I'll be Valedictorian

When the first rays of the sun hit Will's face, his eyes opened up and were fixed with a fierce determination. His more than real nightmare reminded him of what he desperately wished for, since he had been playing too much. Some of those things were not ready just yet for him and they would need time before it bore fruit. But if he wanted it to come true he would have to work hard to make sure he could cement his own future as the real one. But now he was ready to act.

Although it had been a short time for his life's restart, it was all he needed. He was thankful he had quite a few tricks up his sleeve thanks to a lifetime's experience to forge the way forward. Changing out of his pajamas and into new clothes he opened his door to face the day.

Rachel, his mother, was already downstairs drinking instant coffee. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot and she looked sleep deprived, he would guess it wouldn't be too off the mark to say it was about him. Hearing the sounds of footsteps coming down the staircase Will popped into view. It was a little awkward as they looked at each other. His mother was already being quite relaxed when dealing with him as she didn't press further about disappearing in the night yesterday when he entered into the kitchen. And he was still working out how to silence the obvious elephant in the room from being spoken aloud.

"I'll cook breakfast" Will mumbled aloud and disappeared behind the dividing wall where the stove and cupboards were. His mother just drank her coffee to chase away her drowsiness. It was still to early for her husband to come down but the sun was only getting higher in the sky. The sound of food sizzling along with a mouth watering aroma wafted in from the kitchen. Rachel could barely suppress the growls in her stomach but mostly she was trying to supress letting go off her pride for food in front of her son. Coffee was good to get an appetite going and she felt embarrassed at the sounds she was making.

A few minutes later Will appeared with a plate of scrambled eggs, toast and bacon piled high. Although he knew he could make more, he really wanted to dampen his mother's suspicions. Although she would never confront him about it, it left him guilty that his own mother would subconsciously think her son was potentially swapped out. 'No mum, it's still your son. He's just much older than you' Will argued against the thoughts in his mind. It was turning out to be a slow burn for the morning. 

The smell of breakfast had caused a stir in the master bedroom and the door opened quickly. The sounds of rushing steps and out appeared his father in a race for the food that was being served. Now he was beginning to get used to seeing a delicious meal at breakfast and it made him very eager. Although Will's father still wasn't sure how his wife had made such a huge turnaround with her cooking he was more than happy to indulge himself.

Will was watching his mother out of the corner of his eye, her face twitched a little at seeing her husband acting like a giant puppy when it came to her son's food. Will made a mental note to keep time everyday for his mother and show her to cook independently, least she thinks that her own son was trying to steal her husband away. 'Even in the future we weren't that open minded mum' Will complained internally. His father wasn't paying attention with his wife's worries and shovelled food onto his plate, eating quickly.

"Hun…" Rachel tried to start the conversation despite her husband having a mouthful of food. Will reacted quickly, wanting to take control of the conversation before it turned sour.

"Dad, mum. There's something I need to talk about" Will said at the same time as his mother. He knew it was best to nip his own troubles at the bud. If his own home was in shambles how could he expect to set out and carve a future for himself.

His parents both stopped what they were doing, this was the first time their child had ever acted seriously making them both nervous. Had their child grownup already they both thought and looked on curious.l at their son's next words.

"I'm thinking of taking the entrance exam in a few years for North Shore High" Will laid out his scholarly plans for his parents. His father choked on his breakfast, coughing as he grasped for a glass and poured himself some water to dislodge the food caught in his throat. His mother also panicked but had quickly ran over to her husband's side and hit his back forcefully pushing the food down his throat. His father lost some colour in his face but the deep breaths that were becoming regular showed he was okay. Aside from a red face his father seemed fine otherwise.

"Sport, if you plan to surprise me then please do so when I won't die from hearing it" his father lamented, giving his chest a pound with his fist to make sure the last of the blockage was clear. Seeing her husband was alright, his mother went back to her chair and looked at Will, wondering where he got the idea from. A ten year old didn't just know things.

"I heard that it was a good school, from one of the other kids when I was back at school and heard they offer a number of scholarships" Will continued hoping they would get the hint.

"They offer many scholarships but that's because they choose only the best in the state. And you want to not only go but also get a scholarship as well" His father although proud of his own child being so ambitious was definitely shaking his head at this pursuit. He would do his best to fulfill the child's dream but he would definitely have to lose an arm and a leg to support him financially if he wanted to go and failed. But if his son could get a scholarship, well. It would mean he could send his son off to a bright future without having to worry about the family.

"It was when we were at the hospital that I heard I might have a chance. I bumped into a pair of guys and it turned out they were from the school. Although they weren't high up they were more than happy to suggest me going to the school" Will said. Although he was making it up as he went, he was a smooth liar and paired with his innocent face even the most suspicious of people would be troubled trying to crack through his facsde. His mother however narrowed her eyes.

"And you dared talk to strangers without us? Haven't you learnt your lesson when dealing with teachers? What if something happens to you again? You know I couldn't bare it" his mother continued and was close to weeping already with the conversation. Will knew he accidentally touched a soft spot with his mother, truthfully he felt she was more traumatized than he was. Max rushed to her side and reassured his wife with soft pats and words to ease her anxiety.

"I know it's been tough...and I'm definitely scared. It's hard not being able to go to school like normal kids at the moment. But if they could help with me and my school fees than would that not be for the best?" Will said trying to ease them into it more. Max was surprised at Will's words, and it troubled him. Although they weren't living a rich life it was not unpleasant. He gave them a home and plenty of food, he never neglected his family either so why would his child be worried about money already. Will turned to look at his dad pondering over the conversation. It was too easy to read for him.

"I know money isn't a worry but what about in the future? I want to give us a better life and for you to live relaxed. It's better to seize it with our own hands right?" Will declared. Max was shocked, this child was more adult than most people. Shaking his head, Will's father could only blame this weird but pleasant change in his son on watching too much television since the kid had been in the house for quite a while now. He almost felt his child was growing up right before his eyes.

"If you are so determined we will be happy to support you. Although it's not easy I hope you can stick by your words. Will you make us proud" Max said as he smiled at his child. The news and what his child wanted definitely struck much like a bolt of lightning, but he couldn't be happier. Will's mother however was extremely worried, with last night and his declaration this morning, she was unsure this was what her son was doing behind their backs. She was already biting her lips as she stressed between making sure her son was at ease and that he could strive ahead. But if that was all it was than she could be truly thankful she was only overreacting at the time.

"It'll be ok mum. You know I love my family the most" Will said reassuring his mother. He could only hope he could waylay some of her worries. He wished then on the spot it would be a lot easier if he could just read her thoughts. Maybe he could get a bonus like that if it ever happened. But he only fantasize about such an easy thing, how could there be no drawbacks?

"If it's truly what you want than I can only support you" His mother gave a nod of approval as she looked like her eyes were almost bursting with tears.

"I'll have to organise a time for you to meet the two so I'll call them and they should come and visit us" Will informed his parents. He was definitely happy that his first step was reassuring his parents and setting up his framework for the road ahead. Although he didn't like having to lie it was much better than if they knew the truth. After that it was just a matter of convincing the gang to work along with him. He was certain he could convince them as he had a few aces up his sleeve, and it was hard not to see the benefits. He felt his chest ache a little and gave it a rub to ease the discomfort. He could at least ignore the pain, as it was manageable for now.

"Okay let's get back to breakfast" Will finished off the important sentence giving closure on the issue for his parents. Although there was still a small amount of uncertainty at least the direction of his future and theirs was firmly in their minds.