Mission Complete

"E how do you think the kid will do tonight?" The boss asked. E was in front of the desk organising paperwork from the accounts they had going for them. E was mostly worried over the numbers seeing that it had gone down again for the last year. This was a bad sign since money was the biggest backbone of any organisation, legal or otherwise.

E pondered over the question for a moment.

"I'd say he would fulfill all our expectations" he replied in a confident manner. He was certain of it since meeting the kid and interacting with him, he had the feeling that he was balancing on a knife's edge and it wouldn't take much for the kid to finish them off.

"That's what I'm worried about. If this is good is as efficient as we think he is, then it wouldn't be any less dangerous than having a wild tiger as a pet" the boss complained. E went over to the desk and placed the files for the boss to look over.

"Well until he turns up again I'll go and sleep in the back. You've been working me too hard boss" E complained. The boss could only laugh a little at that. 'And you think I'm just sleeping on the job?' the boss thought as he watched E leave. After the door closed he was left alone with his thoughts and a mountain of paperwork to work through.

"Haaa, if only I could make money easier" the boss complained out loud and leaned back in his. Hair to relax.

"It's not that hard if you know what you are doing" a voice said behind him. The boss freaked and swivelled his chair, drawing his gun that was lying on his desk and eyed nervously in the direction of the voice. Will was standing behind with a sack in his hand. His stance was casual as if the boss didn't just draw a lethal weapon on him.

"I finished the job, so I'm guessing I pass your first hurdle" Will continued as he walked around to the front of the desk, dropping the sack with a loud thud. The boss having seen it was Will relaxed and placed the gun down.

'If he had evil intentions than I wouldn't have been able to stop him anyway' the boss reassured himself as he put on a strong demeanor.

"Do you have anything that can prove yourself?" The boss asked flatly. Will raised his brows in surprise, seeing how unresponsive the boss was. 'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad hanging around an old time gangster, this guy has got nerves of steel' Will nodding his thoughts let our a smile.

"I wasn't sure of your preference for trophies so I took the most obvious thing" Will said gesturing for the boss to open it. The boss hesitated for a moment and unfurled the sack. The boss paled as he saw Liam's face, whose mouth was still wide open in fear and shock. The blood was still warm which could only tell him that it was recent.

"Did people see you" the boss asked casually, seemingly unflustered. Will could only be impressed at this iron man in the making.

"No one caught footage, some girls saw what I looked like but didn't see me kill anyone. No one would believe a child could overpower an adult" Will said with a shrug. The boss twitched at the comment. 'Yeah a kid totally' the boss lamented.

"Well it seems you passed with flying colours. Go see E for more information on your jobs around here. Welcome to the Brokers gang" the boss said his hand outstretched for a handshake. Will could only respond in kind.

"I look forward to our future transactions" Will said while smiling. The boss felt he was making a deal with the devil than a tiny brat.

"Go see E, he'll keep you up to date on what we need" the boss said while smiling. Will was happy and ran off and out of the door. Shortie came in after, looking bored despite seeing the kid that knocked him out skipping down the hallway.

"Hey boss, E said I should come in after the kid left" Shortie said. This time he was scratching inside his shirt and pulling out fluff from his bellybutton.

"Shortie, take this away and dispose of it" the boss said as he pointed at the decapitated head sitting on his desk. Seeing it Shortie let out a laugh and put the trophy back inside the makeshift sack.

"No worries boss, The garbage compactor has been out of use for a while" Shortie said as he walked away with the sack in hand. At finally being left alone the boss dropped the facade and laid flat on his desk.

"I need to retire soon" the boss said aloud. But then he stopped for a minute and grinned. And so the boss went about the rest of the night setting out the plans for his future.