Dinner with a Neighbour

Looking over the first page he could almost laugh at the attempts made in the diary. It was filled with barely legible letters and scribbles. He hadn't realised his person of interest to be would have a cute and embarrassing side to her. Flipping over the pages his originally smiling countenance begun to frown. He seemed that his initial impression was wrong, it felt like as the pages went on it was more like her simply being unable to move her hands. By the time he was a number of pages in the letters and writing was quite good. Looking at the date he was confused. It was dated a good six years ago. 

His brow furrowed further as he finally began taking in the contents.

'Four years after my passing I have come back. It's a chance!!!' the words were written with excitement he could almost feel it jumping off the page. But Will didn't get it. Passing? Not birth? And he flicked over the pages impatiently. Some of it was detailed accounts of the day which made him look over at Fiona, who was still sleeping peacefully, strangely.

Suddenly he came across a recent page that caught his interest 

'Yay finally I can work on my goal to get hubby. In three years I'm sure we'll meet. I must make certain I get in his life early before that skank gets there first' Will gripped the book tightly, he had the urge to rip the page out for some reason. At school he knew that Fiona had already known about him, and that made him angry. Could it be that even in two lives his love had eyes for another? He'd never let that happen that was for certain. Flipping over to the last entry he was surprised. It seemed to detail what was his 'first' day of school.

'I feel like something was not quite right with Will today. The chills on my back from his intense staring was so different from his usual person. Is this why he turned out so different?' Will froze and could only reread the diary entry over and over before processing the contents. Snapping the diary close he hid the book underneath the bed again. Keeping it far away from him like a snake. 

For a while Will kept rubbing his forehead to ease what seemed to be a headache coming on. 'What are you thinking Will? This is too strange for words' he thought to himself. Gazing at Fiona he felt an intense need to know more. Maybe out of instinct Fiona shivered and turned away from him still sleeping. Staying in his sitting position he kept looking over what he could only guess what was now slowly becoming a stranger to him.

"Who are you really my Fiona?" he said under his breath. A while later a knock was heard on the door.

"Coming in children" Auntie Veronica said aloud as she opened the door. Will turned to her silently. The smell wafting smelt delicious and he already guessed it was time for dinner. In a moment of surprise Fiona sat bolt upright in a sleepy state. Rubbing her eyes she let out a yawn and talked to her mother.

"Mum, is it dinner time?" Fiona asked in a lazy tone as her stomach let out a growl. She could hear a soft laughter like sweet bells next to her scaring her for a moment. She hadn't even noticed Will was there and felt incredibly embarrassed and blushed. Her mother laughed as well at her reaction.

"Quick, before the food gets cold. Your father should be home any moment." Auntie Veronica said and gestured for both of them to come downstairs. Fiona eyed Will cautiously as she followed her mother downstairs. These actions of staying close to her mother elicited another hearty chuckle from Will. 'Yes this was right. Soon even the mother sheep won't protect you from the wolf coming for you' Will smiling at his thoughts. No one could tell from the innocent smile on the outside of the devious thoughts inside.

Seeing the two were already seated at the table. Will took the chair opposite Fiona, who was looking back and forth between her mother and Will. Her eyes constantly shooting a look, asking for an explanation. Auntie Veronica let out a sigh and patted her head softly.

"Eat up, it's not the best but I'm still proud of it" Will wasn't paying attention to her words as he looked at a pork roast glistening in gravy and vegetables. He could almost weep at how good the food was. Although he never complained in front of his mother about her cooking and since he had another chance at life he would never let the words slip. But he couldn't bear to consume it at the risk of his life even if he was a man. He didn't marry the woman.

And so Will ate with gusto at the meal while Fiona and her mother ate slowly. Seeing a child so happily eat her food left Auntie Veronica beaming a smile at Will. Fiona was slipping peaks at Will as she ate her food slowly. She hadn't noticed but she had been feeling much better when it came to Will. Although at the moment it was just a liking she had. If she could have this boy as her 'brother' would be best for her. She smiled at the thought, having come up with a plan to deal with Will and kept eating. Will saw the small change on her face and could feel a little of his stone cold heart moving a little. But he knew it wasn't time just yet.

'Soon Will, soon you can make sure she has the best life with you' he thought to himself. Without a hint of shame Will asked for seconds but Auntie Veronica couldn't stop smiling at the gluttnous child. Although the table was quiet the mood was quite good. The sound of the front door opening perked up everyone's ears as they all turned simultaneously to the doorway of the kitchen which was separated by a vertical half wall as they could hear the footsteps walk in.

"Daddy!" Fiona said as she got up from her chair and rushed to the doorway. Her father was just taking off his coat and hat as a small missile hit him square in the leg. Looking down he let out a laugh.

"Hello darling, were you good while daddy was gone?" He asked smiling at Fiona clutching his leg. Fiona looked up at her father and beamed a smile at him. The simple child like innocence definitely caught Will's attention. He remembered she was extremely aggressive and on guard to most men who were flirty with her in his last life, he was just one of them back then. But he couldn't remember a time when she talked about her father. Of course he was feeling quite agitated with how different she treated him and her father, but Will reassured himself it was a matter of time before she would come around to him more than willingly.

Taking the initiative Will got up from the table and went over to Fiona's father.

