The Infallible Mr. Starr

Mr. Starr opened his blurry eyes as his head was hit with a throbbing headache. Clutching his head in pain, he tried to look around to see what happened. He couldn't see very well and so he tried reaching with his hands to clutch at anything. But when it came into contact with a rough handle, Mr. Starr froze. In his hands he was clutching a bloodied knife, in the bed. And what was worse, his bodyguard was next to him dead...and naked. He looked over himself as well seeing he was only in underwear, which is when the panic set in.

"Shit, shit shit" Mr. Starr whispered to himself as he leapt out of the bed and looked around. He was in a pretty nondescript hotel room, if you look away from the dead body. And so as he was pacing around the room to think as he heard furious knocking at the door. Mr. Starr froze trying to push his mind to make up something, anything to delay and hopefully bury this situation before it became a disaster. Unfortunately as he was thinking through his potential plans the door burst open. The sound of  numerous cameras flashing and shouts and questions flooded his senses as he stopped under the onslaught. Of course seeing the knife, blood and a dead body everyone went deadly quiet. It wasn't until one of them shouted that brought them back.

"Shit, call the police!" one of the reporters shouted, the crowd were all paling at the blood but swiftly brought out some bulky phones trying to call emergency services. Mr Starr finally came to his senses and started panicking, so he tried approaching the reporters.

"Wait, it's not what you think" Mr. Starr said but everyone drew back, looking at his hand he was still clutching the knife and threw it to the ground.

"Wait, let me explain" Mr. Starr said desperately, holding out his blood covered hands causing the crowd to withdraw back. The cameras didn't cease the flashes as everyone panicked from the killer approaching them and watched on to see this juicy scoop. It was then Mr. Starr could see a familiar face in the crowd.

"You!" Mr. Starr screamed and pointed his finger in the middle of the crowd. 

"You did this" spit flying out as the crowd of reporters were confused and followed the direction of the finger. The crowd parted and Will was standing there but his face was filled with confusion.

"What?" Will asked showing his face at a loss. The reporters took some photos but soon the whole corridor was filled with the sound of calls connecting to the police. Mr. Starr paled at the reporters making a call and tried to shout in vain to catch their attention.

"That bloody bastard set me up" Mr. Starr accused the dumbfounded Will who was gathering everyone's gaze from the commotion. Will leaned over to a reporter and whispered into his ear.

"Who is this guy? I think he's lost it" Will 'tried' to keep his voice quiet but reminded everyone it was still a crime scene. Soon the crowd moved together since Mr. Starr had thrown away his knife and pinned him to the ground.

"Bastard! Bastard, I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do" Mr. Starr was screaming and yelling as he struggled under the number of bodies holding him down until the police arrived. Will smirked and left seeing the job was done to satisfaction, disappearing from the crowd.

"Ahhh, Will that was so cruel" a sensual voice said in Will's appear. In Will's vision an adult version of Fiona was hovering on his shoulder, her hand brushing through his hair in affection.

"Of course you would enjoy it" Will sighed as he talked to himself. With the person hanging off his shoulder for some reason passersby and other pedestrians didn't even notice the woman holding to Will.

"Well it was just...delicious to see it. Soon you'll be more vicious than me at this rate" the woman let out a giggle that had an air of blood thirst.

"What made you settle looking like that?" Will asked as his face was kept stone cold in order to avoid showing his emotions to the creature hanging off of him. Over the years he had learned how the creature worked and it enjoyed picking away at his vulnerable spots. Physical damage he could take, mental trauma abusing him constantly was more akin to skating on thin ice. Hovering over insanity if he wasn't in control.

"Mmm, well you seem more open with this form. As much as I love to mess with you your heart is what I truly desire" the creature said seductively. Will rolled his eyes at the obvious attempt of flirting with him, the creature being in the form of his beloved made it infinitely harder to stay strong, but he knew his heart would be taken the moment he gives in and very much so in the literal sense.

"Do you still remember anything about the person who attached you to me?" Will asked. He was sure in his offline in his previous life he didn't go around summoning demons and ethereal creatures that feasted on humans.

"Do you want me gone that badly?" The creature leaned and breathed hot air into his ear while speaking. Will recoiled in disgust and rubbed his ear to rid himself of the moist touch causing the creature to pour.

"The sooner you are not attached to me, the better" Will grumbled as he walked along the streets. A couple people glanced up seeing Will mumbling to himself but ignored him just as quickly.

"Ah, I'm hurt" the creature said in a fake tone of pain. Her lips curled in a hungry smile that made even Will nervous but he could only keep his cool. For now the tradeoffs were worth it, but having a hungry beast breathing down your neck at all times was beyond tiring for him.

"Make sure to keep your end of the deal in the end. I'll make sure the next one you have is a cute young boy" Will said to divert the creatures attention away. She kicked her lips at the thought and nodded as she disappeared into thin air.

"Remember though, until then you're mine" the ethereal voice whispered and cackled as the sound disappeared. Will rubbed his head frustrated at the situation. 'Ah, I should go help with training to relive the frustration' as Will hailed a cab to take him away. Letting his body loose was a good way to remove his annoyance at what was an excellent finish to a job that was soured by talking with the creature. What irked him more was how it was attached to him after searching for years for an answer. There was a man he knew was responsible but he hadn't heard a peep from him. Sighing Will watched as the roads rolled by.