Emergency First Aid

Will woke in his bed, clutching his chest as he tried not to yell with the pain coursing through his pain. His palm was pressing deeply into his right chest feeling warmth seeping out from the pressure he applied. It was an extremely tortuous experience controlling his breathing and focusing on trying to clench his teeth. The pain was searing, leaving his mind numb and fuzzy.

Will gasped as the pain subsided, he took his hand away from his chest to look over it. Under the moonlight coming through his window his hand was drenched in blood, making him leap up and quickly take his shirt off. He wanted to check himself and ran to the mirror next to his close to look. A symbol of an infinity and several lines crossed against each other were carved into his chest. He gulped as could remember the strange creature and the wasteland of horror. His finger stretched out and brushed along the exposed flesh that was still raw, but the mere touch left him trembling at how extremely sensitive it was, forcing him to back off from further probing his wound. Will sighed as he knew that it would definitely scar, the flesh was deeply gashed and some of the sides of the wound seemed as if it was burned at the edges. Leaving out being potentially cursed, his mother would freak if she ever saw him like this. Especially since he was told off so soon after getting caught on his might escapade. But he still had to treat himself and venture to the bathroom, he could only pray for his mother to not suddenly decide to walk out.

Still in his bottom pajamas, he opened the door and check both sides of the hall before confirming it was clear. Leaving his room bare chested he snuck into the bathroom neighbouring him, closing the doors softly. Although it was late in the night or most likely morning by now, one couldn't be too careful around his parents especially his mother. Despite some of her faults she was truly too sharp for him to deal with some days, leading him to be careless for one night and earning her ire. Maybe it was him not being used to seeing his family but he felt that his parents were a lot more alert and suspicious when he did things.

As he locked the bathroom door, his hand was feeling around to find the light switch and flicked it on. The cabinet mirror was facing him and he pulled it open. He remembered that his mother would keep an extra one since everyone in the family seemed to be prone to injury but thankfully it was the usual cuts and scrapes which he meant he had plenty to work with. Pulling out the kit, he flipped the lid open and rummaged through the bundles of bandages, tapes, and bandaids inside. It was certainly small but it would be enough for tonight. Pulling out cloth, tape, medicinal alcohol and some gauze to dab away at the wound, Will dressed his wound quickly and observed it. It was good to keep it clean and best of all it wasn't noticeable when he wore his shirt over it. 

Why was he already so good at bandaging himself up? In his previous life he was efficient and fast on the job but he wasn't invincible. A bullet could still surpass a human's speed and so he it wasn't to assume why he ended up with a number of wounds that needed emergency treatment even with his faster regeneration. Although he knew he would heal sooner or later from the damage, he didn't know if the same applies to disease or illness. It wasn't something he ever wished to take a chance with his life and he had only one of those.

Happy with his work, he cleaned up the mess he made and put the medkit back in its place in the medicine cabinet. Hopefully his mother wouldn't check on it since the medical kit didn't look disturbed and it was his bathroom so she would check it far less frequently. Will flicked the lights off and snuck back to his room, his footsteps light and quick to make sure he didn't disturb his parents. Although coming into the room he noticed the bloodstained shirt and made a decision. He rolled it up after picking it up from the ground and basketballed it into his garage bin with a flick of his hands. He tried the ends of the rubbish bag together, then his mother wouldn't bother to check inside before he disposed of the evidence.

He could take it out with him tomorrow and pile it with the other trash so his mother wouldn't be suspicious. Pulling out a spare shirt from his closet he dropped himself back onto his bed, wrapping the blankets around him close. Despite the hot air in the room he felt cold and was shivering. Being wrapped up definitely soothed him, it didn't take long for him to go back to sleep.