North Shore High

It was early morning at the school grounds. The school was filled with the chatter of students walking around exploring the place for the new year. A number however walked in a confident direction as they had been here before but when potential students were 15 the school opened up the highschool for others to have a chance to enter and study at this prestigious school. There was nothing extremely special about this school at first glance. When one would enter through the wide brick and iron gates they would deceptively think the school was small but when one would step further inside they would realise, it was just too big. The school grounds covered over four blocks of land, so being fit was a natural thing here as the buildings and sports areas were a arteries around. It wouldn't be surprising that most of the students would often take a care or hitch a ride in between classes. At the front of the school was a large crowd of students, all hovering over the front bulletin board that had announcements for the students and their respective classes. Everyone was talking to each other as they waited for their turn to see the board, or more importantly who they would be with. But one pair of students hung back and watched the crowds of people move throughout the school.

"They're way too excitable it's only the first day of school. They haven't even established groups yet" the taller student commented looking over the mass of swarming students that were flowing through the gate into the school. It was lucky the school was so big otherwise it would have been a traffic jam of humans if it were just a little bit smaller at the entrance.

"It's as you say sir" a youth replied next to the male student. The two of them made an interesting pair, though they were both dressed in a plain school uniform. A short sleeve shirt, tie and pants, it didn't detract from how handsome they were. The first student was quite well filled out, despite his young age his muscles were firm and bulging inside the uniform as if waiting to burst forth and show his barely hidden glory but it gave a feeling he might be more dangerous than what would you could see, having a permanent smile on his face detracted from being quite fearful for others. The other student was quite diminutive in comparison being slightly shorter and quite slim and thin in build. Both of their haircuts were cropped short but the smaller one seemed to have a touch of the feminine side in his face but it was easy to say that he was masculine even more so.

"What did I tell you about how you address me at this school? You can only call me Will here otherwise people may become suspicious of us" the taller student lectured giving a brief backhand to the smaller ones arm. The smaller one winced from the blow but could only nod in compliance.

"It will be as you say sir…Will" the smaller student corrected himself. Will smiled at seeing the person adjust barely. He felt a little wicked at having forced the shorter man out of his comfort zone.

"Well it could be worse" Will shifted his school bag to carry it over his shoulder. "For the time being all we can do is adjust and blend in. Come Kim, we have a lot of work to do." Kim followed Will as they walked towards the board to check out how their school life would be. The crowd had mostly dispersed by then leaving only a few stragglers trying to find out their classes for the semester. It was one of the things he found strange when it came to education was that they would continually swap rooms for each subject. Maybe it was an issue of logistics but would it not be simpler if the students stayed in the same class? Will thought longer and harder than he should have about such a small thing that it left him distracted. Feeling a tug on his shirt, Kim gave him a quick signal that he had copies down their timetables. It took some planning behind the scenes but they would be in the same classes for their time at highschool, or so that was the deal. To Will, he wouldn't mind if they messed up since it would give him a chance to stretch and let loose for the first time in a while.

Being on his best behaviour had left Will feeling quite moody in the weeks leading up to joining North Shore High. In fact Big Boss had been receiving a lot of complaints lately that Will had been too aggressive on the job. And so Kim would be acting as guard and watcher to make sure Will could keep himself under control. As they were walking towards the classroom a number of students had noticed the pair of handsome boys coming close.

"Oh my god did you see him? Since when did we have students so handsome in our class?" one of the girls said in their group tailing behind the pair of boys and whispering to each other.

"But the shorter one is cute rather than handsome. But it's all perfect to me hehehe" one of the girls responded trying to hold back a little of the drool coming from her mouth. Her friends immediately kept a safety zone around their friend as she was lost in a small fantasy that they had no want in knowing giggling to herself.

Will had been keeping an ear out for any useful information. He knew that a number of the students came from good families or families with connections and wanted to hear if they would leak any news he could take advantage of. Instead all he could hear were praising remarks that was slowly inflating his ego and left him smirking. Suddenly he felt a slap on his back that gave him a shock, forcing him to let out an unwilling grunt.

"If you wish to hear about the girls and what they think of you, leave it for later" Kim said as he had already hid his hand again from sight. Will scowled as Kim was trying to repress his own smile and pretend nothing happened.

"I'm sure a little more training would be good to keep certain people's hands to themselves" Will whispered into Kim's ear. Kim jumped back from how close Will was to him and shivered at the thought of training. Dear God he would never want the intense punishment that came with it and left a lasting fear on him.

"No Sir, I believe anymore training would be wasted when have to go up against these school kids" Kim said with a wavering tone, but he sounded full of confidence that no one would succeed in messing with him or his teacher while at this school.

"You never know, some of the school students may have a few hidden people. If people do not know of us then there are many more we don't know either" Will responded. Kim could only nod as they resumed their quiet walking. The two didn't need much to communicate with each other and so any questions were easy to answer without having to ask. It was only the noise of a couple groups of girls that broke the silence. Will felt pretty smug at the attention.

"Sir, they're looking at someone else" Kim said giving a verbal jab at his teacher, enjoying the little thorn that he had stabbed into Will's heart. Grumbling Will looked around and spotted another pair of handsome men. 'Did beautiful people just like coming to this school?' Will grumbled to himself. As he was focusing on the two boys he recognised them almost immediately. When they would grow to be older, those two would tower over many with their imposing attitudes and quick business smarts. It was Chairman Cho and his right hand Vice-chairman Rob. Well they weren't quite there yet since they were just kids for now. But it meant he couldn't afford to take them lightly despite being kids.

Will felt a sudden urge to kill rising within him seeing those two, being responsible for causing the grief and misery in his future life. Kim could easily feel the killing intent and had trouble resisting the pressure his teacher was expelling making him quite surprised, placing a hand on his teacher's shoulder to calm Will down. Feeling the weight being pressed down on his shoulder Will halted his cold gaze and switched back to a warm smile so quickly Kim thought it may have been an illusion. Kim didn't know why his teacher felt this way about another young boy they had never met before but with an obvious feeling of hatred it obviously meant this student would mean trouble. He would have to keep an eye out to make sure nothing happens.

"Well that's enough excitement for one day, let's head to class" Will said in a happy tone as he lead the two of them into the cluster of school buildings. The pair of men left behind were surrounded by girls quickly hoping to chat up the new arrivals. However Master Rob was barely paying attention the girls enthusiastically talking to him. His back was drenched in a cold sweat as he felt the cold gaze thrown his way but with the crowd surrounding him he couldn't pick out a single person in the crowd, sensing a moment of crisis he got closer to Master Cho unconsciously to protect him but just as quickly the threat had seemed to disappear. The girls couldn't tell something was wrong and were just happy to be close to what would probably be the star men of their year. Their eyes sparkling at the chance to win some attention from the two men.