Fulfilling a job

The door closed behind the pair, Will had an eerie smile hanging in his face as the pair were alone in the corridor.

"Well at least the job is easy" Kim said trying to break the awkward silence. He couldn't take waiting for his teacher to start talking, whenever Will was focused on the job the air seemed to be quite oppressive. It reminded him of the hellish times when his teacher gave him "pointers" during their training. although he was happy to put his heart into something he was just too vicious.

"But I can take at least some enjoyment out of it. It definitely hit one of my sore spots you know" Will said, leading down  the hall from the office as they continued talking. Kim shuddered as he knew very well what happened when people hit his sore spots. They lost a couple gang members and many more rivals that had thought Will was easy pickings or who thought it was time to end their lives and go behind his back. It was one of the quickest introductions Kim had to Will's "habits". Soon no one thought it was a good idea to cross the Wild Tiger.

"If you can hold it in till after school, then you can go wild. Big Boss gave his full agreement for the job." Kim continued talking. Will looked extraordinarily happy as they explored the school grounds trying to kill time. As they explored the grounds,Il something caught Will's eyes.

"Hold up, I'll be back in a minute" Will said as he disappeared from his spot. Kim barely had any time to react as he watched Will approach a pair of girls that has been wandering around aimlessly. 'What is that man doing?' Kim could only shake his head at the thought. He knew his master well and this just surprised him. It had been rumoured he was gay as he hadn't looked or touched at any of the girls he had interacted with and they were all very happy to pay back "favours" for Will from all the jobs he did. And yet he refused them all.

But now for the first time in his life, Kim saw his teacher trying to chat up two girls. Maybe puberty had hit this man finally.

Fiona had been walking around the school with her friend as she was explaining how the school worked.

"We have exams twice every semester along with the usual homework. If you keep up with the lessons then you should be fine to get an average mark. But only those students with the best marks get extra privileges around the school" Fiona continued instructing the smaller oriental girl next to her who was listening intently.

"Well isn't that fascinating" a low sounding voice said near Fiona. Surprised at the person appearing so close without her noticing, Fiona backed away a little. She saw a handsome young man, his lips crooked in a smile that gave her heart an extra beat. You would.think he was plain at first glance but she could see the muscle hidden under his shirt and causes her to gulp. What would it be like to see what was hidden under their. 'No' Fiona shook her head of her thoughts and glared at the man smiling at them.

"Who are you playboy?" Fiona sneered. It seemed to be an instinct nowadays as she had taken care of herself quite well. Will looked her up and down, although it had been a few years she had aged quite nicely. Everyone was already in the midst of puberty so to call Fiona a girl was no longer correct, she was definitely a woman. But he was a little mad that his girl couldn't even recognise her future husband.

"Aww, I'm hurt you don't remember me" Will said as he placed his hand over his heart, his face twisted in fake show of pain. Fiona and the girl were resisting the urge to roll their eyes at the young man trying to hang around with them, buzzing like many of the other flies at the school.

"Ha, ha, ha. If you're done we're going." Fiona said as she grabbed the other girls arm and went to walk off. The girl gave a quick glance at Will before they both walked away from Will. Kim came to Wills side while he was watching the two intently.

"Kim, find out who that girl is" Will said keeping his eyes in the two girls until they went out of sight.

"The one you were talking to Sir?" Kim asked.

"No. The one next to her. If I'm correct things are going to be interesting this year. And don't call.me.Sir" Will said as he his initial smile was quickly replaced with a frown. Kim couldn't understand his teachers fascination with the girls but could only comply.

"Welp, we've wasted enough time for today. Let's go and give a warm welcome for the start of the year." Kim nodded at Will's words as they both waited out front of the school.


Two teenagers were sitting on a brick wall overlooking the school. Their clothes were nondescript black and they covered their faces with ornately drawn cloth masks. One of them was brightly decorated with snarling teeth while the other was plain black. The man with the snarling teeth mask finally pulled it down huffing at the heat.

"Kim this thing is stifling how do you guys even use these?" Willa asked as his brow was sweating from the heat and his own breath. Kim tries to maintain his composure. 'What do you mean difficult? This is the uniform you gave the others to use from now on and now you are crisiticising it?' But Kim kept his thoughts to himself and had the urge to bite his tongue from his venomous words to come out.

