Mother of The Wild Tiger

Will was already running at full pace to get back home, despite the nights becoming warmer it was still cold enough that he would shiver from the cold air. 'Damn should've brought a jumper' Will complained to himself as he ran along the deserted streets rushing as it was already late since he didn't want to cause his parents to worry or raise any flags with his behaviour. How he would be in the morning would be definitely one of those. Although he was used to operating on little sleep in his past life, he had coffee to keep him operating at full capacity. If a ten year old boy started drinking coffee on the regular it would be grabbing a bit too much attention. And Will didn't wish to operate with his mind slow and dull at these crucial times.

In fact, ever since he started life again he hadn't felt his usual cravings, which he could only thank this virgin body of his. Not having taste liquor, cigarettes or caffeine stimulants he was able to still feel fresh with little effort.

Soon he saw his house and leapt up the wall, climbing up his usual route on the side of the house before sneaking in through the window of his bedroom. His room was still pitch black and the house was deadly quiet giving Will a feeling of relief. Will let out a sigh and wanted to throw off his clothes and change to a clean pair so he wouldn't feel the dirt and sweat clothes on his skin from the night's work. Turning to his wardrobe he opened the door but the sound of the floor lamp switching made him swing around, the light briefly blinding and forcing him to take a brief stance in defending himself at the surprise. As his eyes adjusted to the light Will gulped in fear. Their could only be one thing that Will could fear more than gangsters, more than any scary teacher or trafficking organisation.

His mother was sitting in his study chair next to his chair, her legs crossed as she was wearing a bathrobe over her pyjamas with her cute bunny slippers on. If one wasn't paying attention they would think she was just getting out of bed and had no evil intentions whatsoever. But to Will he could already feel a chill down his spine, his mother had a false smile splayed across her face as she stared him down.

"William Ray Charles, it is nearly midnight and you come back into your room now? And through the window no less?" His mother said, her finger tapping in anger at her son pulling a disappearing act in the middle of the night. Will could only go in the defensive with the mother bear ready to strike. He could only plead under a dreaded onslaught like this.

"Mum, it's not what you think…" Will said as he put his hands out in surrender to try and pacify his mother. But she would have none of that.

"You'd think I'd believe that baloney? Where were you? Did you meet up with some bad kids? Are you already in your rebellious faze? I just hope to god you didn't join a gang. Ah my son joining a gang, he's only ten and yet he's already a hoodlum. Oh, what did I do wrong as a mother?" His mother's initial questions and lecture became more of a self pitying and flogging herself over his actions. Will could only grimace at his mother's words. If he was any other kid going through this lecture with any other parent then he would roll his eyes at the obvious panickjng but she hit him square on unintentionally and he could only constantly thinking at the speed of light to say the right thing or he was doomed.

"Mum, I didn't join a gang it's just...I went to see Fiona and I know you wouldn't allow me to just yet if you found out I was going out so late" 'Sorry Fiona I'm going to have to use you as a shield to keep this she bear under control. Will said his prayers at throwing Fiona metaphorically under the bus for his mother to devour at leisure later.

Of course his mother took the bait and was furious.

"How could you? Do you know how worried I was? We've barely recovered from our worries and stress over the last few days and now you pull this? If your father was awake he would beat you until you got this stuck firmly in your head" his mum threatened but Will actually felt happy. When was the last time he was lectured out not for his mistakes at his job but because someone cared. He couldn't count on his hand when it came to being an adult for having someone reliable, he didn't have any friends but he had plenty of connections. Everyone was a pawn or a weakness to use. It was truly different now having a family again and he wanted to make sure he could protect that.

"I'm sorry mum, I won't do it again" Will said relenting under his mother and shaking his head. He could only bow in submission when it came to his mother, it was a knot that had been in his heart for many years. Unexpectedly Will was bracing himself to be hit or yelled at more. What was surprising was that instead he was hugged tightly by his mother. Her tears were dropping on his head as he felt his guts being squeezed out by the tight hold his mother had on him. He kept patting her arm to say he would give in under her squeeze but she ignored it and held him tighter.

"Mum...can't...breathe" Will forced himself to speak under his mother's monstrous strength. Realising she was going overboard his mother let go and stared at him from an arms distance, her hands holding his shoulders tightly.

"Promise me you won't ever do something like this again." his mother told him sternly as her eyes gazed piercingly into Will's own. Will hesitated a little, he had only just begun fixing this new gang and when he was going to mould this new found toy he had it would eventually become a strong backing for him in the future. One day he knew he would need power and money, a lot of money if he wished to break free and to live as he wished. He didn't want to be chained again and be a slave to another person's whim. So he could only work around his overly protective mother.

" Mum, I promise you that I will always tell you what's happening. I won't sneak off anymore." Will promised under duress of his mother. She felt satisfied at his response after she cast an eye over him to see if he was giving off even the slightest bit he was lying to her. But he only would look at her with innocent eyes.

Satisfied his mother went to his door and went to get outside, but she paused for a moment.

"And make sure you come in through the front door next time" his mother commented and then shut the door behind her, leaving Will in his room alone. 'Wow so she can give me some sass' Will thought as he soon had a torrent of thoughts on how he would maneuver around his own mother so he could expand his own influence as he wished. It was enough to tear his hair out at trying to keep everyone involved happy.

"Screw it leave the problems of today for tomorrow" Will finally uttered aloud and collapsed on his bed exhausted. Although he was definitely more spritely than he was in his previous life, the base his body worked from was no longer there. It had been the first time since he came back that his body had finally given out on him from all the stress he had been giving himself. The muscles in his arms and legs felt sore and battered after putting it through the wringer after several days of fighting and running. He had barely noticed until he arrived back with his mother catching him. It took all his effort to seem okay in front of her so she wouldn't be worried, or worse suspicious of him. Feeling sleepy, Will felt exhaustion overtake him as he sighed into his pillow and closed his eyes.