To the victims

It was a stroll in the night, sighing to the cool air.

Her popularity was shooting through the roof. It would be another year here and then to another country that she will make a name for herself... again. Why did she have this type of life? She really never wanted it.

(Y/N) was nearly home, that she heard someone shout, "Wait!"

The voice was unfortunately indistinctive that she had yet to distinguish even if it struck a familiar chord.

However, it could be a crazed fan and it being a moonless night, the only light shining from dim lampposts, it was easier to just ignore the voice and went on her way.

"Hey, you going to leave ol' Archie himself, huh?" The voice called out again. This time, (Y/N) did a 180.

"Archie! Sorry, have to be careful these days, you know? You could be some crazy fan for all I know," (Y/N) apologized.

"You have crazy fans?" Archie asked.

"Sometimes. Being a pop star is hard," (Y/N) admitted.

"Yeah, why did you become a pop star anyway?" Archie asked, curious about everything about (Y/N).

"Complete accident," (Y/N) admitted to Archie, "My friends and siblings signed me up for X-Factor, and one thing led to another, so here I am... I had no idea I would be this popular..."

"If you had a choice, would you rather be something else?" Archie asked.

"I actually wanted to be a writer or a game developer, making otome games, but I don't mind being a popstar. At times, it can be fun. How about you? Would you rather be something else?"

"No," Archie said, as if the very thought was offending, "I always wanted to be a detective, ever since I read about Sherlock Holmes. He was so cool and collected. He was able to solve the mysteries no problem. I really like that about him. And I felt... I felt that I had that potential, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm sure people are saying that you are the next Sherlock Holmes, huh?" (Y/N) asked.

"And I take it as a compliment," Archie admitted.

"But what are you doing this late at night?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well... there's always this little something I do. ...Will you come with me?" Archie asked.

It was really late at night and she was about to go home, but (Y/N) had this insatiable curiosity and weakness to sad puppy type eyes, however faint, that was shimmering in Archie's eyes that look like some plead.

So, she agreed and was returned with a beaming Archie.


Archie was still beaming but (Y/N) had no idea why.

They were at a cemetery.

"Why here?" (Y/N) asked, with the least judgmental voice she could muster. To bring someone to the cemetery at the dead of night... was kinda morbid.

"Well, do you know that it's the 5th year anniversary of my parents' death?" Archie asked, almost casually except for the crack of his voice that suggested the brokenness inside of him.

"Your parents' death? You are an orphan?" (Y/N) asked, slightly sorry for him.

"Yeah... my parents were killed 5 years ago, and I was the one to discover their bodies. It was... awful. You know, my parents' death was one of the reasons I became a detective," Archie said.

"Really?" (Y/N) asked, in a way that meant, 'Go on.'

"Of course I was the first one to call the police, and they were so good at investigating, especially a detective that accompanied them. He was also calm and gentle to me when he interrogated me. During the investigation, I made a remark about it that went ignored, but not to the detective. He took me seriously and took my remark as a clue which was the decisive factor to solving the case."

"And the murderer was caught and sentenced. It felt so good seeing that. It gave me relief, and acceptance to move on. I still miss my parents, but I did move on and it was... great. Ever since, I tried becoming a detective, because I wanted to help the family and friends of the victim get the feeling of relief and happiness I have when the criminal gets his just desserts," Archie said.

"Wow... that is very... noble," (Y/N) said, amazed by the story.

"But it is still sometimes hard to move on at times so I make a habit of coming here," Archie admitted.

(Y/N) clapped her hand onto his shoulder.

"And what do you feel here?" (Y/N) asked.

"Like Mom and Dad are watching over me. That they are still here with me," Archie said.

"Because they are... in here," (Y/N) said, patting Archie's chest where the heart lay behind. Surprised by her sudden action, Archie backed away.

"Oh, sorry, was I being too forward? I was trying to follow the mood, I guess," (Y/N) said.

"No... I'm just surprised," Archie said, because the girl's hand on his chest stirred something within. It was a long time...

(Y/N) said nothing, and Archie did he same as they walked into a moonlit cemetery together until Archie stopped suddenly in front of a pair of graves.

"...These are my parents' graves," Archie said.

(Y/N) clasped her hands as if in prayer as Archie looked on. He did the same, sending his wishes to his parents.

"Are they watching over you?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

"Yeah..." Archie said.



Both didn't talk. It was kinda awkward. (Y/N), because she absolutely had no idea what to do in a situation like this, and Archie because he was deep in his own world in thoughts before coming back up to reality.

"Thanks for coming. Having someone with me makes it more special somehow," Archie said.

"Really?" (Y/N) asked in disbelief.

"Really," Archie said, "Thank you."

(Y/N) smiled, "No problem. This isn't my first choice of place to go, but hey... whatever's right up your alley."

Archie smiles back at the statement, as he said, "Next time, I promise to bring you to a better place than this."

"Sure," (Y/N) smiled and Archie couldn't help but feel his heart flutter.

Love... so illogical, and yet why was he feeling such a thing. He... he wanted to hang out with (Y/N) more, and understand... such a feeling. He was a detective, and as a detective, it was his responsibility to solve such feelings.

Maybe the first thing he needed to do was ask about... and gather information.

"Hey, (Y/N)... have you ever thought of a boyfriend?" Archie asked, before he wanted to slap his mouth shut. Idiot. Why did he say that?

(Y/n) just giggled instead, "Oh is the modern Sherlock Holmes whose supposed to be emotionless hitting on me?"

"Hey, I'm not emotionless. I have feelings too you know?" Archie said, almost hurt by such a statement coming from (Y/N)'s mouth and the way Archie said it, (Y/N) frowned.

"Oh, I was insensitive. I'm sorry. Of course you have feelings, otherwise you wouldn't mourn for your parents this much," (Y/N) said with a soft smile, and then approached Archie.

"If they were here... I wonder what they would want you to do? I hope it's something happy," (Y/N) said, nearing the boy with the soft smile still etched upon her face making Archie's hear melt.

"I'm sure my parents want the best for me, and they will tell me to accept your apology. So don't worry, I'm not mad at you," Archie said, a smile on his own forming at his face.

(Y/N) gave a small sigh of relief, before saying, "Thank goodness, I really shouldn't have been so insensitive, thinking you were flirting at a funeral and then saying you are emotionless."

(Y/N) gave off a dry laugh, but Archie can't help thought, 'But I was flirting with you...'

Really, (Y/N)... he can't wait to know more about her. It's been so long that he ever had someone who actually hung out with him and actually went with him to mourn for his parents.

'Thank you, (Y/N),' Archie thought, and that was the truth, for him, right now at this beautiful moment. And to give him slight more salvation to his parents.

'I will choose the right path, with someone special by my side.'