Intern Assassin

Will let out a breath of air, the vapour visible to the eye as he was sitting on a rooftop looking down onto the streets. He had already noticed the target when he was making his way over to the Cross, a heavy area populated by prostitutes and gangsters though they were even smaller than the one he was working for. The target was a young man, dyed blond hair, gold chain and in a silvery grey suit with his shirt collar wide open. He had a girl in each arm and they would giggle at whatever the man said so Will could only conclude they were bought services.

After he spotted the man he didn't want to pursue or lose him so he decided to jump up an external fire escape that was hanging off the side of a building. If he wanted to keep track he would only need to leap between each set of fire escapes of the building. Although it looked horrifying to the average person as the distance between the buildings would widen into a street size, he could easily traverse it. Will watched as the man with the two girls disappeared into one of the seedy hotels located on the main street. Will could only smile at how easy the job was. Although he wouldn't have minded something difficult but getting a valued connection that was so insignificant to him was a true time saver for his future plans.

"Ahh but sitting here watching isn't my style" he muttered to himself as he leapt down from the rooftop and onto the external fire escape. Leaping down the building a staircase at a time. Shortly he landed in the street, although it was late the crowds weren't any less dispersed. This kind of place only came alive at night. 

Will walked past the crowds, getting closer to his destination. A few of the prostitutes hanging to the side of the street saw him and gave a wave. Will responded with a smile and blew a kiss causing the women to laugh. He entered the lobby of the seedy hotel expecting to have some people inside. Though what he saw truly was a disappointment. The interior was definitely the literal meaning of beautiful only on the outside. Although it looked opulent when entering upon closer inspection you could see the stains in the ceilings and walls hadn't been cleaned for years. Rhe receptionist, a disheveled old man was snoring in the counter top the drool pooling on the table.

Seeing a small bell Will didn't hesitate to ring it slamming it down with his palm. The loud ding woke the man.

"Huh? What…a child?" The man said in a daze as he opened his eyes. Rubbing the sleep away the confusion on his face only deepend.

"What is a small child like you doing here? Scram!" The man shouted waving his hand to shoo the small kid away. Will suddenly cowered in fear at the sight.

"But sir, my dad came in a minute ago. He had two ladies with him. I haven't seen him in days and just wanted to be with him again" Will said as he squeezed out a saddened tone, his eyes watering. The receptionist felt incredibly awkward at this, especially at his first reaction since he now had a sniffling child in front of him. 'No wonder why kids are getting worse these days. The parents aren't any better' and the receptionist sighed seeing it was best to have the child go away faster, in case any customers decided to come in. Hopefully they also wouldn't have children chasing after them as well.

"Okay son do you know your daddy's name?" He asked hoping this child that turned up wouldn't give him a headache. Will sniffled in response.

"Daddy is called Liam, but daddy is daddy. Why would daddy leave me alone? He promised he was looking for a new mommy for me but is it possible to have two mommies?" Will asked. The receptionist's worst fears had come to life and his head started to throb faxing these child's questions. He was already cursing this customer out inside his head 'Truly I didn't charge enough to also deal with this kid' and the receptionist made a note of it in the back of his mind.

"Okay I'll take you to see your father. Be on your best behaviour" the receptionist instruct d as he quickly glanced back at his book under the table. He glanced every so often to check that Will was behaving, and surprisingly the child stood still waiting for him which left him feeling a little better. After muttering to himself for a few moments he found the information he wanted.

"This way kid" the receptionist said as he walked out from his counter. Locking the front door he walked towards the only elevator in the hotel leading the way. Will was staying close and the receptionist was happy the child was quiet after all the noise he had been making earlier. After a few seconds the doors opened with a ding and they both walked out. After passing a few doors the receptionist stopped at one and tapped on the door. The sound of female giggling inside could be heard clearly. Heavy footsteps could be heard as the door was almost ripped off its hinges when it was open.

The target with dyed blond hair stuck his head out, his face was furious and his shirt was barely hanging onto his body as the buttons were torn. A number of hickeys and scratches covered his visible body. Seeing the receptionist at his room he was confused.

"Why are you disturbing me, can't you see that I'm busy!" The blond man said trying to keep his anger under control. The receptionist could take a peek inside. The two women were barely covered in the hotel blanket and their bodies were on for viewing. they gave him a wave and smiled seeing the chance of an extra customer. The receptionist just wanted to get rid of this child already.

"Sir your child came by and wanted to see you" the receptionist explained hoping this would be over quickly. The blond man looked even more confused.

"But I don't have a child." the man said. At the sound of his words the receptionist turned to the child next to him but it was too late. Will had already smacked his hand on the man's neck, although the difference was an annoyance to him it was but a small thing. The receptionist fell to the ground. The girls heard the noise and let out a surprised yelp. The blond man tried to slam the door and lock it to keep this strange child out but the door wouldn't budge. Will was grasping onto the door firmly and gave a decent kick that sent the blond man flying back inside. The girls let out another shout as the blond man, Liam, was struggling to get up from the floor.

