Meeting fashion

It was the next day, and unfortunately (cue groaning), back to work.

"Well, you have your audition in a week. We have to buy you great clothes!" Lyla exclaimed.

"But Lyla!" I whined, "I have enough clothes, the last thing I need is more clothes!!!"

"Nonsense," Lyla said, "We need something new and edgy and... you!"

Then, she spoke the dreaded words, "To a boutique!"

(Y/N) groaned. It's not that she disliked boutiques but the time she spent there could be spent in bookstores and arcades, both of them plural. Why do people, girls, bother to spend their time and money on buying clothes EVERY... SINGLE... DAY when in fact, they don't need that many clothes. Utterly wasteful, but fashion speaks for itself.

The boutique in town was chic and modern. Lyla was oohing and aahing at dresses, choosing some for herself and then for (Y/N).

One by one, they tried on most of them, no dice according to Lyla. When (Y/N) groused out that they could just mix and match with the right accessories from her old wardrobe, Lyla dismissed, because she felt that she could find the dream dress here, she could feel it.

If (Y/N) didn't know any better, it seemed that Lyla was simply finding an excuse to shop which was one of her many passions.

(Y/N) groaned and hope she could find the 'right' dress before they spend the entire day here.

At a mannequin stand, a dress caught (Y/N)'s eye. It was an electric blue dress with a skirt below a beautiful white bow, ruffled down with a pattern of white and blue down. The top that was electric blue with golden trimmings was a bit low neck, but still modest. There was a white headband criss-crossed with blue strings, and white gloves with gold ringing the palm to boot. It looked made for angels.

(Y/N) stared, mesmerized at it until a voice intruded upon her awe, "If you like it, try it."

She spun around to see an orange haired, bright red eyed boy with tanned skin and a mischievous smile that was apparently the speaker.

"Can I really?" (Y/N) asked in wonder.

"Yeah, sure... Hey, can you come here for a sec?" The boy asked to an attendant.

"Sure, sir," the attendant said nervously, and from that, (Y/N) inferred that the boy must be someone special to let the attendant be cowed.

"Can you please get this dress for this lovely girl. She wants to try it on~" The boy said.

"Anything you want, sir..." The attendant nodded and get the dress down to hand it to (Y/N).

"Thank you," (Y/N) said.

"It's no problem, ma'am," the attendant said, and to the boy, "Anything else required, sir?"

"Nope, your service is done. See you around~" the boy called out to the attendant and blowing out a kiss to him.

"Are you plain playful or gay?" (Y/N) asked.

"Actually, the first one, although I'm bi, if you are interested," the boy said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Nice try. We just met," (Y/N) scoffed.

"But a boy you just met let you wear this beautiful dress," The boy whined.

"Well, I could have worn this dress, anyway, if I asked the attendant," (Y/N) scoffed again.

"Actually, you can't," The boy said softly, "That is the only dress product ever. It was supposed to be sold next week, today was supposed to just show off to the customers."

"You are kidding," (Y/N) said, holding the dress like a rare treasure, then looking at him skeptically, "How do I know you are not BS-ing me?"

"Because I happen to be the one who made this dress," he said, smirking at the girl's disbelief, "My name's Henry Cowl, if that rings any bells."

"Henry Cowl?" (Y/N) asked, astonished. "The famous fashion designer's son of Cowl Co.?"

"That's the one, and as a son of a fashion designer, I have some taste for fashion. This is the result," he said, gesturing to the dress. "In fact, it was put on display so people will know more about it, because I couldn't find a model. Now I have..." he said, smiling more wide.

"Wait, do you mean...? " (Y/N) asked, holding the dress, looking at it and then the boy.

"Of course! That's the requirement for getting the dress... for FREE, even. C'mon..." Henry said, at the look of (Y/N)'s shocked face.

"OMG! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DRESS!!!" Lyla exclaimed. She was fawning over it, and said, "You have got to wear it, (Y/N)!"

Henry watched the scene and smiled when he heard the name (Y/N), but slightly irked that their time was interrupted. He took advantage of it, though.

"See? Even your friend agrees about it. Just try it..." Henry pleaded.

(Y/N) thought, and then smiled, something that no other could have pierced his heart like now.

"Oh, why not?" (Y/N) said, and went to a changing room. Henry wished he was in there, just to see her change, see her exquisiteness. There was just something about her...

(Y/N) wore the headband with her (h/c) hair down, and the dress was completely comfortable, along with the gloves. Swishing the dress, she nodded to herself, satisfied and came out.

Lyla gasped and squealed in delight. Henry looked at (Y/N) wearing his design, where a lot of people couldn't wear it perfectly, she was taking in stride. She looked like an angel, with her (h/c) hair below the headband and gentle (e/c) eyes looking through. The dress completely compliment her figure.

So, Henry couldn't help taking his phone and snapping pictures.

"Hey, who gave you permission to take pictures?!" (Y/N) pouted.

'She even pouts like an angel,' Henry thought as another part of his mind made up an excuse for his actions.

"Well, I'm letting you wear my design, so I have to have some lasting memory of this beauty. So, will you hold still, Angel?" Henry asked.

"Angel? Since when can you call me Angel?" (Y/N) scowled.

"Since you look exactly like one. Consider as your debt for the dress, alright~" Henry said playfully.

(Y/N) sighed and decided the best course was to just get along. There was no harm in this anyway.

At the very least, they didn't spend all day shopping, so the day was sastifactory for (Y/N) who later thanked Henry and bid Henry farewell.

When she left, Henry took out his phone and swiped to a photo of (Y/N) in a striking pose with his dress. He put this as his screen saver, and heralding her beauty, he kissed his phone, whispering, "Until we meet again, Angel~"