Breaking Off?

"It's become an extreme shock to the business community with the recent accusations to the owner of Star Casino. It appeared Mr. Starr was involved in a scandalous relationship with his bodyguard. Along with other photos being sent about Mr. Starr involving deals behind the backs of his investors and other famous stars that it could be described as the scandal of the decade. Unfortunately Mr. Starr has not been able to be interviewed regarding the case and may leave many people involved in the lurch. Back to you at the studio Bob." The voice on the television echoed in the room as Fiona was eating her cereal and watching in extreme interest. 

She was staring at the screen in morbid curiosity as the news flicked over to sports and weather that bore her immediately, forcing her to flip channels until something that seemed remotely entertaining popped up. It was this news piece that caught her attention the most. She remembered from working near Chairman Cho that Mr. Starr was still a big name in the future. However it seemed he had fallen face first in the dirt, leaving her at a loss of how the two could possibly be connected.

'Did we still do dealings with him despite all of this in the future?' Fiona pondered to herself as she finished up her breakfast, even she knew it was bad practice having someone hanging around the business with such a black mark.. Her father had already left for work and her mother was cleaning up the dishes so Fiona dropped her bowl sneakily with the other dishes and attempted to disappear from her mother's sight. Unfortunately, her mother was already keeping an eye out for her tomfoolery.

"Fiona Jane Hudson, you come back and clean those dishes or you are gonna wish I gave you a hiding instead" her mother shouted while arm deep in the sink full of dishes. Fiona froze and let out a sigh, her attempt to escape was seen through and could face her demon of a mother, marching back to the kitchen to help her mother out.

"You know this is why dad bought you a dishwasher mum" Fiona complained as she scrubbed her bowl clean with a sponge, giving it an extra hard clean to let her frustration. Her mother chuckled at her pouting daughter.

"Yes dear, but it's important to do this to remember where you came from. It wouldn't do well to become so conceited at your age" her mother gave her some sagely advice which Fiona could only nod at. Her mother was the fountain of wisdom in this household and as such question her was forbidden. Fiona and her mother chatted briefly while they finished tidying up and drying the dishes, the sound of the doorbell ringing caught their attention.

"I'll get it" Fiona said dashing out of the kitchen as if the dishes would chase after her if she was a moment too slow. Her mother was left with her mouth open from her daughter running away but she could only smile at her daughter's antics. 'They're only young once Veronica' she chided herself and left the dishes to dry on the rack.

Fiona had already swung open the door, surprising the small girl in front into stepping back. 

"Hi Jasmine" Fiona said enthusiastically as she dragged the poor girl inside by the arm. Jasmine was very confused at her friend's actions and being brought to the living room.

"Is everything alright?" Jasmine asked in a worried tone.

"Alright? Yes, yes, yes it's all right. Do you want some tea?" Fiona asked being a very indulgent host. Her smile was wide and it almost seemed she was trying to treat the girl too well.

"Ah yes" Jasmine replied confused as her friend ran out of the room. A moment later Veronica walked in with a tray of tea and cups, followed closely behind by an annoyed Fiona.

"Hi Jasmine, it's lovely to see you again" Veronica said as she placed down the tea set, pouring a cup for her daughter's friend.

"Thank you Mrs. Hudson" Jasmine accepted the tea and sipped at it enjoying the taste as it warmed her body and soul.

"Oh no, you can call me Aunty Veronica like you usually do" Veronica said waving her hand as she sat down on the couch opposite. Fiona sat next to her friend, crossing her arms.

"Is there anything wrong this morning?" Jasmine asked politely wondering what had gotten into her very expressive friend.

"Don't mind her, she was just helping with the chores" Veronica said dismissing her daughter's behaviour as childish, ignoring her fuming to her. Veronica glanced at the clock hanging from the wall.

"You should hurry up dears, school is starting soon" Veronica left the room for the girls to chat amongst themselves as they got ready to leave. As soon as Veronica left Jasmine hurriedly put down her tea cup and clutched at Fiona's arm, startling her friend.

"Fiona, help me" Jasmine pleaded. Fiona immediately snapped out of her playful mood.

"What's wrong? Who do I beat?" Fiona snapped in a serious tone. Jasmine's eyes were watering at feeling relief of having her friend to lean on.

"It's Master Cho, he asked specifically for me today to meet. But I heard he lost a huge investor in their family and the reputation has caused a blow back for him. He's going to be furious and I can't deal with him alone. I'm scared" Jasmine sobbed as she buried her face in Fiona's chest. Fiona hugged her small friend and brushed her head to comfort her, Fiona felt her heart burn with malevolence towards this Master Cho. Jasmine finished crying and tidied up her face to look presentable. It was then they walked out of the house hand in hand as Fiona kept a lookout for any hints Master Cho was coming after her cute Jasmine glaring at any strangers that happen s to pass by as they flinched under the gaze she was exuding..

After they walked to school with Jasmine hiding behind Fiona the whole trip, the duo let out a breath to relax seeing no sign of the villain. As they walked through the gates they both saw a thin man in a suit talking with one of the teachers. Jasmine panicked and pulled Fiona behind a nearby bush while they overhead the two talk.

"I'm sorry Will couldn't turn up today but unfortunately some family matters have come up." The thin man explained.

"As his teacher I should remind you that skipping school will only be harmful to his education" the teacher lectured the man, causing him to let out a chuckle.

"I'm glad to see you are looking out for him, then I'll be off since I've done what I needed" the thin man gave his farewells and left as the students slowly started coming into the school. Both Fiona and Jasmine looked weirdly at each other trying to figure out if they overhead anything important.

"It wasn't really that important" a male voice said behind the two girls startling them. Jasmine however paled and clung onto Fiona's arm for dear life. Master Cho looked at the two woman, perplexed why they were hiding in a bush.

"Young Master Cho" Jasmine said as she got up and gave a quick bow, sweating from her nervousness of dealing with the man. Fiona however was ready to beat him down if needed. But Master Cho waved his hand at Jasmine as if he didn't care, causing her to let out a breath of relief.

"I wanted to see you this morning as I had something to announce but seeing as it's convenient, I can tell you now"

Those words pricked Fiona's and Jasmine's ears in curiosity.

"Jasmine Zhai, from today onwards we are no longer engaged" Master Cho announced. The dead silence hung in the air as after saying his piece, Master Cho left, leaving Jasmine in shock and Fiona in  confusion.