Big Boss

The slow tapping of a finger on the table echoed in the filled room. Several standing figures were nervously waiting for the response from the man sitting at his wooden desk. Although the room was not very opulent it was quite function to form with its furniture and decorations. The man at the desk was wearing a simple suit as he digested the information he just heard hoping it was just imagining it. Even though he was in his early thirties he looked more like a man in his fifties as his hair was already starting to fall out and the frown lines on his brow were forever furrowed as expected from one under constant stress.

"When exactly did the raid happen?" The man asked as he wasn't sure he heard it correctly the first time.

"It happened last night boss, the coppers came and took out the Lads gang and a few of the high rollers with em" the underling repeated his report. The boss eyed his subordinate up and down to see if he was lying, but he just couldn't tell.

"E!" The boss said as he felt his head hurting from the matter. The Lads gang was a good rival of his and had caused no end in grief with a few conflicts that had set them back. But they disappeared at such an awkward time he couldn't take over the territory forcing his hand and leaving up to the jackals to pick over the scraps. It was like giving a hold necklace to baby who would happily snuck and chew on it not noticing it value. He was already facing opposition from several other gangs keeping his attention on hold his ground, and worst of all the police were watching like a hawk to see if any one of them stepped out of line ready to use whatever excuse to throw them all away in a rotting cell. It was truly too tiring for him.

E came out to the front of the small crowd of subordinates surrounding the desk, Shortie followed close by as they were always in a pair. Shortie was still picking his nose while E was standing upright ready to issue his version of the report.

"The coppers got a hold of the Lads gang from an external source. Seems like a long operation that they were keeping an eye on" E informed in a monotone voice as if he was reading the news. The boss kept tapping his finger on the desk trying to vent out his frustration. But he still felt there was something left out of the whole mess.

"Go on" the boss said for E to continue.

"From what my informant told me, the police came in and snatched the people up but the place was already raided and ransacked before they got there" the words triggered a number of whispers from the group of underlings and everyone soon become like a gossip monger. The boss still had his gaze fixed on E, he didn't fail to see that slight smile on E's face even though he seemed like a cold person.

"And you might know who did it?" The boss asked, curious at who would dare to get involved and anger the filthy rich. It wouldn't be hard to guess that most of those who were implicated would get away it, having lawyers to back them up or make a plea deal. But what made them dangerous was that they already had connections in the underworld, so getting revenge was easy as snapping their fingers when money was involved.

E smiled as he looked like he was about to unveil a birthday surprise for his boss. But to the boss it only meant something unexpected when E was involved.

"My informant took a picture as the case was asked to be buried outside of the normal court proceedings" E continued pulling out an A4 sized photo from behind his back. The boss snatched the photo, impatient at the whole show casing that his underling kept putting on. Soon however he could not stop frowning at the photo and looked up.

"Is this real?" The boss asked given the photo a tap with his hand. The others couldn't see the picture and tried to crane their heads and catch a glimpse, others simply turned to each other in confusion.

"Of course" E said with his smile still plastered on his face. The boss looked over the image. It was a picture of a child covered in blood as he had his metal pipe mid swing. The blurry black and white film, he could guess was taken from a security camera but he could still make out the details.

"And better yet I know who it was" E continued and raised his hand with a point.

"Oh?" The boss said, his curiosity was definitely piqued as has never seen something like this child soldier before. It was somewhere along the same lines as rumours of child soldiers working for the government. But no one would want to stab at the sore spot of such a sleeping beast.

"He's the one who will be joining us tonight" E declared as he finally unveiled his surprise. The underlings went back to their whispering at the news. The boss was smiling widely at the words. Although the kid certainly was ready to cause trouble and it might be a little hot right now, if it was for the gang then he was happy to have his arms open for a good seedling such as this as might was truly the easiest way to conquer. The boss let out a laugh.

"Haha, good, good. I cannot wait to see this one with my own eyes. Sounds like you deserve a reward E." the boss said happily. He was eager to meet such an unruly child.


The sun had set early since it was nearing the end of the year. After having dinner with his parents, Will retreated back to his room to finish his preperations. It hadn't been long since his mother had replaced the clock he had on the table and he kept a close eye on the time, although he was strong he had fickle mindset for punctuality. As it was nearly a couple minutes before needing to head off he slid the window open in his room. Checking his lock, he made sure the door was kept closed in case his mother worried and tried to enter in the middle of the night. He couldn't put down his guard down when a mother's invasive need to check on her child came knocking. Taking his bulky cell phone with him, Will climbed out of the house through the window trying to act the part of a spider and navigated down from the second floor with ease, not having his cast now in the way. Finding himself at the ledge of the first storey he threw himself off the side of the house.

Landing with his feet flat on the ground, Will started sprinting his way to the address he was given. In his previous life he knew it well as it was near a popular brothel that popped up in the future. He wasn't particular to those sorts of pleasures as violence suited his tastes better. But his targets didn't feel the same way, so it was easy to either find incriminating evidence for blackmail or to silence them in a nearby back alley. If nothing had changed that much from the past he could easily navigate these streets like the back of his hand. 

The street lights were already flickering on and off occasionally as he dashed through the streets. Will constantly appeared and disappeared under their glare. Although it wasn't stealthy it was certainly fast, at the moment he didn't care too much if someone manages to see him. Because of his speed it could be passed off as something they had imagined and would be easier to forget.

The streets started narrowing as the buildings were slowly becoming more dense. The rare house that was rundown appeared more and more as he slowed his pace down coming closer to his destination.

