A Future Nightmare

He couldn't sleep.

Tossing and turning it felt like his body rejected the need to sleep despite exhaustion.Although his head was buried in his pillow it felt beyond uncomfortable as he tried to move around the bed. His face was contorted in discomfort before finally settling down.

Everything felt off for him, and he struggled to keep himself sleeping, but it was too difficult. Pulling his head up with great effort he finally cracked open his eyes, his head was pounding from the pain. Letting out a groan he clutched his head, it was much like having a hangover he once knew but after hearing the sound of his own voice he froze. It sounded incredibly aged, as if he had gone through years of smoking and drinking to earn the rasp he uttered. Realising he was at a wooden desk he stood up from his chair, his foot kicking a bottle of scotch whiskey was rolling on the floor.

'This is my office' Will thought to himself trying to shake off his hangover. He gazed around the room, eerily everything was in its place. His couch, the CCTV section and his polluted ash tray. It even had cigarette smoking still drifting up from it. Will walked over to the door, pulling it open but was confronted with a veil of black. Outside the door was a void of darkness. He tried to walk through it but he felt like it was hitting against an invisible wall as the dark swirled and curled in front of his eyes. The void left him with a feeling of dread and he backed away from it and looking around his old office, his new cage. Strangely enough the CCTV was working, people were moving about the screens in a normal fashion, their days seemed normal and he could pinpoint several colleagues even chatting amongst themselves. The only strange thing was him playing only as a Watcher.

Will was left confused and but he refused to panic being trapped in his own office. Slowly he started testing things such as throwing the ashtray into the darkness but it bounced off the opening like he did. As he was pondering his situation, one of the screens was making a fuzzy sound made him turn around to look.The screen faded out and was replaced with noise filling the screen. Then one by one the large amount of CCTV screens started to lose their images and hissed as noise covered each of their displays.

Will could only watch on as each screen began to fill with noise, almost all of the screens except for one. It was the one for the CEO's office and he watched as the Fiona was typing away at her computer, paperwork piled at the side. She was just like he remembered when she was an adult and it didn't seem like a day went by since he had been thrown into his past.

Will felt his throat clench as he watched Fiona going about her business, wishing he wasn't trapped here and talking to her. If only he had one more chance he could talk to her. But he couldn't, not while he was trapped here.

Will watched intently for a few minutes before a man in a suit walked in on the screen. CEO Chu walked in and gave his greetings, coffee in hand, walking and sitting down at his immaculate desk and logging onto his computer.

Soon he was typing away as well with his cup next to him where he would take a sip ever so often. Will could see Fiona would sneak a glance over at CEO Chu who eyes were glued to his own screen, oblivious to the looks being thrown at him. Will felt his heart clench and pound in pain seeing his love stare at another man. It hurt unlike any other kind of pain he had experienced.

Will watched on as Fiona stood up from her desk, taking paperwork from the top of the pile she had next to her. Walking over she placed the files down next to the CEO, standing by his side while he read the papers.

Will could see her impatience and so Fiona took a bold move and sat on the CEO's desk. Will couldn't hear anything through the monitors but he could easily tell she was flirting. Will's eyes moistened as he could only stare on. Soon Fiona leaned over and released a few buttons off her shirt as the CEO stared at her actions his eyes focused intently on the revealed flesh. Then he acted in the only way a man could facing this situation and pulled her in for a kiss. Fiona sat on-top of Chu as they were furiously working to remove their clothes from their bodies.

Will wanted to scream out at the two. Pounding on the monitor in a rage to destroy and remove the sight from his eyes. But the screens were impervious to his blows, his knuckles bleed and his fingers felt broken from the force he was unleashing. But he could only wail and holler as he watched the two went about their animalistic mating.

His eyes widened and his tears fell down watching it and fell to the floor in misery. Looking up he was so confused over the whole thing, but then Fiona stared at the camera having recovered from her exercise and smiled devilishly. 

''Please no" Will said aloud.

"Oh but it is Will" Fiona's voice came out of the screens. Her face was in full focus of the screen. Soon all the screens that were covered in noise matched the centre screen, replicating her face and staring down at him in judgement.

"How could I love such a poor man?" Fiona continued sneering at Will sniveling on the ground.

"Poor" the other faces of Fiona echoed.

"A murderer" Fiona shouted loudly through the speakers.

"Killer" "Murderer" the copies echoed and spat venomous words to continue Wills verbal beating.

"What do you deserve when everyone's ending was like this" Fiona said. Will watched horrified as Fiona's face began to melt and her skull was left to look at him in disgust.

"Even death does not wish to take you into its bosom" the skull chattered, although it has no face he could tell it was smiling at him. Will shivered and tried to crawl away from facing the wall of CCTV monitors and flee. But as he twisted his body around there no longer was his office wall but a pile of corpses bleeding endlessly in a pile, stacked high enough he could easily have made a hill out of the collection.

