The Classroom

It didn't take long for them of them to find their classroom, it was almost completely filled by the time they had arrived. A teacher was sitting at the front taking a light nap while everyone was waiting for the first bell of the day to ring. Since there were no assigned seats everyone formed their groups on the spot. Kim and Will were at the back keeping an eye on everyone, an old habits they managed to pick up and keep. Kim staying on his teacher's left side in case something happened so he would be the first to take fire if ambush occured. Will could already tell what the smaller boy was doing and could shake his head. 'Did people just bring firearms to school when they felt like it' Will thought but then quickly corrected himself for being so ignorant. Inside his own jacket he could barely feel the 1911 he kept in a sling tucked near his armpit. He had thrown it on quickly while no one noticed when he wore his jacket before coming into class. Although it was overkill he felt comfortable and safe having his own weapon on him at all times. A habit he unfortunately picked up in his previous life.

"I wonder what the teacher will tell us?" Kim said curiously. Will could only smile as Kim had been intensely watching and seemed very eager at the chance to go to school. When he was first involved in the gang when Will brought him in, it took the kid only a short amount of time to adapt and show off his smarts. Will was pretty thankful that picking good helpers was much like picking grass on the side of the road. Which made him intensely suspicious if he wasn't supposed to be the one that would get this person. But if his suspicions were true then the chance of reducing his rivals forces was an option he could only thank fate for.

The bell rang with a loud rattling sound that almost made it fall off the wall from how intense it was hammering away at its bell. The teacher jolted awake, mumbling to himself as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Getting up from his seat and desk, the teacher had already begun writing on the whiteboard.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. White. Since a majority of you are new to this school I will have to lay down a few rules for you to get used to. Firstly if you wish to address a teacher it will be using a Mr. or Mrs. or if you can't remember refer to them as Sir or Ma'am." A few of the classmates laughed at the bad joke but most were quiet, hoping they wouldn't have to acknowledge it.

"Ahem...for your first day, the time will be cut short as we will be doing introductory lessons and get you use to how we work within this school. A reminder to all students we have a zero tolerance when it comes to bad behaviour and even stricter when it comes to your study. I urge you to remember this as your placements in the school are only guaranteed by the best grades."

Will was already rubbing his chin as he thought over the teachers short speech. 'So behaviour isn't a problem if you have the marks for it? This sounds perfect for me' Will commented in his thoughts. Kim by his side was pouting however. When would he be having the best grades when this was his first time at school? Kim could only grumble at the mixture of fortune and crisis when it came to following his teacher. "Truly a Wild Tiger" Kim whispered aloud. 

"What was that?" Will said as he looked at Kim with a cocked eyebrow. Kim flinched and could only laugh as he kept saying softly "Nothing, nothing…" hoping his teacher didn't hear him. He didn't wish to face punishments so quickly after being given the chance to follow him. Will smiled as he could only envision for now the joys of training his subordinates. He could easily understand the joy a drill sergeant felt having a mob of bumbling idiots turn into a fully fighting force that was full of precision and quite deadly. While Will was daydreaming the teacher had already finished his short speech, leaving the students to talk to each other for the remainder of the class, for the teacher he mostly hoped they would all get along to make his job easier while at the school.

It didn't take long for Will and Kim to be surrounded by some of the students asking questions and prodding about who they were and what they were best at it. For the boys it was to establish their new rivals in love and how well they could compare while the girls were happy to check out some nice looking boys. Although the school prided itself on scholarly talent in the real world people were quite judgemental on first appearances.

"Will, how did you do on the entrance exams?" One of the girls asked, the boys in the group heard and their ears perked hoping to hear some vulnerabilities.

"It was so so" Will admitted. Kim kept quiet and agreed as well. The girls seemed a little disappointed the new boy wasn't quite the prince they were hoping for. He had good looks but without talent to back it up in this school he would easily be an anchor that dropped them to the bottom to drown if they got close to him.

The group having heard, made their judgments quickly and left the pair alone, seeing it wasn't in their best interests to be with the two new students. Will could only raise his eyebrows in surprise at how fast everyone abandoned Kim and himself since they felt a slight danger that he wasn't the best in the class. Will could only laugh to himself at how ignorant these children were. 'Didn't even tell them my score before they ran away.' Will thought to himself. Kim could see the slight smile on Will's face and could only shake his head at his teacher enjoying himself. He knew too well that his teacher was truly too hard to get a grasp on. Fighting ability, smarts, business sense his teacher had them all. But these ignorant kids were happy to run at the first sign of potential trouble without trying to learn a little more.

Kim also didn't understand why his teacher was so adamant at keeping everything a secret when it was only a highschool. If anything he was waiting for everyone to give Will the respect he more than deserves but his teacher seemed like he was constantly playing a game of cat and mouse, Kim just wasn't sure who it was with. The teacher came back in, moments before the bell rang for the class. He lead the students out where many of the classes were congregating on a wide open paved area near the main building of the school. Everyone was clustered and standing while the principal gave his introduction speech on a small podium so everyone could hear. The principal was aging as could be seen by his glaring bald spot, stopping to give it a polish every few moments throughout the speech. The teachers gave a small clap of applause when the principal finished while the student body was silent waiting on what the principal wanted to do with his time. It was only the first day after all. 

"After Lunch you are all free to go home. I hope you remember the introductions your teachers gave you and keep an academic mind open to your learning while you are here." the principal elaborated to close out the assembly for the morning. All the students meandered off to explore the large school while a few ran to the canteen they had seen on the way in, hoping to be first in line to grab food before it ran out. Kim and Will were already planning on leaving when the assembly was finished as they were stopped by one of the teachers while they walked.

"William and Kim?" The female teacher asked hoping she got the right students. Will noticed she was a little tense. 'Interesting' Will thought.

"Yes?" Will answered for the pair. The teacher immediately broke into a smile, Will could she almost wiped the non existent sweat off her brow with her hands.

"The principal would like to see you. If you wouldn't mind, please follow me" the teacher said as she led the two of them through a number of the winding corridors in the main school building. It didn't take long before they arrived in front of the office.

"Please go in. He's expecting you" the teacher instructed as directed her hand to the door. Will nodded and walked in with Kim. The office was flushed with old money, Will could only describe it as such. Everything was not cheap as hardwoods made up the bookshelf and desk but it looked like it was part of how the way the school was, before the current principal's time. The principal was sitting at his desk writing away on some documents. He was grumbling to himself until the door was closed, the sound attracting the principal's attention. Seeing Will in front of him he immediately smiled.

"Ahhh, Will it's good to see you." the principal said as he got up from his desk and walked over shaking Will's hand. Will smiled back and gave a firm grip.

"It's good to see you too principal" Will replied back.

"And uh..this is?" the principal asked politely indicating Kim at Will's side.

"This is Kim, he is a pupil of mine." Kim came forward and gave his polite greetings earning a laugh from the principal. 

"Well it seems he's learnt well from a good teacher. I'm glad for that" the principal smiled and went back to his desk. Drawing up his roller chair close to the desk.

"Now as to why I called you here" the principal started in a serious tone causing Will to perk his interest.

"I'm listening" Will grinned wolfishly.