Finding a Solution

Fiona stared blankly into space as she felt shoulder get shaken. Her friend was holding onto her and crying while they watched the departing figure of Master Cho. The announcement left her mouth gulping like a fish gasping for water as the young master had vanished.

"Fiona, what do I do now?" Jasmine said feeling so conflicted like never before. Fiona snapped out of her daze and stroked her friend's head to comfort her. Truly this girl was stuck between a rock and a hard place dealing with this. Fiona didn't hesitate to guess that although Jasmine may be happy she was left alone but she knew that her family would suffer being abandoned by the young master. As Jasmine sobbed into her chest, Fiona had her mind whirling to think of something to help. Touching her side, Fiona felt the bulky phone in her pocket and pondered for a moment. There was a number she could call but she felt unsure if the person on the other end would answer. 

Disentangling herself from her friend, Fiona put her at arms length and looked her friend in the eyes.

"I think someone might be able to help but you'll have to trust me on this" Fiona said confidently as she grasped Jasmine's shoulders. Jasmine could only nod her head and wipe her tears away. Fiona ushered Jasmine away as the girl put on a brave face and headed to their classes. Fiona pulled out her phone and her finger hovered over the dial button as she looked over the number saved in her phone. 'Well here goes nothing's Fiona thought to herself as she pushed the button. The dial tone rang a couple times before it clicked and picked up.

"Will speaking" a manly voice said from the other line. Fiona hadn't heard from her old friend in a long time and he seemed to have changed so much since she was gone.

"Hey Will, it's Fiona" she started to ask her question.

"I'm busy, in the hospital. Call me later" Will responded and the phone clicked to end the call leaving Fiona stunned in silence. '...did that bastard just hang up on me?' Fiona fumed at the rude treatment but she chewed over his words and quickly called her mother. The dial tone didn't take long for it to connect.

"Oh Fiona I'm so glad you called" her mother said over the line, quite grief stricken.

"Mum, what happened?" Fiona asked but she could already fill in the blanks.

"Oh dear, Rachel collapsed earlier today. She's at the local hospital at the moment. You should go see her" her mother said as she gave Fiona instructions on how to get to the hospital. Fiona could only let out a small confirmation and hung up the phone.

Glancing back at the school, Fiona heaved a sigh. 'I'll be back soon' Fiona said silently and left the front gates she had just entered. Fiona walked to the bus stop and hailed one that came a few minutes later, it was lucky for her the bus was on the same route to the hospital, Fiona was lost in her thoughts as the traffic and buildings passed by.

"South Hospital, South Hospital" the driver shouted and caught Fiona's ear. Hopping off the bus her gaze drifted over the front before she walked in, pulling her back straight and a confident strut she remembered from so many dealings with company representatives in her past life. The doors slid open and Fiona headed straight to triage.

"Can I help you?" The nurse asked behind the counter. Fiona looked her over and eyed over the woman's papers on the desk.

"I'm here to see a patient, she was admitted earlier" Fiona stated.

"Hmmm, can I have a name?" The nurse said as she flipped on her clipboard looking over the recently admitted patients.

"Rachel Charles" Fiona responded and started tapping her fingers waiting as the nurse ruffled a few papers.

"Charles...Charles. Ah, Charles. She's in Ward A, first room on the left" the nurse said as Fiona beamed a smile. Giving her thanks and a wave, Fiona walked away. It seemed that thinga weren't as secure than when she was an adult and she could see why they changed so many things in the future.

It didn't take long to reach the door, but her hand hesitated at the door. 'Would he recognise me?' Fiona bit her lip in worry as she mumbled to herself to boost her confidence.

"Hey, pretty lady" a voice right behind her ear caused her to violently jump back. She was already in a stance to shove her fist in the face of whoever snuck up on her. However what greeted her eyes made her sneer.

"Playboy" Fiona spat out.