Looking around the office to turn away, the wall were disappearing and he was left on his hands and knees in a land of nothing but dead and decaying corpses. The multitude of screens and wall had disappeared as well but Fiona's voice still echoed letting out a mournful laugh. 

"Will Charles, you are truly the greatest sinner of us all" the voice said in a deriding tone. Will tried to swivel his head left and right but all he could see was the land of dead bodies. What terrified him was he could easily recognise them. Although he didn't care much for his job and tried to finish them as quickly as possible he had an excellent memory when it came to faces. Many of them had a hole in their head, left by a gunshot wound or some twisted their heads backwards as their neck coiled as if a great force had turned it with purpose. 

"No, no. I'm not a killer" Will wailed. Tears pouring out from his eyes. His hands covered his face to block his eyes seeing the mounds of dead but he couldn't remove the images from his mind, the faces lying lifelessly and staring at him as their last moments of living.

The sound of a young kid crying caught his ears and he looked up. His mouth was open in terror as he looked at himself crying in a black suit that barely fit him as a teenager, clutching a bouquet of flowers. The young Will turned to him and gazed at him in fury.

"Killer" the young Will said as he gazed with an aura of death in his eyes, his teeth clenched. The young Will kept repeating his words as he strode forward towards him causing him to panic. Will tried to work his way back on his hands and feet but he bumped into a pair of legs. Looking up the flesh was grey and the suit unkempt. The face was horribly mangled and the eyes or what were left of them gazed at him. But the dead person joined in chorus chanting "Killer" as his jaw was left barely hanging from the face.

Soon many voices joined together to repeat the same word, Will was surrounded by many of what used to be the lifeless corpses that were lying on the ground. There were so many surrounding him it was a forest of legs and bodies that stretched farther than the eye could see. But suddenly they were all in silence as they made an opening enough for one person to walk through.

Out of the crowd came Fiona striding out and looked at Will coldly. Will felt his heart break at seeing his beloved give him an eyeful of hatred. He wanted to reach out to her. They were wrong, he wasn't like that. Just don't look at me like that, please.

"Will, will my fate be the same?" Fiona asked. Suddenly blood came crying from her eyes as her neck twisted itself with a terrifying crack leaving her dead body in front of Will, collapses on the ground with a loud thud. Will was dumbfounded and trembled as he reached his hand out to Fiona, pulling her body to him as he shivered. He felt her warmth was still there but he couldn't cradle her head as her neck was horribly contourted. Will screamed out his misery and pain and held Fiona too his chest tightly. He was openly weeping no longer caring for the judging corpses brought back from their deaths to oversee him.

"Know our pain" the crowd of dead chanted as they all started to disintegrate into dust, blown away with an otherworldly wind, leaving the sound of an eerie mound in its wake. Will was left with Fiona in his arms, as he could only look as her eyes although dead were in fear in its last moments. Pulling his face up he stared at the barren lands surrounding him.

The dust swirled as a small dust devil and his younger self walked up to him out of the dust cloud. But it was definitely not him, the smile was evil and the eyes were bottomless pits of pain and suffering.

"Hello Will, do you like my home?" The younger self asked his hand outstretched to show the glory of the hellish landscape.

"Why?" Will croaked out as he could only feel a deep scar on his heart, he was scared he could even keep his deceased love. The feeling of the body becoming lighter causes Will to look down, Fiona's body disintegrated to dust in his arms, letting the dirt fall from his hands as it was blown away with the wind whipping at his face staining it with the dust surrounded him and stretching out into the wastes.

"Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust Will. All meet their end eventually" The younger Will said, his adult tone was too much of a gap to pass it off as saying this was a mature child.

"Who are you?" Will asked, distrustful at the impersonating entity in front of him. But his younger self let out a laugh but it didn't seem upset just enjoying that Will was left puzzled.

"Well Will what would you prefer? Your love?" His younger self said, a brief movement of the dust surrounding him and Fiona was there again. Will felt his heart leap seeing Fiona alive and walking towards him.

"Ahh, this seems to be a good way to make you more receptive. Shame since I can show much better women for you. Gotta hand that to you" Fiona let out an evil chuckle as she stood in front of Will. Will was speechless unable to understand what he was dealing with. He truly felt like a lamb caught in the den of a predator more terrifying than he could imagine.

"Haha, no worries little Will. I can't take you now but I do think you would fit in here so well" Fiona said as she spread her hands and swept her arms wide to show off the barren land of dust and endless sky. The dust formed around her and she changed again but it was as another woman, his mother. His own mother stares at him as she walked around him sitting on the dust of the wasteland.

"Do you like my home? I put in so much effort to give you a warm welcome. It's a pity I can't take you with me just yet" His mother said as she eyed Will hungrily.

"I don't understand" Will said as he finally shook some sense in his head again. This wasn't the ones he cares that was in front of him.