"It's a disguise sir, otherwise it would be easy for the coppers to find us" Kim rolled his eyes at trying to explain the obvious. "Wild Tiger indeed"

Will pouted but kept quiet. They give him the name Wild Tiger but they kept him on a short leash. He definitely needed to vent his frustrations from being so restrained and his target was the perfect practice dummy.

"Look, he's coming out now" Kim pointed as one of the aged teachers came out, he was nervously holding onto his briefcase and was glancing around the sides of the gate to see if anyone was following him.

"Shifty bastard" Will commented casually and Kim could only agree. Even in public a normal police officer would want to pull this guy over. 

"Let's work quick, I want to get home before anyone gets suspicious" Will said as he leapt from the brick wall, keeping a close tail on the teacher. Kim could only sigh and follow his teacher in tracking the man until a chance could appear. Both teenagers were moving at a lightning pace flirting from the highwalls and low streets to keep their eyes on their target. The teacher made a quick decision and turned a corner into an empty road, the alleys nearby made Will grin at the man walking into his own territory. Rushing up to the man he gave him a good punch to the sternum, depriving the man of air for a moment and stopped any sounds of surprise to not alert anyone nearby. And just as swiftly Will kicked the man into one of the alleys sending the body into a pile of garbage bags that had been left out.

"Your monstrous strength is always quite surprising sir" Kim commented as he could only watch while Will went about the job. His teachers prowess in many things that were confrontational was astonishing. If it weren't for him though, Kim shuddered to think.

The teenagers moved up, Will keeping his mask on to keep Lim happy and not report to Big Boss. 'When did I ever get alscared of the guy? He's more like a pissed off mother than a mob boss to me.' Will let go of his thoughts that were going in a strange direcrion, he could dwell on it later. The teacher was coughing and spluttering trying to catch his breath again. Will stamped his foot on the man's hand as he tries to move, causing the teacher to let out a moan of pain.

"Well hello teach. Seems like you need a bit of punishments" Will said with a twinkle in his eyes. Will could only laugh inwardly at his poor joke as Kim face palmed and the teacher cringed losing the sense of fear Will had given him a moment ago. 'Ah, right the job' Will went back to work.

"We know you've been stealing money from the school Mr. Price. Bit of a shame considering you were in charge of the finance at that pretty boy school." Will gave his lecture watching the man squirm under him.

"There are rarely pretty boys Will, you just seem to be unlucky in finding them" Kim said while laughing a little. Will frowned at being corrected by his own companion.

"Hush you, I'm working. So anyway hand the money over and you can at least walk home" Will threatened moving his foot front he teachers hand to his leg. Grinning as the teacher let our a yelp.

"It was just to pay back my debts. The casinos, you don't know how evil they can be. I have barely enough to eat, let alone teach. I had no choice" the teacher tried reasoning out his deeds. Will however only continued to be pissed off.

"A weak man like you had no right to others belongings of others things. It seems you won't relent so I can take those payments back in flesh" Will grinned wickedly and the teacher paled at the man ready to break his bones. Will watched as the man held back his screams, watching as his leg was slowly being deformed under Will's foot.

"Wait boss, this might be a good opportunity" Kim said before Will let himself go. Thankfully he was quick off the mark, otherwise the teacher would be a red smear on the wall by the time Will was finished.

"Hmm, what do you have in mind?" Will frowned as he tried to hide his unhappiness at being stopped.

"If I remember correctly Mr. Price is indebted to the casino near the Circular Quay correct?" Kim asked Mr.Price who was furiously nodding his head in agreement. Will finally got what Kim was hinting, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Hehe perfect. That's my student for you" Will smiled and lifted the teacher onto his back giving a quick thumbs up to Kim. The teacher started panicking and flailed about on Will's back. Annoyed, Will gave a short slap on the man's leg to remind him to cease struggling as the man stopped

"Kim, tell the old man we had a change of plans but the teacher has disappeared just the same. I'm going to enjoy using him" Will grinned and disappeared as he fled at a great speed. Hopping onto the low hanging rooftops and sped away into the distance. Kim shook his head before departing back to the school to inform the principal about what happened. Kim sighed at the slight change in the job. 'Its going to be a long night of convincing the man' thought to himself as he ran off.