"Hello Fiona's father, my name is Will. A pleasure to meet you" Will said while holding a hand to shake. Fiona father however took a sudden turn, from his beaming smile he was scowling at the small boy introducing himself. 'Was this boy after his precious daughter? Well he wouldn't get an inch while he was around' Fiona's father thought as he let out a snort. Will felt his face twitch slightly at the response. 

'Oi, aren't you supposed to be the adult in this situation?' 

Will simply kept his hand out waiting for the handshake to happen. Auntie Veronica was watching, mortified at her husband's behaviour towards a child.

"Daniel White! How could you be so rude to a child. He's already behaving better than you ever would" Auntie Veronica lectured her husband Infront of the children. Her husband simply held Fiona closer to him keeping as much space between him and the 'stranger' as possible.

"Boys his age are dangerous. Who knows what thoughts he harbours towards our daughter?"  Fiona's father continued on keeping the new child away from him and his daughter. Veronica was absolutely livid with her husband, striding over and grabbing his ear tightly. Daniel let out a yelp of pain as his ear was twisted and let go of Fiona.

"You come here. I need to talk to you" Veronica said in a heavy tone, the air of a threat was almost tangible. Veronica dragged her husband away into a closed room. Popping her head out from the doorway she let out a smile.

"You two can chat for a bit. I need to explain some things to your father dear" after flashing a smile she slammed the door closed. Fiona and Will looked at each other for a moment, before bursting out laughing. After a few moments they calmed down, wiping the tears from their eyes.

"Did you want to do something?" Will asked feeling the mood was good and hoped to get closer to Fiona. Fiona surprisingly didn't feel awkward about it and nodded in agreement. She really wanted Will to help her in the future if he could.

"I've got a couple board games  If you want to play?" Fiona asked with a smile. Before Will could answer she already went to the living room, surrounded by two couches and a low table Fiona was on the ground crouching and moving her arm around under the couch. Quickly she pulled out some boxes and Will eyed the board games. Some of them he still remembered such as Jenga and some games that he couldn't put a name too as well. It was a shame the boxes was heavily used and slightly tattered so the title was destroyed leaving him a little disappointed. Although he was an adult in a child's body, he had such a rare chance to relieve his childhood and hoped to remember some of these so his parents might buy some.

"Ahh if only I could play an NES" Will said out loud while relaxing on the floor. Fiona who was excitedly organising the board games froze for a moment.

"NES?" she asked. Will almost slapped himself silly for his stupidity. 'Shit, how could I forget they wouldn't make until a couple more years' Will screamed inside his head. Flashing smile he tried to come up with his best lie on the spot.

"Well it's a bit of a secret but I'll tell you" Will said as he shuffled closer to Fiona. He barely noticed Fiona was a little flushed and her head drew back a little when Will got close to her allowing to hear his whispers in her ear. His soft whispering left some hot air on her ear and she reddened at their close proximity.

"My dad knew some friends that have heard about some new things coming in. I heard that it's going to be the next big thing. It won't be around for a couple years but I'm told that's it's going to be amazing it would should replace board games" Will was slapping himself on the back in congratulations at how well he could bullshit on the spot. Even his own 'teacher' would be proud.

Fiona just looked at Will strangely before retracting her suspicious gaze. The two turned to the board games and were trying out a stacking game with Jenga when the two adults came back in the room. Auntie Veronica came in all smiles, followed closely behind by Daniel. He looked slightly depressed and was slouched. Will looked at him directly in the eyes, causing Daniel to flinch back. 'I wonder what Auntie Veronica did to him while we weren't around' Will thought.

Daniel made his move first and went up to Will.

"Apologies for the behaviour before. It's a pleasure to meet you Will" Daniel said with a forced smile and his hand out. Will had the sudden urge to mess with this man since he was treated so 'well' but felt that now wasn't quite yet the time to go too far. Will stood up and shook his hands, where the family of three and Will restacked the Jenga tower and played together. The night passed by as the four laughed together and enjoyed their time going through the board games that were pulled out and time flew by. Daniel ate some food while they were playing and they all realised it was getting late.

"Well I guess that's bedtime" Auntie Veronica said putting away the board games they had all gone through and cleaning up the mess. Daniel's ears perked up and already became worried as he saw Will hadn't budged an inch.

"No, no we should take Will home. I'm sure his parents would be~huck" Before Daniel could finish speaking Auntie Veronica had landed a square punch in his gut. Daniel was forced to lean on his wife suppressing his groans of pain.

"You two should head off to sleep now. We won't bother you" Auntie Veronica said in a sickly sweet tone. Turning away she helped carry her husband towards their bedroom on the upper floor. Will almost laughed their on the spot, of course he had finally figured out why Fiona was so fierce when he knew as an older woman. Will got up from the floor and ran over quickly to Auntie Veronica.

"Yes?" She asked but she was confused as she was already giving the two space. Will cupped his hands and Auntie Veronica leaned her head closer to him.

"Don't take Fiona to school tomorrow. Something big is going to happen" Will said quietly. It was so soft when he whispered neither Fiona or Daniel could catch what he said but Auntie Veronica nodded her head. Even though she hadn't spent too much time with Will, over the course of the day she felt he was very trustworthy. Especially with the way he treated her daughter she felt that Fiona would be safe so long as he was around.

"Okay we'll do that. Night guys" Auntie Veronica said as the two, husband and wife went into their room. The living room was now very quiet as the two children were left alone.