"Oh pooh, that was too quick. Eh I can't be bothered to change all the time for you" His mother said as she swirled her hands, the person changing into a man wearing a suit but disturbingly had no face. Out of the surrounding sand, two couches and a table between formed. The man with no face already sat down waiting for Will to drag himself up. It seemed more like they were sitting chatting than being tortured.

Will felt a burning rage within him at being messed around but he brushed the dirt off himself and walked over to the couch, sitting down with a large creak eyeing what he could only describe as the thing opposite him. He had recovered from his torture and put his cold demanour on facing the creature.

"Aww, Will if you keep giving me that look I'd feel you've fallen for me. But then again you already have right" The man with no face said, his fleshy skin still moved while he talked. Moving his right hand over his face Fiona's face appeared but looked strange and disturbing on a man's body. The thing gave him a wink and a giggle.

"What do you want?" Will asked, cutting the small talk between them. He knew the thing was only playing but he would rather to hear it's objective first since it was like this.

"But what if I don't want to talk, Will?" Fiona said disappearing from her spot and fading to dust. Right behind Will the dust formed again taking shape of Fiona but she was in her office attire, her shirt unbuttoned enough that Will could easily catch an eyeful.

"Its awful boring here without true company" she whispered in his ear wrapping her arms around him from behind. Will stared icily at the thing pretending to be the one he cared for.

"Where is here?" Will asked as he looked around the barren land ignoring the creatures attempts to seduce him or divert him. He made a mistake that it was only endless dust and sky. As he was elevated now he could make out dead trees dotting the landscape and rocks every so often. But he was still desolate.

"Well if it wasn't for some other things going on, I would have loved having you here with me a lot longer" Fiona whispered, leaning in and nipping at Will's ear seductively. Will backed away from the sexual advances of the creature, he wasn't even sure if it could be human.

"Oh do you want to find out?" Fiona asked as she crawled over the couch and lay on Will's body. Will wanted to throw the creature off him but he could barely move as her weight suffocated him enough to stop his actions.

"I have no need for this" Will said as he turned away from the gaze Fiona was sending him, eyes full of lust but he could easily tell it wasn't carnal. It felt like he was just one step away from being eaten alive by this thing. Fiona just smirked at Will's attempt to resist.

"Ahh, this is why I want you so bad. If it wasn't for your dedication I'm sure I would be partaking of you already" Fiona said with a sigh as she licked her lips and slurping her drool back into her mouth. She circled her finger over Will's chest pulling it open to reveal more of his chest. Although he was much older his work in the dark still left him quite fit with muscles covering his body, it was however still aged. Will refused to see this thing seducing him as the real Fiona.

"You said I would be here instead?" Will asked trying to probe more information out of the thing on him. He was curious at being pulled into a hell lasted landscape. Fiona smiled excitedly and sat up, keeping her hips sitting on his body.

"Of course, has my bubby changed his mind to stay with me?" Fiona said giving an innocent smile. Will shook his head. Fiona pouted and puffed her face at his lack of interest.

"If I knew you were such a stiff about this, I wouldn't have made it my first priority" Fiona said with a huff obviously upset at his actions. Will worried that this creature might change its feeling as easily as it's appearance so he could only be cautious.

"Why would I be interested?"  Will asked as he pushed the creature off of his body gently. Fiona got off his body disappointed and sat on the opposing couch. The shape changed back into the man with no face and a suit.

"You are truly a delicious person Will, I have never encountered such sin within a single soul. It truly is intoxicating for me, and hard to resist taking it all. If only you fell a little further and you would be mine to enjoy" Fiona said with a smile. Will felt an eerie feeling of hunger coming from the humanoid creature.

"I don't believe in sin" Will said as he waved off the words. The no faces man laughed at his words.

"Well I don't have to convince you to come to me. Soon you will come to of your own violition" The man dashed across with surprising speed and pinned Will against the backrest of the couch. Will tried to fight back but found himself unable to struggle. The creature then grabbed at his collared shirt and ripped it open, the buttons flying away. Will was pushed to the couch as the creature opened its fleshy mouth, a long tongue slithering out from rows of sharp teeth, the tongue trailing along Wills chest as if tasting a dish.

"Delicious" The no faces man commented and held Wills arms above his head.

"Well dear I can't have you taken by another, so what can a person do other than to mark their property" The no faces man said aloud declaring his right over Will. A finger hovered over the skin of Will's chest. The fingernail curled and  sharpened as it grew from its finger, touching the chest leaving a droplet of blood to roll from the flesh it touched. The nail plunged down and dug into Will's flesh. Will let out a grunt in pain as the nail carved out a symbol into his chest, the feeling of being burnt alive made him cry out at his suffering as the creature dragged it's nail continuously through the skin.

"Ahhh, beautiful. Remember to call me anytime" The no faces man said seductively, fading away with a gust of wind. Ita laughter was left in the place  of its body as Will was panting and sweating from the pain.

Will was focusing as the pain seared into his mind but his vision was fading. Despite his best efforts he blacked out.