Paying a visit

Mr. Whittaker groaned as he opened his eyes, his vision was heavily blurred as a sticky liquid was caking over his eyes. He was trying to understand what was happening while being blinded, all he could remember was that he had been finishing off his paperwork and a particular firing of an employee he had been hating and grinding his teeth when dealing with for months. Besides the bragging the man had about his family it really rubbed the salt into his wounds of having a good marriage when he himself had been gutted by his own wife after he had found her messing around with a guy in his own bed. Though he lost a lot through the divorce dealings he made sure she was left alone and miserable from his back connections.

Which is why he was confused about how he ended up where he was. Finding himself in an upright position, he tried moving his arms and legs but they were forcefully held down, he was bound to the chair he was sitting, ropes digging into his wrists and ankles as he struggled against his bonds causing his skin to tear and bleed. When it came to these kind of situations he heard about it before, some of the boys he employed would do him favours and the like. Sometimes while they were working construction when he was around they would brag about their exploits, often it would leave his hairs standing on end as he wasn't one with a strong stomach.

Of course remembering this he started to panic, his eyes still firmly stuck closed and trying to rock back and forth on the chair hoping he could break it or move with it. But it was firmly holding on the floor. And from what he could guess it was most likely bolted as well, the implications of the far planning ahead left him shivering in fear. It meant he was dealing with professionals. He tried to calm down and work through his thoughts, until a cold splash of water hit his face, washing the stickiness off his eyes as he looked into the face of a young man standing over him with an emptied bucket of water.

"Ahhh, that was quicker than expected, I have to say" the young man said as he had an evil grin plastered across his face. Mr. Whittaker didn't understand why but he shivered from the sadistic face the young man was pulling at him. He only noticed then that he had no clothes on, the feeling of having all his skin exposed to the air left him with a sense of vulnerability as he hoped to talk his way out.

"W-wh-who are you? I have money you know? I can pay! I can pay good money!" Mr. Whittaker asked as his voice cracked under the tension of having the man staring at him like a piece of meat. The young man came over and gave a quick open palm to the side of Mr. Whittaker's head, dazing him.

"Quiet, you talk when I ask you to talk" the young man growled. Mr. Whittaker nodded submissively and didn't want to feel the pain anymore. He felt his head got hit with an iron pipe from the man's blow and he didn't wish to repeat it.

"I'm disappointed how easy it is to break you" the young man sighed, a chair just outside of the light was brought in, scraping and bouncing across the messy concrete floor. The young man sat down and stared with his arms crossed at Mr. Whittaker who was shaking as the cold settled in. Mr. Whittaker wanted to ask why he was here, he knew he hadn't messed with anyone lately and even paid off his protection money in full to the local gangs, if anything he was there benefactor so who was the young man before him.

Soon minutes ticked by, and then what felt like hours. Mr. Whittaker felt his stress reach a crescendo. The young man staring at him hadn't moved a muscle the entire time, just staring at him, and the worry of hyperthermia setting in.

"What do you want with me?" Mr. Whittaker asked trembling. But even at the potential chance of being hurt he couldn't help but need to know why. The young man however smiled.

"Excellent, you're already behaving like a bad dog" He clapped his hands and disappeared for a moment from under the light. Mr. Whittaker could hear the sounds of goods being shuffled some things around and the sound of him walking back. Appearing in the light, the young man was smiling as he showed off a bottle of clear liquid with a smile. The corrosive label on the side had Mr. Whittaker renew his struggles, trying to rip his appendages from the chair.

"And for a disobedient dog there must be a punishment!" the young man approached, seemingly unstoppable like a mountain as Mr. Whittaker started violently jerking to rip himself from the chair, blood was running down in rivers as he struggled against his bonds.

The young man grasped his hair tightly, having a firm grip and restrained his head to look the youth directly in the eyes. The young man seemed to be searching for something from Mr. Whittaker. Mr. Whittaker stared into those manical eyes and a moment of clarity hit him.

"You couldn't be the Wild Tiger right?" The fear was evident in his voice, as it wouldn't take much to break him anymore.

"Ohhhh, a good guess. But unfortunately it won't avoid punishment" the young man peeled back Mr. Whittaker's eyelid as he tipped the bottle over. The liquid came out and splashing against Mr. Whitakkers eye as smoke came rising out.

"Arrrrgh!" Mr. Whittaker screamed in agony. The burning liquid travelled behind his eye, he could feel his eye socket melting away under the corrosive liquid. Mr. Whittaker was furiously twisting his body as the pain was extraordinary, his body convulsed as each nerve burned giving a fresh feeling of pain as it coursed around his eye socket. Soon the burning faded away and Mr. Whittaker was panting rapidly, trying to restrain the immense pain shooting from his right eye. The sounds of his whimpers echoed in the relatively empty room, reinforcing that it was only him and this monster of a person.   

"I'm glad you can feel that, it truly doesn't satisfy me enough but it's definitely a start. After a few more hours I'm sure we'll be happy to play again" Will said with a malevolent grin. He walked away from the circle of light as Mr. Whittaker was sobbing in his chair. Will gave a last look over his shoulder and left the room, the door slamming shut as the whimpers and sounds died out.

Will went to two of the men guarding the door. 

"Make sure he's kept under close watch, keep his fluids up and make sure he doesn't die quickly. He deserves much more than this" Will said with a tone of anger causing the guards to glance at each other. It was rare to see the Wild Tiger angry about anything as he would break a man's leg while smiling viciously. They didn't want to know what he did but the sound of his screams gave them a good idea not to peak in, for their own sanity sake.

"How was it?" A familiar voice asked from the shadows of the corridor. Will looked over and saw Kim dressed in casual clothes.

"Nothing serious, just needed to vent a bit" Will shrugged as Kim handed over a towel to clean his hands of the blood covering them.

"But this one is strange, he's never interfered and we'll definitely start another turf war considering he was protected" Kim elaborated as he waited for Will to spill his thoughts. Will shrugged at the comments.

"Sooner or later we would have to get involved with them. But most importantly he touched something he never should have" Will growled out. Kim had known Will for a long time now, and was quite surprised at how angry he was. It left a lot of questions in his mind but Kim could shake his head and only pity the man for crossing Will.

"Well we should head back, school will be starting in a couple of hours" Will said as he led the way out of the underground room. Leaving the members to guard the new prisoner and awaiting for new instructions.

As Will and Kim left the site, a shadow flew down and melded into the darkness, keeping out of the light of the exterior lights. The shadow made its move as guards outside the entrance were swiftly knocked unconscious. As the shadow made its way swiftly inside, the guards fell prey to its strikes and soon they were all on the floor. Opening the main door, Mr. Whittaker winced and was squirming in fear that the young man had come back for him so soon. But what greeted his one good eye was someone he didn't expect.

"If you had the power, would you want revenge?" The voice asked ominously. Mr. Whittaker felt a burning desire within his chest quickly replacing the fear he had experienced. He could vividly feel the pain and he knew it was something he would carry for the rest of his life. And the urge to have the kid grovelling at his feet. He nodded and the ropes binding him were quickly cut falling to the ground. With his one good eye Mr. Whittaker had a gaze of burning desire searing through it.

"Welcome to the family" the shadow said happily as they disappeared into the night, the shadow carrying Mr. Whittaker on his back.