Chapter 2: The Arrangement

Sophia Hansen's POV

The car stopped after we were silent when I did not argue with my father. That was the reason why I left Denmark when I was 21 years old, fresh out of college and I wanted to explore the world.

He was a traditionalist and I was not objecting to it, it just… sometimes he can be unbearable. I sighed inwardly when the chauffeur was out of the car before he was opening the door to my father. I was smiling at him before I was waiting for him to get out.

"After you, my lord," I said just to annoy him. He glared at him before he slid out of the car. I chuckled inwardly as I know that my father was not that cold after all. He did laugh when I was younger but as time passed, he was distant and suffered loneliness again.

I think he did love my mother and his principle was that, if you love someone, you let them go to find their happiness.

I sighed when I slid out of the car and I was looking at the manor that I have spent my time when I was younger. I was an only child so I was always alone. Sometimes, I would play with my tutors that my father hired to homeschool me. He did not trust the public school system to raise me.

So, he did what he did best. He paid the best academia and I was being given the 5-star education. That's why I started college when I was only 16 years old and I did a double degree; Business Administration as well as Crime Forensic. Maybe that's why you see me around the world trying to solve crimes.

But my father has forbidden me to do Crime Forensic in Denmark because everyone knows who I was. I am the distant cousin of the current Prince and Princess of Denmark. I did not tell anyone outside of Denmark. Not Chris Virtanen.

Especially Chris Virtanen.

I was walking up to the mansion's front steps before my father was going inside the hallway. I was looking at the big parlor that was wide in front of me right now. I don't know what was going on but I saw the glimpse of myself playing hide and seek, the tutors were teaching me to dances and I was talking with my father when I was asking him a lot of question. He answered it patiently before my mother interrupted us.

I remember the day when my mother was still a permanent figure in our lives. When my father was smiling as he looked at my mother. She meant the world to him. And she betrayed him. The glimpse of memories was fading now when my father was calling after me.

"Come on, daughter. I don't have all day to do this," he said as I was sighing. His lord and his businesses. I think my father has been even more of a workaholic after my mother left him.

"Coming, father," I said before I was walking up the steps to his study room.

When I was younger, I loved to play in his study room and I would be reading a lot of books that would interest me.

Mostly crime thriller novels. My father was a fan of that. Maybe that's why I wanted to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes. I smiled before I was pushing the door opened and I saw there was a prominent figure inside the room.

And it was not my father.

"Well, is this your daughter, Arthur? She's such beauty than the pictures that you sent to us," the old man said in English as I was looking at him. He has blonde hair, judging by the fading color as well as the grey tint. His eyes were a vivid green, which reminded me of someone.

But who?

"Yes, she just got home from…where did you last went, daughter?" My father asked me English as we have the non-native speaker of Danish with us. I smiled at him before I was looking at the old man again.

"Switzerland, father. I have been traveling to Geneva most of the time, and Finland," I said in English before the old man that was listening to us perked his head.

"Finland you say?" He asked as his vivid green orbs were looking at me. I nodded.

"Yes, I was there for a moment but then I went to Italy to do some work there," I said as I was walking to the teacup before pouring myself and my father a cup. I was putting a cube of sugar into my cup and my father did not take any sugar at all.

He liked his tea bitter, I guess, like his soul.

"So, tell me more what are you doing in Finland," the old man said as I was chuckling at him.

"It has been a long time there. It was probably my first month of traveling Europe," I said as I was stirring the tea.

"So, I don't remember much," I said before I was sipping on the tea as I was sitting on the sofa. The old man chuckled before he was looking at my father. They were staring at each other before my father nodded.

I think they just had telepathic communication or something.

"Very well then. We will arrange for the arrangement now," the old man said as I was stopping in my action. I was looking at the old man before I was blinking my eyes.

"Excuse me for my rudeness, but do I know you? I kind of familiar with you but I cannot place where," I said as I was looking at the old man. He chuckled before he was sitting on the sofa across me. He stared at me before he was smiling at me.

"You can know me as Grandpa or Levine if you're uncomfortable to call me that yet," he said as I was blinking my eyes.

"I…I don't understand. Why should I call you grandpa?" I asked before my father stepped in.

"Because, Sophia, you will be marrying with his grandson," my father said before I was dropping my cup on the floor. The china smashed and I was feeling all the colors were drained from my face.

"I…marry…grandson…what?" I stammered as I was standing from the sofa. The old man, Levine or Grandpa, was standing too. My father grimaced when he saw that I smashed his expensive china.

Well, it was old anyway and I was in shock.

"I don't think I understand. You said that I will be marrying his grandson?" I said as I was looking at them both. They glanced at each other before they nodded. I was breathing heavily before I was rubbing my temples.

"Oh, Sophia, it was not that terrible. He's—"

"I think I need to go lay down. The jet lag was coming at me, bye," I said before I was rushing away from the study room. I cannot breathe. My father has me engaged to someone that I don't know. And I was not having this.

I will have to find a way to cancel all this.

Arthur Hansen's POV

"Well, that went well," I said as I was looking at my old friend, Levine Virtanen. He was looking at the door that my daughter just escaped before he turned to look at me.

"I can see why my grandson was infatuated with her. She's fresh air," Levine said as I was chuckled.

"And where is that elusive grandson of yours?" I asked him as we were sitting on the sofa. I occupied the sofa that Sophia first sat at. Levine chuckled.

"He's…around," he said as I was looking at him. I think this man was playing with me. I put my cup down before I was looking at Levine.

"Is he in Denmark?" I asked him as Levine was looking at me. His lips were plastered with a smirk that I knew too well.

"Maybe. Maybe not,"

"That's not an answer," I said as I heard him chuckled.

"Relax, Arthur, that man will show up and I know my grandson. He will do whatever I wanted him to do. You just have to make sure that he did not know that he was being played," Levine said as I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"I hope you're right in this plan of yours, Levine because I hate it when my daughter was hurt," I said as I was giving a warning to him. My friend chuckled before he was sipping on his tea.

"Oh, Arthur, you never knew what life holds for them both," he said as I was arching my eyebrow at him, asking for an explanation but he just stared out the window.

"I think the royalty will have something to look forward to," Levine said as I was thinking what the hell was that supposed to mean?!