed quuetly behind out of curiosity, he had always wanted to look into her room. Fiona's mother placed her daughter on the bed inside one of the rooms Will had assumed was Fiona's, garish pink walls and bed covers were decorating the room along with toys lined up along the shelves. The top of some of the drawers and side tables were filled with a few other girly items that Will only glanced over.

After some fussing over her daughter, Fiona's mother turned back to Will who was standing outside the room at the doorway giving off the look of a stranger.

"You should go home Will. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you" she said. It was only a glance out the window but the sun was already starting to drop beyond the horizon. Will shook his head however.

"Please let me stay here Auntie. My parents only let me out today to stay out of trouble. If I came back they won't let me out again" Will said in a pitiful tone that tugged at her heart. Although Will was not wrong, he was just not willing to leave Fiona alone. It had been hard enough in his previous life and he was happy to try and stay as close as possible to her in this.

Fiona's mother felt guilty, having left the task of finding her own child. She would have run around herself and done it but the situation would instead be her acting like a headless chicken. And with the mention of bad people being involved...she shuddered at the thought of possibly not seeing her child again. So to give a reward she could only nod at keeping Will here.

"Okay, I'll call your parents. I'm sure they should be on the contact list the school gave us" she said talking to herself and left the room. Will watched as she went downstairs to the home phone hanging on the wall.

He could already hear here softly talking over the phone. His eyes wandered back to Fiona, who was sleeping peacefully at the moment making Will feel relieved. Although on the inside and out he was quite cold and wouldn't hesitate to kill off people who got in his way or annoyed him. In fact he would probably take to it with glee. But for the few people he was open to, and to her eepecially seeing her their in a comfrotable sleeping posture eased his killing intent. All he could feel was happiness at her being so close to his person.

Walking over to the side of the bed he watched over her seeing the small twitches she had on her forehead. He resisted the urge to smooth at the crinkles that were on her brow with his hand and resigned himself to be a silent guardian for now.

He couldn't tell if Fiona felt him but she instinctually moved closer to Will, curling up her body her hand reached out and clutched the sleeve of his damp shirt. Although he felt cold, the idea of breaking free of her hand holding onto him made him want to brave any sickness that may come his way.

Fiona's mother came rushing back to see her daughter after finishing the call with Will's parents. Stumbling on the sight of Will and Fiona together gave her a feeling of ease.

"I called your mother. I said you would be sleeping over tonight. She was quite worried and asked if I could drop you home early tommorow." Fiona's mother informed Will. Will turned to her and nodded softly trying not to wake Fiona.

"Thank you Auntie" Will said. The words struck Fiona's mother. 'What was this development?' she thought to herself. After a moment of going through her thoughts on this child mentioning of being closer to thrm she realised it wasn't so bad having this kid hanging around her daughter. A child that went beyond his way and even saved his daughter was definitely a good standard in her eyes. Internally she felt maybe it was time to organise a son in law for herself. Fiona's mother smiled at Will. In less than a day, Fiona's own mother had already sold her daughters heart away unbeknownst to Fiona herself.

"You can call me Auntie Veronica if you wish dear" she said smiling amicably at Will. Will felt something had changed with this Auntie but he wasn't sure what so he flashes a smile abd wordlessly sat in a more comfortable position next to Fiona's bed and stay close. Auntie Veronica felt it was a good time to not disturb them and quietly closed the door after her. She couldn't stop grinning.

'Hehe it's about time I started thinking of my child's future after all' she thought and hummed to herself as she was getting dinner ready. It wouldn't be too much later that her husband would be home from work. Although a number of people in the area were blue collar workers, her husband was an office worker and that meant he would finish later and sometimes at unreasonable hours. But she knew that all his work and hardship was for them so she had never complained.

Back in Fiona's room Will watched over her as she slept. Her eyelids fluttered every so often that it made him want to stay stone still and watch over her forever. In his joy his feet had shifted around to give them feeling again do he didn't have to move and wake her up. Under the bed his feet stretched out where it kicked something heavy.

Curious he flipped the bed skirt to have a look. Seeing a pink book he reached with his free hand and grabbed at the book. Having noticed the freedom of his arm he looked over and realised he had broken his cast sometime ago. Although he felt no pain from moving his once broken arm he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed something important. This would be hard to explain to the parents he grimaced at the thought.

Looking over the book it had some small cute lettering 'Girl's only' which he could only assume was a diary. His curiosity got the better of him than acknowledging her privacy. It was just a matter of time before everything she was privy to would be known to him as well. Smiling he dislodged himself from her gripping and hand and opened it up to the first page. But he soon frowned at the contents.