Soon he stopped Infront of a decrepit building, in its prime it was probably a small hub for office workers but was out paced by better development. 'At the very least, future criminals had taste' he could only remark inwardly and shake his head as he gazed over the streets that were piles high with trash. He remembered often he had to go in for negotiations with the local gangs when doing deals, the oppulence and shear wealth they had would easily rival any heir to a business giant. Alcohol would flow freely, and even a random table could be a person's salary. Shaking his head Will could only conclude that the gangs hadn't caught up with the times yet.

Seeing a flight of stairs barely illuminated caught his attention and he breezes down it at an emergency fire exit. He gave the door a brief knock and waited. 

The door opened a few seconds later as a man wearing a black suit and pants poked his head out. His face had a long scar passing along his ear down to his jaw that had several horizontal lines carved into it. Seeing Will standing there waiting, he had to let out a cough to suppress his surprise at seeing a child. Without waiting for an invitation Will already slipped past the guard inside the building. As the guard looked at the kid walking in to their territory with no fear, he could only shake his head at the boss' decision to have a child welcomed in. 'This world is going to hell faster than I thought' the guard thought and shut the door closed behind him. 

The guard rushed ahead to lead the way in front of Will, gesturing with his hand the directions for Will to continue walking and started a steady pace not willing to have this child rush ahead of him. Will was already expecting this treatment but he was still quite agitated at being treated as a brat. 'Once they know my worth I'm sure they will shiver in their boots' Will gave our a creepy smile at the thought. The guard saw Will's smile and shuddered, 'Why did it remind him of the boss so much?' but the guard didn't want to voice his thoughts out loud in front of the new person. He still had his pride as a gangster to show no fear, no fear what so ever to a killer child.

Stopping outside a plain door, the guard opened it for Will and gave a tilt of his head for Will to head in alone. Will gave a nod in thanks and strode inside confidently as the guard closed his only path out behind him.

It was a familiar scene to Will, a underworld boss sitting behind his table and the room decked out more like an office than a criminal network. But he was genuinely surprised at how modest everything was. He knew it was expensive but it didn't bare any opulence like expensive materials or extreme craftsmanship. It was very functional, earning a nod of approval in Will's heart.

"Welcome, I've been looking forward to meeting you" the boss said in a cold tone, his face was looking serious and didnt give a hint of joy. 'Ohhh, an old times gangster' Will said clapping internally. Maybe he watches too many older criminal movies but all the ones he interacted where almost no different than your usual rich kids but a little more dangerous. The boss gestured for Will to sit down at one of the guest couches in front of him. Will was happy to oblige and looked on with great interest at the boss he could be working for. It was excellent that he happened over this easy ticket to setup his plan he had set out in his mind.

"E mentioned you had interest to work for us?" The boss said as he slammed his hand down on the table. 'Ohhhh aggresive' Will commented internally, but all the boss could see was an unflinching child in front of him.

"I feel that you have need of my services" Will said as a wicked smile appears on his face. The boss hesitated for a moment and leaned in

"So, a small brat as yourself. What could have me interested in you" he asked maintaining his authoritative tone. If he didn't know about the previous events he would have easily kicked the boy out without a word. But that definitely would have landed him in hot water seeing some of the images of the victims he left behind. He heard a couple more stories about the Lads gang and they came back with a mixture of awe inspiring to horrific in their comments giving the boss a small amount of sweat on the back of his neck at the expectations this child set. 'But I have to seem in control. If I let this dangerous element act as he wants in the gang than his worth is below my bottom line.

"Well I am a specialist and since I am in need of a backer I'm willing to lower my price for now." Will continued.

"And your specialise in?" asked not moving his facial muscles but parting his lips minutely.

"Blackmail, thievery, protection, assassination and more" Will responded calmly. It was much like a resume, but more suitable for work under the table. The boss showed he was pondering at the offer. Soon he let out a low chuckle.

"Well we do have test our newcomers. And from your 'specialties' I do have a job in mind" the boss continued. He drew back a drawer on his side and ruffled around some of the papers before settling on one. Pulling a manilla folder put he slapped it down on the table. Will didn't hesitate and walked over to the table, snatching up the documents. He scanned it over the pages and raised an eyebrow.

The boss was watching him closely and tried to hint out any notice or thinking behind the child that was now deep in thought.

"Is there a problem?" The boss asked curious to see the child's reaction. Will shook his head.

"I'm just wondering if there is a suitable time frame you want me to act on. Additionally would you like this done quietly?" Will asked. The professional questions were already probing out some of the dealings with the job and already resolved some of the doubt in the boss' heart but he still needed proof for others in the gang, least he lose a few members when they went overboard.

"I want it quick and messy. The sooner the better" the boss soundes punctually. Will immediately let out his sinister grin. 

"No worries, I'll be back soon" Will strode out if the room. The boss felt his face twitch as he watched the kid almost skipped out of his office in joy over a potential murder. The door closed and the boss slumped in his chair to relax. His brow was already full of sweat and tried to calm himself down. To have one word to describe that child it would definitely be...chilling. He could feel the murderous aura from across his desk. Surely he must of have done this hundreds of times since the air had been so thick with his intent.

"What do you think E?" The boss asked turning to a darkened corner in the room. E came out of his hiding place and walked over to the boss.

"He definitely has good potential" E said. He was very happy with what he had observed when Will walked and taking the job.

"What makes you say that?" The boss asked, although he knew it was like having a wild wolf cub sleeping next to you it still had its uses despite the danger.

"He has no fear in dealing with you, in fact it seemed like he has done this many times before. But most of all he spotted me as soon as he entered the room" E finished his observation of the child. Ever since the hospital he was left feeling unsure about giving out his card, but from the actions last night he didn't regret it for one moment. The boss raised an eyebrow and turned his gaze to the closed door.

"Well I certainly look forward to the results of your little seedling" the boss commented before distracting himself with work. 'I need to figure out how to keep that boy at arm's length. If not to keep my image at the very least to keep my health'