Boss Fight

Seeing his own partner sitting opposite next to what Will could easily assume as the big bad boss definitely left him intrigued. 'Questions for later" Will mulled over his mind as he kept a poker face while looking over the people in the surroundings making mental notes. The guards were all armed from the obvious bulges in their coats near the side of their stomach. But if it was only this many than it was too easy for him. Will grinned and relaxed his guard as he waited for the villain to start.

"Ah, Mr. Price it's so good to see you. I'm surprised you would come back here" Mr. Starr said as he tapped his desk impatiently. Kim was sitting next to him as she quietly sipped on her drink and kept an eye on the scene, but after seeing Will relaxed she didn't worry as much. 'If teacher isn't worried than I should be less so' Kim thought.

"Ah, yes Mr. Starr. It's a pleasure to see you again" Mr. Price answered nervously. Although he knew he had the young man to back him up he had no confidence in their situation. Let alone numbers, the teacher was more than sure the guards closest to Mr. Starr would be armed. It was just asking to go back home in a coffin if they had a conflict.

"And who is this?" Mr. Starr said with a furrowed brow. He had barely noticed earlier the young man that had accompanied the one who owes his debts. The guard leaned over to quickly inform of what happened when they tried to pick up Mr. Price.

"Very courageous fellow there" Mr. Starr said with a chuckle. Will gave a broad smile that annoyed him though.

"Seeing he wants to take his friends place, take him outside and beat him in the man's place." Mr. Starr instructed to his guards. Two of them approached Will and pulled him away by the shoulders. As Will was being dragged out he gave a subtle wink to Kim that it would be alright. Whatever concern Kim had for his teacher immediately evaporated at his want to play. Hopefully he won't be too harsh on the guards. 

Mr. Starr grasped Kim by the waste, eliciting extreme disgust at the man holding onto her. She pushed the sense of revulsion down and kept a calm facade.

"So Mr. Price…where's my money?" Mr. Starr asked in an icy time. The room felt like it dropped a few degrees as Mr. Price was under the intense stare of a terrifying businessman. I have the money sir. It should be in the suitcase I brought with me" Mr. Price frowned at the words as he looked at his guard. He could only put his hands as he didn't know either. A vein pulsed on Me. Starr's head at being play E.

"And where did you put this case Mr. Price?"

Mr. Price trembled but kept up his strength to answer back.

"At the poker table I was playing before your guards took me away" Mr. Price answered. Mr. Starr gestured for a guard to leave and go down to look for it, his patience was already thinning that his own people were stupid enough to miss something that important. He was confident that Mr. Price wouldn't mess with him since he was in control. Mr. Price was nervous as he waited for the young man to come back. 'Please come back soon' Mr.price whispered to himself as he sweated from the uncomfortable stares everyone was giving him.

Mr. Starr now being bored started playing with Kim as he hands roamed her body. Kim shuddered under the attention and resisted the urge to kill the man on the spot. But he restrained himself, waiting for Will to come back and wallop a few people. Even Kim felt a bloodthirsty and wish to kill a few to ease off her frustrations.

The sound of the elevator caught everyone's attention, the guard that had been sent down was carrying a suitcase with him and placed it in front of Mr. Starr. The owner had a beaming smile as he let go of Kim and approached the suitcase, showing his love of money above all else. 

"Excellent, excellent. Since you have the money you can sit down over there" Mr. Starr waved at Mr. Price to sit at one of the small couches on the side while he opened the case. The case clicked open and Mr. Starr had a wide open smile, followed by a frown.

"Mr. have ten seconds before I have you dropped off the side of this building" Mr. Starr said, his tone turning to rage as his eyes tried to bore through the panicking Mr. Price.

"I don't understand sir" Mr. Price said as he was ready to curl himself into a ball from being so scared.

"This!" roared Mr. Starr as he threw the suitcase on the floor. The contents of the suitcase spilt on the floor with a crash, numerous photographs and documents poured out. Some were the owner in a compromising position with ladies while others were him shaking hands with some unknown people. But everyone could tell it wasn't something good as Mr. Starr was heaving and looking at Mr. Price in pure rage.

Kim was looking at the contents and was surprised. This would take a few months, let alone a night to collect, so where did Will get all of this? The question left Kim feeling confused as he tried to sort it out while being quiet. The guards were quite nervous as they didn't want to be caught offing a person in public. They had done it before but seeing how angry their boss was it wouldn't be unexpected if he asked them to execute a man at the front door of the casino. It was at this time that a knock sounded on the door where Will was taken. Feeling a twitch come on, Mr. Starr indicated with his hand to open the door.

One of the guards went to the door but it burst open, the door slamming into the guard's face and knocking him out cold.

"Did you like my present Starr boy?" Will yelled as he grinned. The guards were already on tense nerves as they reached for their guns and pointed them at the man who burst through the doors. Mr. Starr had an unpleasant expression plastered across his face.

