Chapter 3: The Exile

Chris Virtanen's POV

I was looking at the window as the city was bustling and hustling underneath the hotel that I was sitting at right now. I sighed before I was sipping on my coffee. It was dusk now and I know that tonight will be busy as always.

Do you want to know what I did after I was getting away from that moment in time where I was in Switzerland? Well, I was exiling myself to the end of the world. And by that, I mean to the country that I was not known.

I was not the person that was once engaged to the Finnish Princess.

I was not the person that was trying to assassinate the Acting Queen of Finland.

I was not the person that was dangerous and needed to be watched.

No, I was done playing those parts. That's why I was asking my grandfather to trust me that I need some time to recover. It has been a month since that night where I disappeared from the grid. I don't need anyone to follow me.

But of course, everything was possible for Levine Virtanen.

I don't know what sorcery my grandpa used that he was able to find me. He said that I need to come home but I refused. I don't want to go home, I wanted to be left alone. Then, we compromised with each other.

"One month is all I'm asking. I just need to find myself, grandpa," I said as I was looking at my hands when I was sitting on the log that I was making camp before Levine Virtanen ambushed me.

I was looking at the fire before I turned to look at the vivid green orbs that were my grandpa's eyes. He was calculating and I know because I grew up seeing him doing wonderful stuff. What kind did you ask? Well, a little this and that.

But most of all, he was an ex-military veteran that showed me how to handle and defend myself. I never forget that rush that I have when I was learning those new skills that I have horned them.

And accidentally, used it on innocents because I was being controlled by my mad uncle. Or would I say the former king of Finland?

But now, he was safe and sound and secured. I was finally out of his clutches as I was asked to be a witness for his madness.

I did do it and I was not free from him.

I sighed before my grandpa was looking at the fire. I don't like it when he was staying quiet. He must be thinking something cynical in that little brain of his right now. And it was planned for me.

"Okay, but after one month, you will settle in Denmark," he said as I was turning my head to him. I blinked my eyes at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You want to be in exile, you do you. But for one month only. No more than that. And I will make sure that you will come out to Denmark if I have to drag you across the forest floor," grandpa said as I was looking at his green orbs. It held depth in them but I was not scared.

I am used to him.

I nodded as I know there was no argument with him right now. I was his grandson and considering that my parents were dead since I was young, he was my sole guardian, as well for Kai and Tyler, my cousins.

"Why Denmark?" I asked after I was listening to the crackling of the fire. Levine leaned toward the fire before he was holding out his hands to it. He smirked.

"Why indeed?" He said before I was glaring at him. My grandpa was smirking at me before I was pulling the blanket even more to my body. I did not have the complete set of the camping equipment but thanks to Grandpa, I was comfy for now.

"One month, Chris. And then, it's time for civilization," grandpa said as he was getting up from the log. The bodyguards were ready to depart as I was looking at my grandpa.

"Denmark as you said?" I said as he was arching his eyebrow at me.

"Is there something else that I asked you to be?"

"No, sir," I said before he was smiling at me. Not a happy one but a cynical one.

"I see you in one month then, grandson," he said as I was looking at his retreating figure with his 10 personal bodyguards.

One thing for sure, my grandpa loved to show off his bodyguards. I sighed before I was looking at the sky. It was twinkling with lights now. I smiled before I was closing my eyes and I was staring at the cities in front of me as the hot coffee was in my hand.

Copenhagen, Denmark.

It has been a few days since I was settling in the apartment that my grandpa arranged. If I don't know any better, it was one of his as well. I know, he loved to flaunt his wealth for his grandson as well.

I was looking at the horizon as the sun was dipping into it. I looked at my clock and it was time for the opening of my club. Yes, I did own some of my wealth back when I was still a man that was not in exile.

I have a hotel that was booming as well as a shopping complex. And right now, I was venturing into nightclubs outside of Finland. And of course, holding the last name of Virtanen, everyone knows who we are.

We are the owner of multi-dollars corporations from real estates to hotels, casinos as well as a shipping company. We exported and imported for the royalty of Finland. And that's how I was engaged to one Finnish Princess who was happily married now.

I shook my head before I was looking at the streetlights that were lighting up as I was sipping on the coffee. I know people loved to drink coffee in the morning but my mornings started at dusk, so I think it was appropriate.

I was putting the coffee mug down on the table as I was pulling my suit from the chair. I just unpacked my stuff when I was looking at my new look. I was not a blondie anymore.

I was a brunette but my eyes were still the same, the vivid green of Virtanen.

My name was Chris Virtanen but my employees know me as Mr. Vi or Vi if they are informal with me. I smiled before I was spraying some cologne that Sophia used to love.

Dunhill Blue.

It was her favorite but she was my past. I don't know why I cannot forget about her since she was betraying me but I was the one that runs away. I think we can call it even now. I sighed before I was shaking my head.

"No more of that now. This is a new home and your new life. You are starting fresh," I said to myself as I was staring at my reflection. I was taking a deep breath before I was nodding at myself.

"Let's go and make some money," I said as I was leaving the apartment. It was situated closer to the club that I have purchased through my family lawyer. I was pleased to know that I was not known and Sophia will never find me. I know that because I was off the grid.

I smiled when I was locking the door and headed out to the club. It was only 2 miles from my house so I walked.

After all, it was a good exercise for my legs.

I was gripping my coat as I was putting my hands in the pockets before I was looking at the club sign. It was 'Blue Bear'. I smirked as I don't know why I chose that name. It seems like there were no other names that much better than that.

But maybe because I liked it. Who cares? I am the owner so I got to choose the name.

I was into the club before I was looking around. The manager and some of the employees were here before I was nodding at them.

"Good evening, sir," the manager said in English. He knows that I was not Danish and so he talked to me in the universal language, which is English.

"Is everything up to date? No problems that will be forthcoming tonight?" I asked as he was nodding at me. He showed me the revenue that was for the other night. I nodded before I took the revenue sheets and I went to the office. I stopped on the balcony before I was looking at the employees.

"Let's make some money!" I said before they were shouting. I was walking into the office before I was unlocking it. I walked into the office as it was bare and minimalist. Only a black couch, my desk, and bookshelves to put my files and accounting ledgers.

I shrugged off my coat before I was staring into the night of Copenhagen, Denmark. I think being in exile did something to me; appreciating the civilization.

Only this time, it was for a woman that will come crashing my doors the least way I expected.