Side Story 2: Master Rob

Master Rob exhaled heavily and heaved a sigh from his work that had been piling up. He hadn't slept well in the last week or so as he had been spending every effort to find the strange culprit for the last two instances. After talking with Detective Lim, even though he didn't work with the unit investigating the local gangs, Rob didn't hesitate to use him when it came to putting clues together from the two different cases, feeling that they were connected. And to his surprise he was right, and what he was told was beyond shocking. He could still remember the Detective scratching his head over it as he handed some the of case files over.

"Well Master Rob, it seems strange with these two" Detective Lim said as he was obviously perplexed. Having not seen the conclusion yet Master Rob felt his stomach somersault, but he couldn't tell if it was from excitement or fear.

"What do you mean by that?" Master Rob asked, hiding his eagerness and he could tell that he found something good.

"Well unless the murderer is the world's strongest midget or you have a child that can break doors and walls with his bare hands. That's something way out of my field" Detective Lim said and shaked his head. Master Rob could see his hand was twitching from confusion and reached for a cigarette from his coat and lit it, not caring they were inside and the smoke was making the room into a haze.

But Master Rob didn't care as he quickly flipped through the folder holding the precious information together, flipping over the pages at a lightning pace and hungrily eyeing the words inside. And so he came to a conclusion that he had been suspecting for sometime. But instead of fear he felt strangely elated.

"You have done well Detective Lim. Actually I'm beyond surprised you've done so well that you can take this as me owing you a favour" Master Rob talked and gave the detective a pat on the back in congratulations. Detective Lim however narrowed his eyes in suspicion at how happy Master Rob was. But even if he figured something out he would have to keep quiet. And it was easier just to not know.

Detective Lim sighed and chucked his cigarette in the ground, grinding the embers away with the sole of his show.

"If that's all then I'll take my leave" Detective Lim said in a curt manner and left. Master Rob was left alone with the files and his head full of many scenarios. In fact the fatigue had already washed away from the joy of being a step closer to finding this person. Although from what he could see that the child himself was dangerous, he wasn't aiming to control the child but most likely the person behind him. It was pretty easy to guess someone was taking care and training behind the scenes before letting this, what he began to hear on the streets as "Wild Tiger", off the metaphorical leash. But from the memories seared in his mind Master Rob didn't think it was far fetched the child probably had a literal one as well.

Bringing himself to the present he remembered that he still hasn't finished up on that. Failing to follow up so he could ease Master Cho's workload. He hit a buzzer on the desk to finish his personal work.

"Send John to my office" the young man instructed. Receiving an affirmative from the intercom it didn't take long for the door to office to open.

"Master Rob you wished to see me?" John asked.

"Yes it seemed we found a lead on the gang killer" Rob informed John. John showed a look of surprise on his face, but it wasn't from the young master being able to follow up so quickly. But more that he was still following up on it.

"You still wished to find this person?" John asked in concern. Master Rob look out the window that was behind his desk spotting Master Cho was going about his daily walk in the manor. Master Cho had always caught his eye but he could never understand the feelings he had towards the boy. He was loyal, that was certain but that wasn't just it. He felt an obsessive need to be with the Master and it was much akin to a thirsting man seeing an oasis in the distance but unable to have it from its far distance.

"Think John. If the Master had another ally to protect him then would you not also be relieved that someone like that was by his side?" Master Rob said posing the question to John.

"Well...of course I say yes if he could be an ally. But we both saw what that boy could do, do you think he is truly trustworthy?" John questioned back. Master Rob hesitated, mulling over his anwser.

"In that case...I'll break him down to build him back up" Master Rob turned and gave an evil smile to John, sending a shiver down John's back at the malicious face the young man was giving him.

"Now for what I called you here for. I need you to keep an eye on a gang, they may lead to some further clues" Master Rob instructed.

"Which gang would that be?" John asked.

"The Brokers Gang" Master Rob answered happily.