"Come on, you can do better than that!" Lyla shouted encouragement.
"Lyla, can't I just take a break?" (Y/N) panted.
"Absolutely not! Until your choreography is spotless and you strike the heart of the millions fans!"
"Lyla, you are dreaming. I'm sure the competition doesn't have 'million of fans'," (Y/N) weakly said.
"You know what I mean!" Lyla said, "Shine like the star you are supposed to be!"
(Y/N) groaned. There was absolutely no arguing with her when she was in this state.
"And what happens if this star can't shine because you are overworking her. Don't I deserve a break?" (Y/N) asked, praying 'Please, please, please...'
Lyla gave one glance at her, and said, "Fine."
"Yes!" (Y/N) nearly shouted, "Thank you, Lyla!"
Then, (Y/N) ran the hell out before she could change her mind.
"Finally, I ran from that hellhole..." (Y/N) mumbled to herself, and thought of what she wanted to do... probably burn out all the hard work with mindless games at the arcade until...
"Hey, what'cha doing here?" A voice asked, and she saw that it was Sky.
"Just..." (Y/N) started, but Sky cut her off, "Well, since you aren't doing anything, I have to show you something..."
He was grabbing her hand before she could do anything and the thougt off her mind was, 'So pushy...'
But the reason underlying all that pushiness was that Sky finally had (Y/N) all to himself... and he must...
"Wow," (Y/N) said when they finally stopped, "What a theater!"
"I know right, well let's go in," Sky said confidently.
"Wait we can?" (Y/N) asked, hesitant.
"Course we can, it's free for all," Sky immediately dismissed her concern, and just went inside, holding tightly on (Y/N). She was skeptical, but she had no choice.
The theater was vast with it's rows of seats, and the big stage facing it. The curtains surrounding were wide open, revealing a simple stage indeed, but no background. Special effects were around, and there was no one in sight. Not a guard, no actors, no technical service guys, no one.
"Don't you know?" Sky asked, apparently reading off the girl's thoughts. "The stage is empty because all the workers are off holiday for their hard work. That's why I said the theater was free for all."
"But isn't this just plain trespassing?" (Y/N) asked sullenly.
"Why, I never," Sky said with a hand on his heart, "We are just interested people who revere the theater and are simply attracted to it. This is definitely not trespassing."
(Y/N) giggled, no matter what he said, this was really trespassing.
Sky smiled, delighted to get a laugh from (Y/N). He then dragged her to the stage.
"What-what are you doing?" (Y/N) asked.
"Why don't we get closer to the stage?" Sky asked, smiling, "Don't you like playing on the stage, facing the audience and giving your all?"
"Not really," (Y/N) mumbled as they have reached the stage and now have climbed over it.
"What was that?" Sky asked, who had finally let go of her and was now facing her.
"Nothing," (Y/N) reddened.
"I already heard you. You said in response of my idea about being on stage with not really, so does that mean you don't want to be on stage? Why? To be famous and praised, to always be the center of attention... you don't want that?" Sky asked.
(Y/N) was pretty sure that he would keep bugging her until she spilled, so she might as well as give out part of the truth.
"All my life, I was more of the fade in the type background, I never wanted to be famous but just live a normal life, doing something enjoyable, like writing," (Y/N) said wistfully.
"Then, how did you become a singer?" Sky asked.
"I liked music and sometimes I sing... so, my siblings thought it was funny to sign me up to X-factor," (Y/N) said slightly miffed at the memory.
"You have siblings?" Sky asked.
"An older sister, Alice and a younger brother, Carl. I was sure that Carl would do something like this to me, but Alice..." (Y/N) shook her head.
"So, you became a singer because of the X-factor. Let me guess," Sky said, clearing his throat, then went off in Simon Cowell's voice, "That was bloody fantastic. You have got the talent, the X-factor to be a star one day. It's a definite yes from me."
(Y/N) was shocked, "That's exactly what he said. How did you know?"
"I can read minds," Sky said with a smile.
(Y/N) laughed again, and Sky said, "It's good that you became a singer. It would be a shame to suppress this type of voice..."
"Thank you," (Y/N) said, used to the compliments.
"Well, since we are at stage and we have a talented singer at hand, how 'bout you give me a show?" Sky asked casually.
(Y/N) glared at him, "So, this is the reason that you brought me here?"
Sky's smile widened, "Can't see past a trick, you. Of course, I have been mesmerized by your voice ever since I first heard you sing... won't you sing something for me, my little songbird?"
"'My little songbird?'" (Y/N) echoed, repulsed.
"Why, your voice deserves that name, and Henry can call you Angel, but I can't call you that?" Sky rebutted.
"Well..." (Y/N) said.
"C'mon, sing for me.... can you sing me the one that you will sing for in the finals?" Sky asked in a more casual voice.
"What? I can't do that. Lyla will kill me, and you are my rival, I can't show you my weapons!" (Y/N) protested.
"Oh, seriously..." Sky said, "Well, if you must know, I just wanted to hear what you are going to sing... be the first one to be in the know. It gives off the powerful feeling, you know..."
(Y/N) crossed her arms, "Yeah? Too bad, I still won't."
Sky sighed and clearing his throat again, he said in a very cute voice, morphing himself to some puppy, "Please... you are so special, and I just wanted a taste of something special. I just wanted to hear the voice of the cute songbird, is it so much to ask? Please..."
God, being a sucker for the puppy look and that cute voice, (Y/N) ended up succumbing, "Just the chorus, alright?"
"Thanks a million," Sky said, back in his normal voice with genuine affection.
(Y/N) went to center stage and even with no lights, the girl seemed to be radiating her own, and in her own world, she spread her arms and sang the chorus.
It was an original, Run... run! A rock song that tells about the depressing life and wanting to run from it... finding something better after running from me.
Run... run!
For this isn't the end
For why do we have to live this way
So let's run!
Give ourselves wing
And soar to a better place...
She ended, and Sky knew... knew that there was no voice that could ever match hers.
And also that he held something so special that no one else will ever have. He would always remember this moment.
"Your turn," (Y/N) said.
"What?" Sky asked, sucked out of his thoughts.
"Play a character for me. I still love your ventriloquism," (Y/N) said.
It made Sky's heart soar to hear those words from her, and wanting to please her, he said in an electronic voice, "When Donald Trump was a kid..."
Then, he switched his voice into Donald Trump, "Those darn Mexicans... stealing my crayons!"
"What?" (Y/N) asked, thinking where was he going with this.
Then, back to the electronic voice, he said, "That's how Donald Trump became president and wanting to build a wall on the Mexican border, so they would stop stealing his crayons."
"Wha-" (Y/N) started, then laughed hard. Sky smiled, "Do you like it? I got it from some Pin in Pintrest."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, and wanted to say something, but was cut off by a "Hey!"
On stage with them was someone who looked like a janitor staring at them.
(Y/N) looked at Sky, and said, "Apparently, the place wasn't empty after all."
The janitor was approaching them with a scowl.
"And also not free for all," (Y/N) added.
"So? It was free for all a few seconds ago, and if it's not right now, there's one thing left to do..." Sky said.
"What?" (Y/N) asked.
"Run!" Sky said, and he snatched her hand as they ran together, despite the janitor screaming, "Wait!"
They were laughing together and Sky couldn't help thinking but 'Score one for this guy.'