Will walked in and stared at the girls.

"If you wish to keep living, you have ten seconds ...nine, eight, seven" Will started counting sending the girls in a panic and ran out the door. Although the child looked harmless he had already taken out two large men. The girls ran out of the hotel room with their clothes and sheets covering them, the door slamming close behind them.

"Ah, it's a bit of a shame that this was so easy. But a job is a job" Will lamented verbally

Liam twitched at those words.

"Who the hell are you? Who sent you?" Liam shouted in fear as he tried to move himself backwards on the ground to create distance from Will, but his gut was still aching in pain from the kick he had received earlier. Clutching his stomach he moved his hand quickly to his belt. Will was watching him like a hawk and could see the obvious move. 'It's a pity that I don't have enough time to play' Will thought, he already imagined the joy of messing around with the man and crushing his spirit but it could not be if he wanted to show off to others. With a sigh Will leapt over and grasped Liam's hand tightly, crushing his hand and fingers as they distorted into grotesque angles and was barely recognisable aside from what where supposed to be the general parts of a human under Will's grip. The object that dropped from Liam's mangled hands was shiny and caught Will's attention immediately. He knew it would be a good but he didn't think it would be so beautiful in his eyes.

Picking it up, he ignored Liam's cries of pain as he was clutching his ruined hand grimacing at the pain and clenching his teeth to concentrate on something else. Will looked over the metallic gun , his eyes roaming over it with a lewd gaze, that was polished to a shiny gleam. He was used to the rich boys carrying something heavy with them just to show off but having something like this on a Playboy's hip was beyond a waste. The patterns etched into the side of the barrel were roses and thorns and was a recent model of the 1911 pistol he was familiar with in fact he memorised the shape and look of this gun for many years. In the future the weapons manufacturer responsible for this gun went out of business and it was hard to find stock of them anymore. Hence when one was sold it was far beyond Will's reach to purchase. To Will this small mission became a worthwhile endeavour, happy with the results he locked the safety on the pistol and shoved it into his back pocket for now.

'I need the small fish to give me a present to make it easier having this' Will made a mental note to ask later, he didn't want this prized item to blow off an important part of himself when he wasn't paying attention. In his second Life he didn't want to start off as a eunuch.

"Well since you have given me such an excellent gift I can only make your suffering minimal" Will informed Liam as if he was presenting an act of mercy. Liam paled and tried to scramble away from this demon child and rush to the door ignoring his current pain. The only thought he had was survival. Unfortunately, Will was much faster, tripping up by sticking out a foot as Liam fell face first onto the floor the sound of something breaking was audible. Having broken his nose, Liam used his still good hand to cover the blood pouring out of his nostrils. Will walked over him, pushing Liam back to the floor with his foot and applying pressure to keep him submissive. Liam clenched his jaw from the pain but he didn't want to act so miserable in front of the kid. But his eyes burned with a need for vengeance and to torment this haful child.

"And for the final act" Will said with a tone of finality. Will reached down and reached down and grasped the man's head with both of his hands. At first, the man was terrified as his head was held in a strong grip but after a few seconds nothing happened so he relaxed. Of course then he was surprised when his vision changed and suddenly saw him facing the child straight on. Puzzled he tried to move his arm but his arms were going the opposite direction. As he finally comprehend what happened his face on his twisted head let out a silent scream before Will ripped the head off his body with a good tear. The blood was not quite a geyser when it came out of Liam's neck stump but the blood pooled around the body at an alarming rate, leaving the body to slowly swim in its own fluids. Will carried the head over to the hotel bed and wiped his hands off onto the remaining sheets. He hated being filthy and had let the obsessive nature from his past life to remain clean when on the job.

Grabbing one of the thick blankets he chucked the torn head inside and wrapped it up like a burlap sack. Swinging the sack over his shoulder, he opened the door and the receptionist was still outside the door unconscious and collapsed on the floor. With a brief plan forming in his mind Will sniggered at the receptionist and threw him inside with the dead body. 

Will rushed to the doors around the room, knocking frantically. Seeing people open the door Will started to shout in panic.

"Murder! Somebody was murdered!" Will yelled pointing at the open door opposite. Other people on the same floor were curious at the noise and the hall soon became filled with customers as they crowded around the door. A few let our a scream at the sight of the receptionist and a headless body in the hotel room and caused everyone to go into panic. Soon everybody was running away from the hotel that had a dead body in it. There were very few customers that would frequent that had connections or were willing to act as most of the other customers just needed a room to enjoy their time with their chosen partner for the night. Will disappeared in the crowd that was swelling out of the hotel and disappeared without anyone noticing the small child.