"What happened to the guards?" Mr. Starr asked in a calm but furious tone.

"Oh, oh wait here. I'll grab them" Will said happily and disappeared behind the door. The guards were confused but kept their guns trained on the door waiting. Suddenly two bodies were thrown out the door and Will came striding back in.

"There you go, though since they're still in one piece I won't say its my best job." Will commented as he looked over the bodies with disappointment. Mr. Starr barely held back his anger as he began shouting.

"Shoot the fucking bastard!" Mr. Starr yelled starting a flurry of bangs amongst them. Will smirked as he rushed the guards. Will formed his hands into a point and shoved it through the first guards body and out of his back. It was unlucky that they were protected with bullet vests as their workmate turned from companion to bullet shield as Will held the body in front of the guns shooting at him. The guard was jolting to and fro under the heavy fire and Will rushed to his next victim, twisting the man's head around. Mr. Starr watched on in horror as Will systematically slaughtered his bodyguards one by one, blood splashing across the room and painting the walls. Amidst the screams of agony and panic, he could only run behind his chair in fear, flipping a cover at its back and rummaged his hand around.

"Where is it?" Mr. Starr kept mumbling to himself as he searched around, seemingly unable to find anything to help him. His arm started feeling pain as a high heel shoe came down on it, almost breaking the bone.

"Are you missing this?" Kim asked with a broad smile as she held a small pistol in her hand pointed directly at Mr. Starr's head. 

"You were with him?" Mr. Starr asked in stunned amazement. The pain in his arm increased and he let out a moan of pain under the pressure Kim was pushing down.

"You're lucky my teacher is here otherwise I'd have offed you myself" Kim said with a disgusted look on his face. Mr. Starr ceased moving as he felt utter defeat under the duo's rampage. Behind his chair he couldn't see what was going on but the entire room went quiet. After Kim looked away for a moment she pulled Mr. Starr up to his feet, shoving the pistol into his back to remind not to make a move. Being brought up to see his once beautiful office, Mr. Starr felt an extreme urge to vomit. Blood and gore was smeared around the room as bodies littered the floor, oozing blood stained the tiled floor a bright red. A single man stood in the middle of it looking like he been hit with an open can of red paint. His hungry eyes turned to Mr. Starr, causing the man to shiver under that gaze. The young man let out a smile looking much like the devil himself.

"Ah well, sorry about the mess but I guess it is time to get to business. Please, take a seat" Will said gesturing for Mr. Starr to sit in his central seat. Mr. Starr felt only ridicule, his seat meant to show off his power seemed quite hollow when in front of a man capable of such murder. The thirst for blood could be felt from the short distance away, chilling his soul from being near the terrifying young man.

"So to business." Will said clasping his hands and rubbing them together in a greedy fashion "To be blunt we would like your casino" Will declared as he looked at Mr. Starr with excitement. But Mr.Starr felt he still had a little backbone even when facing the devil himself.

"Over my dead body" Mr. Starr yelled summoning all his strength to confront the terrifying young man. Will stared at the man, silence covered the whole room as everyone waited with bated breath for Will's response.

"Okay" Will aid with a smile leaving everyone but Kim in the room confused.

"Really?" Mr. Starr asked in disbelief, he didn't think that it would be so easy to confront the young man.

"Of course. If you won't willingly give it up there is not much point then" Mr. Starr smiled at the man backing away so easily. But then Will placed his hand heavily on Mr. Starr's shoulder bringing the man out if his small daydream of victory.

"Though you will wish you had given it to us when this is over" Will smiled and gave a light slap on the man's temple knocking him out cold. Kim let the man slump onto the ground and sighed.

"Why is it always messy when you get involved?" Kim asked as he took out the clip and emptied the chamber before throwing away the gun.

"Ahhh, Kim are you alright? You definitely surprised me being here before me." Will ignored the question and happily had his arms open to hug Kim.

"Gross, stay away from me" Kim wrinkled his nose as he pushed the bloodied Will back to ruin his clothes although he didn't like them very much. Will noticed his messy state finally and looked around trying to find a clean pair of clothes. It didn't take long to select Mr. Starr as the victim of clothing change leaving the casino owner in his underwear on the floor. Will was now in a clean cut suit and pants, wiping away the blood on his face with a mother man's shirt.

"So what's the plan with him?" Kim said gesturing to the unconscious owner of the casino and giving a kick to ease his anger. Will was grinning wolfishly however.

"Oh I have something delicious in mind, don't you worry." Will gave his reassurance while Kim looked at the sky in hopes that his teacher would be a little more sane when dealing with things. Mr. Price was frozen in the corner having avoided injury and blood of the scene. Kim pulled him up and to the elevator while Will busied himself with his plans for the unfortunate Mr. Starr.