Side Story 3: Fiona

The world was whizzing by as she leaned on the car door frame, resting her head in a crook she had found quite comfortable over the trip. The boot was overflowing with bags and boxes, having slowly crept and filled the seat next to her when they had been packing. But it was not exciting for her where they were going, she had seen it all before. She was excited at what the future held for her since she knew things were already slightly different. Watching the trees and roads fly by she was trying to count how long it was taking to arrive at their new home. 

Suddenly the car started to slow down, causing Fiona to peak around the back of the front seats. The truck they had been following pulled into a wide open driveway with a two story house, a strange turret was jutting out from the center like an oversized chimney. For a family like them, a place like this was definitely luxurious, but for Fiona she was confounded. As they pulled into the driveway her mother hopped out of the passenger seat and rushed to open the front door for the removalists. The movers didn't hesitate and was already running back and forth to fill up the new house as they opened up the truck.

This new home did pique Fiona's curiosity, she remembered very clearly that the house they had moved to was quite different. Same in that it was quite grandiose but dedinitely not the same house. And that intrigued and troubled her greatly. Staying in the car while her father hopped out, Fiona was focusing heavily on trying to recall what memories she could still remember of her youth. In her mind she could clearly see how their house differed from what she would have. In fact if anything it was an improvement but change meant that the future was not truly set in stone for the events that happened. It gave Fiona a sense of relief but as well a sense of unease, that knowing the future could be easily as walking blind. She would have to keep her vigilance about her.

In fact the weeks leading up to the school being closed had vastly differed from what she remembered. She was prepared to be bored out of her mind until she could "cheat" a little and take a scholarship opportunity with the high school her lifelong love had gone to as well. But ever since she met Will nothing went quite like she remembered. At first it was to persuade herself that she simply hadn't remembered it correctly since the events were to say the least, quite disturbing and traumatic. Even for an adult they would definitely be perturbed at facing, pedophiles, kidnapping, child sex rings and gangsters.

It was then she felt a chill over body, the fear was easily repressed from others but she knew how she was. A coward, and a frightened one at that. She thought the moment she was being taken away that she would never see her family again. That her hopes for a changed future would never come to fruition and her life would be living in a hell. It caused her to shiver at how close she was of being taken away from the light forever. It was then she could picture a smiling Will overcoming those dark thoughts.

Will laughing and smiling with her, teasing her and making her blush and the warmth she felt when he carried her home. Although she was very much out of it when she was being taken back. She did come out of her delirium every so often on the journey to her home. It gave her time as she watched the young man focus so heavily on taking care of her. Her heart filled with a surprising surge of warmth, but she shook her head from those thoughts.

"That's a child Fiona, snap out of it" Fiona whispered to herself and gave a quick smack on both her cheeks to clear her mind of those dangerous thoughts. In the eyes of the law it might be legal but with her morals and she couldn't twist herself in a way that wouldn't leave her feeling guilt and remorse. Now that she was here, she had a clear purpose and even if Will was good to her now she knew full well that his future was pitiful. She was no longer a woman that would be at other people's beck and call,  she instead carve out a new path for herself. 

Finishing her internal pep talk, she leapt out of the car and grabbed some of the lighter boxes and went into the house to explore with her parents how everything looked inside. One of the rooms Foo a discovered was high up on the second floor, a stairway to the turret that was jutting out in the middle of the house giving an illusory third floor to the residence and the view was spectacular that she convinced her parents on the spot to have as hers. She put it simply as "I truly am a princess when I am here" both her parents chuckled at that and were happy to leave it their daughter to live in. Of course the movers complained a little from having to carry up a bed and boxes up two flights of stairs and into such a narrow room but they were paid and kept quiet.  But for Fiona it gave her the privacy she needed in the future. And her future plans.

Seeing that there wasn't much to do and she wasn't able to carry the boxes with her currently small body, Fiona was left with time to kill. Slowly she wandered off after exploring the grounds and the house having satisfied her small curiosity with her new home. Although she couldn't bear to pretend to be so childish anymore, it was easy to escape from her parents notice since they were so busy with the move. Which meant it was time to explore the neighbourhood and find out who her neighbours were.

Wandering along the footpath, Fiona stopped in front of one house in particular. Well she wouldn't describe it as a house but more as a large oriental wooden gate. Looking around it stuck out like a sore thumb which made her infinitely more curious. As she wandered back and forth to observe the entrance and trying to understand what the plaque hanging over the gate said in its foreign language, a girl came out and watered the beds decorating the pathway.

Fiona carefully observed the young lady and something bugged her about this one. She was of an Asian appearance and was quite graceful and reserved. It was interesting seeing her dressed in a traditional Asian garb that she didn't know the name to made her seem very out of place in this relatively normal neighbourhood. But what was most interesting to her was that the young lady looked incredibly familiar. Believing lady luck was already smiling at her, she approached the girl.

The young lady stopped as she saw Fiona coming close, curious what the girl was doing the young lady waited patiently for Fiona to greet her.

"Hi, I'm Fiona. My family just moved in next door. What's your name?"